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TF2 News Post: UGC League Winter 2016 is Starting.
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valve posts about hl but tftv does not lmao

valve posts about hl but tftv does not lmao
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Karlvalve posts about hl but tftv does not lmaoValvestarts January 11th for Highlander, January 13th for 6v6 and January 15th for 4v4

they're talking about ugc in general

[quote=Karl]valve posts about hl but tftv does not lmao[/quote]
[quote=Valve]starts January 11th for Highlander, January 13th for 6v6 and January 15th for 4v4[/quote]
they're talking about ugc in general
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fightthey're talking about ugc in general

Ah and it looks like the sign up link sends you to 4v4 info along with the image which is interesting

they're talking about ugc in general[/quote]

Ah and it looks like the sign up link sends you to 4v4 info along with the image which is interesting
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