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Round CExImageButton
posted in Customization
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I've been digging through what seems to be the entirety of the internet but I can't find my answer, so hopefully somebody here knows. How can I get a CExImageButton to have rounded corners? Thanks in advance!

I've been digging through what seems to be the entirety of the internet but I can't find my answer, so hopefully somebody here knows. How can I get a CExImageButton to have rounded corners? Thanks in advance!
1 Frags +

depends if its even doable. if you want to add rounded corners to comp update matchmaking menus(IE large find game button) i dont think its possible, but if you want rounded corners for regular buttons you can overlay various elements to fake it.
I may be talking out of my ass so do keep in mind that adding rounded corners natively can probably be done...

depends if its even doable. if you want to add rounded corners to comp update matchmaking menus(IE large find game button) i dont think its possible, but if you want rounded corners for regular buttons you can overlay various elements to fake it.
I may be talking out of my ass so do keep in mind that adding rounded corners natively can probably be done...
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