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My story with Alfa
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I've kept quiet about this situation because I wanted to retain some semblance of privacy. But with all the lies and rumors that are being spread by Alfa, and knowing he is going to try to blow something up tomorrow, I just wanted to address all the things that have been said. I want to set the record straight and finally tell everyone about my story. Thank you to those that stayed by my side throughout everything, and i'm sorry I never came out about this sooner.

Here is The Full Alfa story

I've kept quiet about this situation because I wanted to retain some semblance of privacy. But with all the lies and rumors that are being spread by Alfa, and knowing he is going to try to blow something up tomorrow, I just wanted to address all the things that have been said. I want to set the record straight and finally tell everyone about my story. Thank you to those that stayed by my side throughout everything, and i'm sorry I never came out about this sooner.

Here is [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tkuBAgHUiTzrgh_rvi4f6tpVLAqdHEQvzLC9BIVQVaw/edit?usp=sharing]The Full Alfa story[/url]
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not sure i get the point of locking one thread but not the other
edit: nvm

not sure i get the point of locking one thread but not the other
edit: nvm
This thread has been locked.