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Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted May 22, 2024 at 6:31 PM
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#145 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events

russia is planning to disconnect from global internet by the 11th of march. Iirc it's something they've been practising to do since 2014. They may manage to do it.
They're about to become like North Korea...

Whether or not Russia is going to do that, I don't know, but the documents linked in that tweet don't say that. It's about moving Russian domains to Russian DNS servers, a call to stop using javascript tracking code from other countries and to move hosting to Russia.
Here's a decent thread on it:

posted about 2 years ago
#762 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
dempseyMazepin officially banned from the British GP, wouldn't be surprised to see even more races follow suit. I'm surprised the reason the dude gets kicked out of F1 might be out of his control.

He's basically already gone because all daddy's money is locked up, inaccessible or gone, Uralkali won't be able to meet their sponsorship commitments and Haas won't want to be associated with a Russian oligarch in any way (anymore....).
I'd say good riddance because unlike Kvyat he doesn't seem to be a good guy or good racer, but I would have liked to see him try for a second season regardless.

posted about 2 years ago
#118 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events

nexta_tv❗️Steam has started rejecting requests from users in #Russia.

Can anyone confirm?

posted about 2 years ago
#109 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events Russian-based team will be invited to play in our events for the foreseable future
posted about 2 years ago
#146 - free server reservations in Projects

Would have been nice to have asked before sharing part of our private conversation. Especially since you wanted a person invading and disturbing matches banned (thanks for that report though).

I'll try to explain better, because I agree the Russian players deserve that much.

I do try to let be just a platform and let it stay out of politics as much as possible, whether those of real life or TF2 leagues. Which is why doesn't automatically copy league bans for example. Not for people saying bad words in RGL, being toxic or even cheating, that's between you and the league.
It's why for the first 9 years of operation we didn't have a ban list, and now we only have a tiny (and public) ban list consisting of basically DDoSers and match invaders. That specific match invader is already unbanned as well after a talk I had with them, as to not prevent them from playing competitive TF2 after a dumb mistake. (hoping he will behave now ;) )

The current situation with the Russian player base troubles me a lot. I'm extremely pleased with the amount of Russian and eastern european players that have found a cheap home for servers in over the years. Especially with the economic conditions and those with a brutal exchange rate (even more so now).

But with what's happening now I'm left with only poor choices. is a non-profit, funded by the community and with a small amount of free servers made possible by paying members. These free servers allow players with little money or a terrible exchange rate to play comp tf2 on their own servers and rules. Switching to a fully paid model would screw over these people (e.g. Turks) and lock out Russians completely from making reservations. Keeping the non-profit model while being unable to accept payments from the largest base of "free" users seems unfair to me for those that do pay.
And expecting Russians to evade sanctions on their end, to pay me, a European, who has to evade sanctions on their end to receive payment is not something I'm willing to deal with or ask of them.

So this is the shitty compromise I've ended up with. Russians (excluding those who already had premium), can no longer use the website and make reservations. But they can play on the servers, they can ask a Euro or other non-Russian friend to make a reservation for them. Premium users can make multiple reservations for their friends as well, within reason of course.

crackbabydumpsterI couldn't find anything about the ban, did they actually just IP ban all of russia? That's so insanely stupid I hope there's something else happening? Does serveme think Putin and the Russian oligarchs reserve a tf2 server after planning out the invasion of sovereign nations?

Obviously not the reason for the ban, no. But consider this: Is there a single thing that would fix the problem? And if there's no single thing that would fix everything, should we do no single thing?
UEFA banning Russian clubs won't change anything. FIFA banning the Russian team won't change anything. The IOC banning Russian athletes won't change anything. Banning Russian airplanes won't change anything. What about all of these and more?

posted about 2 years ago
#89 Russia Invades Ukraine in World Events
supraVitali Klitschko, ex-boxer and Kiev's mayor perfectly commented Germans' help:

Germany's position and level of assistance has changed considerably since the start of the invasion, especially yesterday.

posted about 2 years ago
#142 - free server reservations in Projects

Made some more updates on the web rcon stuff. Added auto complete for some common commands, e.g. execing league configs, changing map, kicking players.
Also added a !webrcon command to the gameservers, which opens the web rcon interface for your reservation. You can see both in action here:

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Can’t get G-Sync Working on Windows 11 in Hardware

Depends on the monitor, most older ones only support it through displayport, so I'd try the displayport cable first for your model.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Can’t get G-Sync Working on Windows 11 in Hardware
BrockArieIs the monitor connected through displayport to the GPU and are you using an nvidia GPU? (which model?)
Yea it’s through displayport, and it’s a RTX 3070ti. I am using a 2.0 HDMI

It's either connected with a displayport cable or an HDMI cable, which one is it?

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Can’t get G-Sync Working on Windows 11 in Hardware

Is the monitor connected through displayport to the GPU and are you using an nvidia GPU? (which model?)

posted about 2 years ago
#2 not secure in TF2 General Discussion

I've sent him a message and he's working on it.

It's fixed \o/

posted about 2 years ago
#141 - free server reservations in Projects
24Holy cow, that's amazing. Kinda kills my idea, but I may have some more up my sleeve.

This basically means that serveme is a mirror of nfo or tragic, and that's great.

Yeah your post gave me the motivation to take another swing at this. :)

posted about 2 years ago
#139 - free server reservations in Projects

Worked on some site updates....

First and foremost, RCON through the site (also shows a live log of what's happening on the server):

Second, some more dynamic content. Here's a little video showing the new reservation page that live updates its info.

This also shows off the new status messages at the bottom of the page. There's now also an indicator to show your server is updating if it was outdated due to a TF2 server update and the SDR connect info refreshes automatically as soon as it's ready.

posted about 2 years ago
#734 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic

What a shit show.

I'd like a soccer style referee to make calls during the race, not this post-race F5 nightmare.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 Deteriorating quality of TFTV twitch experience in The Dumpster
sciriosMost of you probably don't have an interest in spamming or typing garbage into TFTV's twitch chat but I do.

So close to self awareness

posted about 2 years ago
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