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Steam trade not loading.
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Hi, I've been having troubles with steam trade. Non of my inventories have been loading for over the past couple of days, maybe even a week. I have tried reistalling steam, yet there has been no change. Coincidentally, I have not been able to load comments on sites like net flicks and WSHH. Could there be a connection here? Am I possibly missing a driver on my computer? Thanks for the help, and happy new year.

Hi, I've been having troubles with steam trade. Non of my inventories have been loading for over the past couple of days, maybe even a week. I have tried reistalling steam, yet there has been no change. Coincidentally, I have not been able to load comments on sites like net flicks and WSHH. Could there be a connection here? Am I possibly missing a driver on my computer? Thanks for the help, and happy new year.
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Probably no connection, steam servers always get shit on by such huge updates like these, wait it out.

Probably no connection, steam servers always get shit on by such huge updates like these, wait it out.
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steam servers getting shit on from l4d2 becoming free, still

just hit f5 in trade until the inventory comes up

steam servers getting shit on from l4d2 becoming free, still

just hit f5 in trade until the inventory comes up
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