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Last Posted October 21, 2016 at 4:53 PM
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#51 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
duderThe argument here shouldn't be about gun control - but it will be. The argument shouldn't be about what made this person do this, but it will be. I've already heard video games, facebook and reality TV being blamed. None of those things killed those people today. The guns didn't kill those people. They didn't decide to spontaneously fire their bullets into people. A very sick person made all those decisions. It was not "easy" for him to obtain firearms. In fact, Connecticut and New Jersey have extremely strict gun control, schools are a gun-free zone and the shooter was below the legal age to lawfully own guns. We don't need more control of guns, we need to make help for sick people more available, and more acceptable. Mental health in America is a taboo subject - if you openly talk about your feelings, you think you're going to be persecuted. The law failed everyone who was killed today, but not because it was done with a gun, but because the shooter didn't get the help he needed. He would have killed today, whether it was with guns, explosives, knives, poisons, or even his own bare hands. He didn't get the help he needed - we let him down as a society - but not because he got some guns, but because the underlying reasons or conditions that made him want to kill couldn't be treated in time.

Not that sick, though. Guns are an impersonal weapon, and a very non-intimate way to commit acts of violence. It is much harder to attack someone with a knife than it is to shoot someone with a gun. Without guns, the attacker would need a whole new level of psychosis to attempt the same thing.

Not that I'm saying you're wrong though. The only reason China and Japan have such extreme control over firearms is because the government actively purged the country of any firearm they did not control. That would require a level of governmental authority that half the U.S. would balk at.

It may not have been easy to get the guns, but it wasn't that hard either. Legally, yes, it can be difficult to obtain a gun. But each new gun issued isn't any harder to steal, borrow, or give away than, I dunno, a book or something. And without access to guns, the attack would most likely have not happened at all. Or, if it had, it would be more likely to end up as the China school crisis did, with no fatalities.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 CEVO team looking for Pocket+Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hiya. Z's Muney Krew is looking for a Pocket and Scout to play with us in season 1 of CEVO. We're all inexperienced players new to the league scene looking to get rolled, get better, and have fun.

Currently the team is:

Medic: zfx (Captain)
Soldiers: ?(pocket)/blurr(roamer)
Scouts: Alleal/?
Demo: Happynazgul

We'd like to practice up over winter break, so the sooner we can fill out a roster the better. It's preferred that you be available mon-weds for practice and scrims, and if you're not sure feel free to talk to zfx about it.

So yea, if you haven't played in a league yet and are looking for a place to start, go ahead and add zfx to chat.


Hope to see those spots filled soon.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 How to get the old YouTube layout back. in Off Topic

I love you

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Scout looking for CEVO team in Recruitment (looking for team)

So with CEVO starting up alongside ESEA Season 13, I imagine a lot of people will be forming teams with friends and picking it up on the side.

If you need an extra Scout I'm your man.

I PUG regularly on tf2mix, but I have no league experience, and I'm relatively unknown to the community. I figured this less high-stakes league would be a good place to start.

I have strong gamesense and decent DM. I offclass regularly and am fairly successful with it.

My schedule can be a bit frustrating, which is why I thought a league running one match a week would be a good place to go. I'm available three or four nights a week usually, but those days change almost every week because of work. Also, I live on the west coast.

So yea, if you and your friends need an extra Scout, and are willing to help introduce a new player to the league scene, I'd love to tryout.

posted about 12 years ago
#42 New to TF2 in Q/A Help
W4spI tried pubbing and i dont mean to offend anyone but they seemed even worse then lobby.

Can someone give the IPs of some decent pub servers?

Pubs are not organized TF2.

Did they seem worse because you thought they were too chaotic to succeed in, or because you were already too good for them?

6's is a whole different beast from regular TF2, but pubs are accessible and easy to learn, and are a great place to start. Most of what you learn in pubs is about your classes abilities and limitations.

Pubs are chaos but experienced players can navigate it easily, and if you can't then you should spend some time learning to.

reillyAllealPub. Like a lot. At least a hundred hours. If you're brand new to Tf2 the last thing you should do is jump straight into comp.
Good luck.

Gonna disagree here. I played TF2 for ~30 hours before getting into comp, and I feel it was more beneficial than anything. I never gained the pub mentality, and really the only TF2 gamesense I know is competitive gamesense.

The only part of your post I find true is that it would be beneficial to learn about all the classes before getting into comp. There is no reason he couldn't learn everything else while playing comp. He'd probably learn faster even. Just while getting yelled at more.

Well I can only speak from my experience. I watched a ton of TF2 and pubbed a lot before I started playing newbie mixes. My first game I spent fumbling around, but the ones after I was outplaying half the coaches. I'm not claiming to be good, but I slipped right into 6's because of pubbing and watching TF2.

I don't think players bound for competitive play ever get pub mentality. They don't get satisfaction from beating on pubbies with pubby methods. They go find what's next and keep playing.

