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Signed Up August 4, 2017
Last Posted April 28, 2022 at 10:16 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ⋅⋅ 62
#4 rgl qol plugin in Q/A Help
Hedgewell, it's january now...
I would prefer if a required plugin doesn't decide when my server shuts down!!!!

Edit: I was able to work around this by monitoring the server process and automatically restarting it when it shuts down. I think you could also alias sv_shutdown


posted about 3 years ago
#2 rgl qol plugin in Q/A Help

remove it, make an issue on the github

nothing you can do without compiling it yourself :/

also, it looks like the plugin hasn't been updated since December 8th?

posted about 3 years ago
#11 Introducing demoticks.tf in Projects
Bv But as far as I can tell it only supports RGL as well right?
I actually stopped doing player data requests synchronously some time ago I just completely forgot about it so I could just implement rgl again.

Yes, it only supports RGL, as ETF2l already has a robust API and there's no reason to make one myself.

Bv And about open sourcing it: While I do understand why, especially for this kind of project it is important to open source it, I'd like to work on it for a couple of months longer before I do so.

Understandable. Sometimes it's just not what you want to do.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Introducing demoticks.tf in Projects
BvYes rgl isn't supported because their api can sometimes take forever to respond and it's currently also hosted on some temporary site.

payload.tf currently hosts an API to gather player data.

read more about it here

The average response time is still ~5 seconds, however it's sometimes quicker than the rgl page itself.

Also is this on GitHub? If not, you should open source it!

posted about 3 years ago
#12 how do i get rid of this shit in Q/A Help

holey shit no one cares about your browser just pick one and be done with it, its not a 'who is better' its 'do i want to use it'

posted about 3 years ago
#36 Phoenix Red announces GGtoor Locked (down) & Loaded in News

Honestly with all of these security issues in play, I'd really hope GGTor completely scraps their website and start fresh.

This is web dev 101. You cannot get user authentication and authorization wrong, ever. Doing so could cost anyone millions of dollars in damage and legal fees if circumstances are correct. I cannot ever think of an organization to do such a thoughtless action, and this was intentional. There's not one bit of tutorials out there that will teach you this is how to do authentication. This was a conscious decision from their team, and it's here to haunt them.

I'm in no way blasting GGTor, I really hope this gets to them as constructive criticism. It's not easy building a large platform, and not easy to build one fast. That's why we have frameworks and packages to help us build quickly.

I would emphisize to GGTor that their current structure should be abolished in favor of a complete rewrite. I don't want to ever see that light of what would hopefully be their old backend, and I wish for them to do everything over from step 1 with the correct and well-secure methods we have available now-a-days. I really really hope that they find more flaws in their system so that it can be patched, because this as the first thing we notice? I'm really thinking there's more to it than just user passwords we can change.

Please, for the love of God, let this be a message to GGTor and their engineering team. May this be a message of construction rather than demolision.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 Phoenix Red announces GGtoor Locked (down) & Loaded in News
AgroThanks again. Passwords are currently encrypted

Not if you can display them. Notice how every other website does not show your password but rather just a change password field.

No, passwords can only be encrypted on the backend, and if ever done on the frontend, is a huge security flaw.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 trends.tf - TF2 stats collected from logs.tf in Projects

Gotcha, there's so much credit now everywhere lol.

To answer the web design help, try to use programs like AdobeXD or Figma. Both are free too!

posted about 3 years ago
#2 trends.tf - TF2 stats collected from logs.tf in Projects

Looks straight out of 2010, but the details and the data are phenominal. Great job on this!

You may be intriuged to port into DigitalOcean and their App platform. The CI/CD as well as horizontal/vertical scalability is amazing for these types of projects - you just won't be able to run a local SQL DB in this environment, but you could just run a Droplet for an additional $5 or an AWS instance for free (for up to 12 months) or GCP (for up to 12 months) I have some credit I can send your way if you wish to experiment with this.

Looking forward to how this project grows!

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Bad routing to chicago servers + somewhat high ms in Hardware

lol I see comcast

posted about 3 years ago
#2 TFTV wants YOU to join our staff! in News

Is it still true you get the hidden 5th nerd star when you are a TFTV staff member?

posted about 3 years ago
#21 66 Tick MGE in TF2 General Discussion

Oihguv server is up in New York for the time being.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 server request in Requests

New IP: mge.elo.associates

Same as before, but hosted in NY for now.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Moving mouse causes TF2 to drop 20-30 fps in Hardware
DrHappinessAimIsADickHow expensive is your mouse? If it's not that expensive, I'd just replace your mouse in general. This issue sounds like an issue with the mouse itself.
It isn't that expensive so I can get a replacement. But whats weird is that this is a fairly recent issue (at least in the past 3-4 months) and has gone through 2 of the exact same mouse. It seems like it may be an issue with the PC than the mouse but if all else fails I may just replace it.

I'd test your mouse on a separate computer first before proceeding to buy a new mouse. I couldn't read all of the info, but when my mouse "died", I just re-installed my driver from the manufacturer and it worked fine. So I would do these first before doing anything else.

I also had to "apply" changes to the mouse before it worked, so maybe change something about the mouse? I don't know how logitech has their software set up so I don't know if this could be a solution.

posted about 3 years ago
#300 Logs.tf match stats in Projects
sirI keep geeting HTTP Server response 429 when trying to get the json from the logs

a 429 means you're sending too many requests (https://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html)

Not sure if this is something that is on your end or the server's end, because I don't see anything that is making more than 1 request every x seconds.

When I went through the logs.tf api python code, I didn't see anything that resembled a rate limiter, but Flask may add one by default that I couldn't catch.

My advice is to do either 50 or 75, because under the hood it may be calling functions that use rate-limiting.

I never had an issue when testing in Postman with this endpoint, but I haven't tried in a few months. I'll come back to this if I find anything.

posted about 3 years ago
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