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Demo Viewing Issues
posted in Q/A Help
-3 Frags +

So up til recently, my demos were playing perfectly fine. Just a while ago, I started to have this problem where when I play the demo, weird stuff would happen. If it was my own demo, my screen would be locked into looking at one direction, and my view would only update every time I pressed m1. For example, on a rollout in gullywash, I'd start in spawn, looking at the back wall. After 5 seconds or so, I would still be looking at the back wall, unable to change direction. Once I pressed m1, the view would immediately shift to where my player would be at at that particular moment in time, but the camera would still be looking in the same direction as before, in this example, towards spawn.

Additionally, when watching STV demos like of LAN or an ESEA match, I can't shift to any player views by pressing m1, even after I close the demoui and the match goes live. I've tried number keys, which don't work either.

I have a suspicion that my config MIGHT have something to do with it.

This is part of the config, if it helps.

alias +mate_forward "+mfwd"
alias -mate_forward "-mfwd"
alias +mate_back "+mback"
alias -mate_back "-mback"
alias +mate_moveleft "+mleft"
alias -mate_moveleft "-mleft"
alias +mate_moveright "+mright"
alias -mate_moveright "-mright"
alias +mate_attack "+attack"
alias -mate_attack "-attack"
alias +mate_attack2 "+attack2"
alias -mate_attack2 "-attack2"
alias mate_previousweapon "previousweapon"
alias mate_nextweapon "nextweapon"
alias mate_slot1 "weapon1"
alias mate_slot2 "weapon2"
alias mate_slot3 "weapon3"
alias mate_slot4 "slot4"
alias mate_slot5 "slot5"
alias mate_slot6 "slot6"
alias mate_slot7 "slot7"
alias mate_slot8 "slot8"
alias mate_slot9 "slot9"
alias mate_slot0 "slot10"
alias mate_call_medic "voicemenu 0 0"
alias mate_spray "impulse 201"
alias mate_toggle_netgraph "incrementvar net_graph 0 4 4"
alias mate_toggle_minmode "incrementvar cl_hud_minmode 0 1 1"
alias +mate_scores "+showscores;net_graph 4"
alias -mate_scores "-showscores;net_graph 0;timeleft"
alias +mate_rocketjump "+jump;+duck;+attack"
alias -mate_rocketjump "-jump;-duck;-attack"
alias mate_lastinv "lastweapon"
alias +mate_uberpop "mate_uberpop_msg;+attack2"
alias -mate_uberpop "-attack2"
alias mate_uberpop_msg "say_team ## POPPING UBER"
alias mate_uberfake "mate_uberfake_msg;voicemenu 1 7"
alias mate_uberfake_msg "say_team ## FAKING UBER"
alias mate_uberhide "voicemenu 2 6"
alias +mate_autoheal "-attack"
alias -mate_autoheal "+attack"
alias mate_goodnet "cl_cmdrate 67;cl_interp 0.0152;cl_interp_ratio 1;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_pred_optimize 2;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_updaterate 67;rate 60000;echo goodnet_enabled"
alias mate_badnet "cl_cmdrate 40;cl_interp 0.025;cl_interp_ratio 1;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_pred_optimize 2;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_updaterate 40;rate 35000;echo badnet_enabled"
alias mate_morenet "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 66;cl_interp 0.02;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_updaterate 66;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_interp_threadmodeticks 0;cl_pred_optimize 2;cl_interp_ratio 1;echo morenet_enabled"

alias +mate_joinclass "bind 1 mate_scout; bind 2 mate_soldier; bind 3 mate_pyro; bind 4 mate_demoman; bind 5 mate_heavy; bind 6 mate_engineer; bind 7 mate_medic; bind 8 mate_sniper; bind 9 mate_spy"
alias -mate_joinclass "bind 1 "undefined"; bind 2 "undefined"; bind 3 "undefined"; bind 4 "undefined"; bind 5 "undefined"; bind 6 "undefined"; bind 7 "undefined"; bind 8 "undefined"; bind 9 "undefined""

alias mate_scout "join_class scout"
alias mate_soldier "join_class soldier"
alias mate_pyro "join_class pyro"
alias mate_demoman "join_class demoman"
alias mate_heavy "join_class heavyweapons"
alias mate_engineer "join_class engineer"
alias mate_medic "join_class medic"
alias mate_sniper "join_class sniper"
alias mate_spy "join_class spy"

alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""

alias enable_autoheal "+attack
alias disable_autoheal "-attack

cl_autoreload 1

So up til recently, my demos were playing perfectly fine. Just a while ago, I started to have this problem where when I play the demo, weird stuff would happen. If it was my own demo, my screen would be locked into looking at one direction, and my view would only update every time I pressed m1. For example, on a rollout in gullywash, I'd start in spawn, looking at the back wall. After 5 seconds or so, I would still be looking at the back wall, unable to change direction. Once I pressed m1, the view would immediately shift to where my player would be at at that particular moment in time, but the camera would still be looking in the same direction as before, in this example, towards spawn.

