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Signed Up August 1, 2016
Last Posted July 20, 2023 at 4:51 PM
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#14 Early details announced for Copenhagen 2020 LAN in News


posted about 4 years ago
#3 Spoons choose your own adventure in Off Topic

A nice cold glass of water to keep you going.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 Future possibilities in Off Topic
samiface_KermitWiethoofdSoldiera constant state of decay. Especially in the competitive sceneEhm: BTSTF2 2020, Copenhagen Games 2020, most likely i67, RGB5, Polish and Russian LANs will happen again.
Maybe off-topic but do you know if the venue for CG20 will be the same as last year?

for real that was a sick venue and a great event

Staff know as much as you guys atm :/

posted about 5 years ago
#5 ETF2L S34 W2: Ora Elektro vs. wer das liest ist doof in Matches

Sorry to the Ora boys i shouted at at the end of the cast, don't hate me :(

posted about 5 years ago
#48 Insomnia65: Grand Finals in Events

That it would've affected communication with the stage, the host microphone audio and the crowd microphone audio were split into two lines so that we wouldn't feed crowd audio back to the stage PA system, it's possible that they decided to use that secondary line to send our comms back to the stage but I'd be very surprised since most of the communication the stage used was wireless, but if it is true then it's very disappointing that they didn't take communication into account since we made such a big deal about it after Copenhagen had pretty decent links between the TF2 production area and the CSGO stage production area. Hopefully we'll get a chance to go over these things and maybe we'll get answers then but it's a shame that crowd audio is still being overlooked by the stage crew like it was at i61.

posted about 5 years ago
#45 Insomnia65: Grand Finals in Events
klassyWanna bump this thread to say that the addition of a crowd microphone would make wonders for the online watching experience. I watched the stream from my hotel room and the lack of noise picked up from the crowd made the grand finals at first glance feel like an online final. If newcomers hear the hype of the crowd during insane moments like Sil's airshot it will probably be easier to distinguish hype moments more easily.

I don't want to say too much before we've had a chance to debrief as staff and as contractors with insomnia but a crowd mic was promised to us and supposedly set up however it was taken away from us building up to the final without a satisfying reason given to me, as head of production. Needless to say I was very disappointed when my audio staff told me this as I know very well that it's an important aspect of having a stage final. Thank you so much for the feedback though we can use every little detail to improve things in the future <3

posted about 5 years ago
#83 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion
nikkomodeDoes anybody know what teams will go? Not like Ascent.NA, like E.U. teams.
(also go laz)

You can see the list of currently signed up teams here on the toornament page:

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Insomnia 65 Staff Showmatch in Events
samifacedon't sleep on the eepily pick

Eepily's dodging the showmatch to "Spend time with family" or something

posted about 5 years ago
#80 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion

Hey PSA the short link isn't working right now but you can still access the page at

edit: should be working again :D

posted about 5 years ago
#21 Essentials.TF announces i65 fundraiser in News

Hey PSA the short link isn't working right now but you can still access the page at

edit: should be working again :D

posted about 5 years ago
#20 Essentials.TF announces i65 fundraiser in News
twiikuuThe Matcherino page is broken for me, it only does it for the i65 one (other tournament pages are fine). It reports this error if you feel like calling them up

Passed it onto our contact and they're working on it, cheers :)

posted about 5 years ago
#18 Essentials.TF announces i65 fundraiser in News

We're really close to our third goal of $1.5k, and there's not many signed posters left so if you were considering getting one you should soon!

Tweet here:

posted about 5 years ago
#31 Ascent.NA to prep with bootcamp for Insomnia65 in News
glassArchRhythmSo I'm not really sure what more we can do.every time i log on i scroll down to recent discussion and ignore everything else. maybe other people use the site differently, but that's why i haven't seen it. the only fundraisers i knew about were for ora and top5, since they're pinned. in the past, news posts have been pretty haphazard

Thanks for the feedback! We've had the newspost pinned now, a tad late I understand but it's something I'll bear in mind next time we have something like this going to have separate threads for events and fundraisers to maximize reach.

posted about 5 years ago
#77 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion
FunsI think I might be turning up on Sunday just after the last check in time (6pm), if so would anyone who’s leaving around then or even if not leaving be willing to quickly slip me their wristband so I can get in and then stay in the lan hall lol

We've had word from Player1/Belong that they're working on a solution for people arriving after check in for the final so you shouldn't need to sort out any wristband swaps or anything, but it doesn't hurt to have one just in case :)

posted about 5 years ago
#23 Ascent.NA to prep with bootcamp for Insomnia65 in News
zxpI feel like the fundraiser really hasn't been plugged enough. I had trouble finding it myself, as theres no official announcement thread even though its the biggest/most important fundraiser. Besides that it wouldve been nice to ask b4nny to plug it, given that he has the largest audience in tf2. Surely even though hes not playing himself he would be interested in giving this intercontinental event all the exposure it can get, for the sake of "growing" tf2.

I'm sorry you consider the fundraiser to be poorly promoted, It's a shame because a lot of work has been put into this by myself, Uberchain, soda and the rest of the content team. You say there isn't an official thread: here's the newspost for it which I've tried to keep bumped and up to date, I've also regularly been keeping the official i65 thread updated with news of the event and the fundraiser, we've had nearly daily tweets, had a stream promoting it and it even got a mention on the official Team Fortress blog. So I'm not really sure what more we can do.

We've had a setback in having to cut at least a portion of the fundraiser short so we can give Belong the money for the fundraiser as I know keeping it open as long as possible will help, we're working on making sure we can at least keep raising money for Ascent past the deadline this Friday, as always keep your eyes peeled on the official thread or our Twitter for news on this

posted about 5 years ago
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