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Country Portugal
Signed Up April 10, 2014
Last Posted October 3, 2016 at 10:32 AM
Posts 148 (0 per day)
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#1 Looking to learn how to program in Off Topic

So ik this gets asked a lot in the internet but when I search it I get a lot of mixed opinions. Basically looking for a experienced programmer who can answer some questions on steam , someone who knows about game development and stuff like that is preferred , so if one of you guys out there think they can answer some questions just hit me up on steam

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Steam Music in comparison to other music players? in Off Topic

Started to use Winamp, i really like it! If someone is looking for a music player this one is really good

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Steam Music in comparison to other music players? in Off Topic

So what is your thoughts about steam music and if you guys think if it will ever replace the other music players out there
Also how does it affect in game fps compared to other players?

I think its nice cuz its simple and if you use steam overlay its quite easy to access ( at least with my steam skin)
Only got some simple complains like sometimes the music gets stuck at the end and it doesn't automatically change to the next some, also one of my songs goes into slow motion when I play it through steam music , doesn't happen when I open with VLC or with my mobile so I assume its because of the player.

Another thing I would like to see implemented is a way to not separate my songs by Albums, only does it in some songs tho even if I remove all the song properties and info

If you guys think it sucks or know a better one tell me , looking for the most simple (but still functional) music player

posted about 9 years ago
#14 rollout thread in Videos

we needs SDB's opinion

posted about 9 years ago
#80 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization

I was using Comaglias config and saw my game (not the hud tho) was looking like it was low res, maybe this was intended but i find it hard to aim long range with it so what is the command to take that off?

edit: found it , it was mat_viewportscale , just set it to 1 to bring it back

posted about 9 years ago
#77 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization
ComangliaAleXComangliaAleXSorry if this has been asked before, but out of all configs atm , which one will make my game look the worst? Using an AMD btw.
a lot of the things that make your game look exceptionally shitty, go way beyond CFGs, you'll need VPKs and Scripts.
Can i get some examples? Would be good if they could work in sv_pure 2 (works fine in sv_pure, destroys the sniper scope though) (works fine in sv_pure)
about half way down the 1st post you seen clean tf2 doesn't fully work on sv_pure, but definitely makes textures look flatter. (the 3rd picture would be what you see on sv_pure 2) afaik preloading doesn't work anymore

My potato/toaster cfg is about as awful looking as tf2 can get with just a cfg
DanpixedTry the Old School Pack
PrismHud is a good option
Flat Textures won't help your framerate but looks ugly none the less.

Thanks for all your awnsers! Will use them

posted about 9 years ago
#74 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization
R4ndomAleXSorry if this has been asked before, but out of all configs atm , which one will make my game look the worst? Using an AMD btw.
Do you just want the game to look worse or do you want to get more fps?
The config that makes the game look the ugliest to me is Comanglia's potato PC config.
Are you using an AMD cpu AND an AMD gpu?

Want the game look the worst possible , fps are optional , also using AMD cpu and gpu

posted about 9 years ago
#72 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization
ComangliaAleXSorry if this has been asked before, but out of all configs atm , which one will make my game look the worst? Using an AMD btw.
a lot of the things that make your game look exceptionally shitty, go way beyond CFGs, you'll need VPKs and Scripts.

Can i get some examples? Would be good if they could work in sv_pure 2

posted about 9 years ago
#70 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization

Sorry if this has been asked before, but out of all configs atm , which one will make my game look the worst? Using an AMD btw.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Alternative to ati tray tools? in Customization

made my tf2 profile private and it still wont work
been trying to get this working for 6 months

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Alternative to ati tray tools? in Customization

I tried Radeon Pro but it didnt change anything , tried the registery method and nothing worked

posted about 9 years ago
#4197 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
MightyLittle broeselhud font edit:
Show Content
I would honestly completely restyle broeselhud, if it weren't for the fact that everything you can find on the internet about TF2 huds are either very vague, or are incomplete hud tutorial series where people promise to finish it off but then barely even get past explaining how to move your ammo.

I opened the .res file where the main menu is, and I had no clue what the hell that was. I searched and this was the best I found:

seriously, us hudmaking virgins need better resources.
More importantly, how the f**k do people like omni and collycat create huds despite all the extremely vague resources???

Well Advanced hud manager is on the way and if you see rays tutorial on making a hud you'll get an idea on what a res file will look like and how to edit them , then use doodlesstuff to find what each res file edit and poof , you can get the hang of it with practice

Also i dont belive omni and collycat know EVERY res file and every line , tbh if you know what each variable like xpos , fgcolor , etc.. does and you practice editing huds every so often you'll get the hang of it. If alot of us know 649 pokemon names (sorry only played till Gev V) , and each ones type , and can state 1 or more moves each pokemon WILL learn , + knows the name of every region and each gyms layout (srry im a nerd) I think we dont need 5 scientists designing a fully complete hud making software

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Hud help in Customization
omniAleXCant you make the text box smaller in the right side , make the text oriented to the left and have the percentage hidden?
If you aligned it left, it would cut off at different percentages. 0%, 10% and 100%, for example, would be cut off differently. You could in theory align it to the right and cut it off that way, but that's if you want the text aligned right.

Oh ok thanks for the quick awnser ,also is there a way to put a huds uber meter in another hud? Im interested in Hudas's Charge meter and use it in Notohud, I can keep the green color if needed , just want the positioning in the bottom of the screen

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Hud help in Customization

Cant you make the text box smaller in the right side , make the text oriented to the left and have the percentage hidden?

posted about 9 years ago
#60 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization

I would like to have a way to change closed captions, a way to add your own crosshair from a VTF , also i dont know if it is there already but a way to change some animations , like make the ubercharge meter flash 2 or more colors when filled

posted about 9 years ago
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