Additionally, when watching STV demos like of LAN or an ESEA match, I can't shift to any player views by pressing m1, even after I close the demoui and the match goes live. I've tried number keys, which don't work either.

I have a suspicion that my config MIGHT have something to do with it.

This is part of the config, if it helps.

alias +mate_forward "+mfwd"
alias -mate_forward "-mfwd"
alias +mate_back "+mback"
alias -mate_back "-mback"
alias +mate_moveleft "+mleft"
alias -mate_moveleft "-mleft"
alias +mate_moveright "+mright"
alias -mate_moveright "-mright"
alias +mate_attack "+attack"
alias -mate_attack "-attack"
alias +mate_attack2 "+attack2"
alias -mate_attack2 "-attack2"
alias mate_previousweapon "previousweapon"
alias mate_nextweapon "nextweapon"
alias mate_slot1 "weapon1"
alias mate_slot2 "weapon2"
alias mate_slot3 "weapon3"
alias mate_slot4 "slot4"
alias mate_slot5 "slot5"
alias mate_slot6 "slot6"
alias mate_slot7 "slot7"
alias mate_slot8 "slot8"
alias mate_slot9 "slot9"
alias mate_slot0 "slot10"
alias mate_call_medic "voicemenu 0 0"
alias mate_spray "impulse 201"
alias mate_toggle_netgraph "incrementvar net_graph 0 4 4"
alias mate_toggle_minmode "incrementvar cl_hud_minmode 0 1 1"
alias +mate_scores "+showscores;net_graph 4"
alias -mate_scores "-showscores;net_graph 0;timeleft"
alias +mate_rocketjump "+jump;+duck;+attack"
alias -mate_rocketjump "-jump;-duck;-attack"
alias mate_lastinv "lastweapon"
alias +mate_uberpop "mate_uberpop_msg;+attack2"
alias -mate_uberpop "-attack2"
alias mate_uberpop_msg "say_team ## POPPING UBER"
alias mate_uberfake "mate_uberfake_msg;voicemenu 1 7"
alias mate_uberfake_msg "say_team ## FAKING UBER"
alias mate_uberhide "voicemenu 2 6"
alias +mate_autoheal "-attack"
alias -mate_autoheal "+attack"
alias mate_goodnet "cl_cmdrate 67;cl_interp 0.0152;cl_interp_ratio 1;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_pred_optimize 2;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_updaterate 67;rate 60000;echo goodnet_enabled"
alias mate_badnet "cl_cmdrate 40;cl_interp 0.025;cl_interp_ratio 1;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_pred_optimize 2;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_updaterate 40;rate 35000;echo badnet_enabled"
alias mate_morenet "rate 30000;cl_cmdrate 66;cl_interp 0.02;cl_lagcompensation 1;cl_updaterate 66;cl_smooth 0;cl_smoothtime 0.01;cl_interp_threadmodeticks 0;cl_pred_optimize 2;cl_interp_ratio 1;echo morenet_enabled"

alias +mate_joinclass "bind 1 mate_scout; bind 2 mate_soldier; bind 3 mate_pyro; bind 4 mate_demoman; bind 5 mate_heavy; bind 6 mate_engineer; bind 7 mate_medic; bind 8 mate_sniper; bind 9 mate_spy"
alias -mate_joinclass "bind 1 "undefined"; bind 2 "undefined"; bind 3 "undefined"; bind 4 "undefined"; bind 5 "undefined"; bind 6 "undefined"; bind 7 "undefined"; bind 8 "undefined"; bind 9 "undefined""

alias mate_scout "join_class scout"
alias mate_soldier "join_class soldier"
alias mate_pyro "join_class pyro"
alias mate_demoman "join_class demoman"
alias mate_heavy "join_class heavyweapons"
alias mate_engineer "join_class engineer"
alias mate_medic "join_class medic"
alias mate_sniper "join_class sniper"
alias mate_spy "join_class spy"

alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""

alias enable_autoheal "+attack
alias disable_autoheal "-attack

cl_autoreload 1
-2 Frags +

too many aliases

not sure about the pov demo thing but for stv/spec you'll need to append "spec_next" to the end of your mouse1 alias and "spec_prev" to the mouse2 alias

too many aliases

not sure about the pov demo thing but for stv/spec you'll need to append "spec_next" to the end of your mouse1 alias and "spec_prev" to the mouse2 alias
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