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2015 eGO Arena Respawn Showdown
0 Frags +

If anyone is interested... Edgegamers is hosting an Arena Respawn Tournament!

This event is taking place on January 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2015.
Teams of five will compete against each other in a ladder-match style tournament.

Rules & FAQ

Sign Ups Thread

Sign ups end on January 16th.

If anyone is interested... Edgegamers is hosting an Arena Respawn Tournament!

This event is taking place on January 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2015.
Teams of five will compete against each other in a ladder-match style tournament.

[url=http://www.edge-gamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=278272]Rules & FAQ[/url]
Sign Ups Thread[/url]

Sign ups end on January 16th.
-10 Frags +


10 Frags +

6s please

6s please
13 Frags +

oh man a community sponsored tournament
better -frag huh boys

oh man a community sponsored tournament
better -frag huh boys
11 Frags +
collwroh man a community sponsored tournament
better -frag huh boys

Yea kinda sad but AR is just not the right gamemode and I don't understand why they are trying so hard to make it a thing.

[quote=collwr]oh man a community sponsored tournament
better -frag huh boys[/quote]
Yea kinda sad but AR is just not the right gamemode and I don't understand why they are trying so hard to make it a thing.
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