I suppose if you have people to play with it might be easier though. I did it all alone.

posted about 12 years ago
#36 New to TF2 in Q/A Help

I just skimmed the thread but everyone seems to be skipping the first and most important step to entering comp TF2:

Pub. Like a lot. At least a hundred hours. If you're brand new to Tf2 the last thing you should do is jump straight into comp.

Pub, learn your classes, their abilities, and how they interact with each other. Learn your maps and your pickups, learn your unlocks, find a main.

TF2's barrier of entry at any level is 90% gamesense and 10% DM. You need to learn to succeed in pubs before you learn to succeed in 6's or 9's

While you pub, absorb as much TF2 content as you can. Watch Sal's shoutcasts and all the livestreams on the site. Read guides and watch frag videos. Content like that will make you better as surely as regular pubbing will.

Good luck.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 MGE iT West in TF2 General Discussion
b33fThere is no ELO on the west server.

I know. There is a discussion about whether or not to add it.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 MGE iT West in TF2 General Discussion

I would prefer for MGE West to remain ELO-free.

I don't MGE as often as I should (it stresses me out), but I really think that MGE shouldn't be made into something more than a training tool. I go to MGE specifically to get destroyed by people way better than me, and I don't want them refusing to fight me because my ELO isn't high enough. It's practice whether you're fighting good players or bad ones, and there's always something to learn.

I understand that some people like 1v1s, but it's not quake or UT. MGE exists to play and practice only one part of TF2, and shouldn't be made into an end to itself. I don't remember what weapons the iT MGEs ban but I know I don't want to deal with more DH Sollys/LL Demos trying to inflate their rating than I have to.

posted about 12 years ago
#117 New iT! Server - What do you people want? in TF2 General Discussion

Only runs rush and beef
Finally we can be free of those maps.

posted about 12 years ago
#29 Getting better at sniping in Q/A Help
mghughlaurieas a top sniper in highlander i mainly just pub sniper a lot and i mostly play payload or koth. pubbing imo is basically the exact same as highlander since you're facing all the same classes.

i don't snipe in mge or dm since i don't really find it that helpful.

being good at sniper is really useful for 6v6 aswell for when you need to push or defend last on certain maps

I agree with this. My favorite thing about Sniper is that it's the same wherever you go. Sniping a good player and sniping a bad player aren't much different.

My favorite part about pub sniping is learning to deal with other snipers. An F2P machina sniper watching a choke isn't hugely different than a good Sniper watching a choke. Payload is good for learning how aggressive you can get as well.

Bloodsire's video is really good too. He talks about how running a sniper affects the 6's meta, and how both teams need to adjust to compensate. I think he was eaten by a spider at the end though.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 should i j/o before lan in Off Topic

Channel the sexual energy into your ubers to empower your teammates.

It will almost definitely work.

posted about 12 years ago
#60 ESEA-Orang-eXplosion in TF2 General Discussion
loljkI agree with wareya, I think a lot of people are over simplifying the issue at hand. The issue at hand is not simply that extine is greedy and other people are not. The issue is that by having casters cast for free, extine is obsolved of any bargaining chips he may have held to strong arm esea into agreeing to pay for expenses. I believe the other casters didn't decide to cast for free to intentionally spite/undermine extine but simply due to a communication error, where extine believed he had solidarity in his cause. Where as the other casters were simply unaware of extine's plan to lobby esea. So no one is at fault the only fault lay in a communications error where extine believed one thing and the casters believed another.
My only criticism of extine is that he could have expressed himself after his frustration died down. If anything he should have made the vlog but never uploaded it.

This is what I took from it. eXtine feels robbed of an opportunity to coerce ESEA into contributing more to the coverage of TF2 LAN and subsequent growth of the community. Only miscommunication ruined the opportunity, and nobody is really at fault.

While I do think he could have waited until he was less frustrated, I don't think there's anything wrong with making the vlog. I think drama is a healthy way for a community to grow, and getting opinions out there allows the community to examine them for themselves, and determine a course of action as a whole.

posted about 12 years ago
#65 How long ago did Chess club stop caring? in TF2 General Discussion
thorn_badgersJust because you have a low chance of winning LAN doesn't mean you shouldn't show up. TF2 is a game, made for fun. It's like all some people care about is winning, I'd have so much fun going to LAN even finishing 4th. It'd be fun to meet my team in person, along with many others.TF2 is made for fun, so if you're not having fun, why play? Also, it IS only a game, which is why real life comes first.

More than a game, it's an esport. That's why we're all here. I don't like the attitude that compares esports to normal games. If I buy tickets to a soccer game I expect both teams to show, up to standard and ready to play. If I donate to an esports team I expect the same. When you become invested in an esport it's no longer separate from your 'real life.' You've made an obligation and should fulfill it.

I'm not directly commenting on the Chess Club's situation, as I don't know the circumstances or the players, but if this type of attitude exists at Invite level then I have a problem with it.

posted about 12 years ago
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