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SteamID64 76561198055712749
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Country United States
Signed Up December 31, 2022
Last Posted August 11, 2024 at 7:13 PM
Posts 45 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.25
Windows Sensitivity 0.75 (5th tick)
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G PRO
Keyboard Vortex ViBe with Durock T1 switches
Headphones Audiotechnica M40x
Monitor ASUS VG278Q
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#75 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion

why are you so angry

posted 1 month ago
#71 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion
acnologia1wall of words

posted 1 month ago
#7 Statues Script (Model Spawner) in Customization

Valve broke "setinfo" in a recent update, which caused aliases to break. I don't really know of a way around this so I've just removed it.

setinfo was used to allow suggestions to work in console as well as provide quick descriptions for aliases. It was just a QoL thing, so no real functionality removed from the script. I've tested it and everything seems to work fine now.

If anyone knows of a way to get setinfo working again with aliases, let me know

posted 1 month ago
#7 Spectre: Divide in Other Games

first impressions:

  • actually looks like a lot of fun, compared to other shooters in this vein
  • love the art style
  • UI looks like ASS

main concern is that it does the Thing that all other comp NvN fpses seem to do where they drop a new Agent/Champion/Hero/Class every 5 months. i doubt that this will be the exception but worst case i'll have fun for a while then drop it
if i get into the playtest i'll update the thread with my experience

posted 1 month ago
#9 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/18/24 (Summer 2024 Update) in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks Divine and xp, looks like using setinfo on an alias breaks the alias when it didn't before.
I don't understand why it's broken now though.

posted 1 month ago
#3 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/18/24 (Summer 2024 Update) in TF2 General Discussion

At least they're finally adding a bunch of community fixes. How long has it even been?


Disallow aliasing any existing convars that are not movement commands

does this mean what i think it means

Oh my fucking god it does.
Fuck these developers. My god. All of my aliases are broken. Map launch aliases, disconnect/quit aliases, cfg exec aliases. Fuck.

This appears to be due to setinfo. Aliases still work.

posted 1 month ago
#49 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion
plumIn an ideal world RGL invests into making prec-64bit because it is good for the community and for their league.

P-Rec only worked on VAC-enabled servers because it was manually whitelisted in TF2's code. An update to P-Rec would require a Valve employee to verify the code was not malicious and then whitelist the new version of it. In recent talks with community members, the remaining Valve employee still interested in working on TF2 stated he would not whitelist a new version, but instead update the in-game Demo Support feature to more closely mirror P-Rec's utility, so it's out of our hands.

Someone more knowledgeable in this area could probably offer more details, but I'm pretty sure that's the gist of it.

posted 1 month ago
#13 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion
SaphThis community will die out completely if we continue to let it be ran by people who don't play the game or don't actually care about being a part of the community besides when they're being edge lords and whiny nerds in random discord vc's (M17).

I agree that RGL has problems that need fixing, but I can't stand for direct slander of M17.

M17 doesn't play the game because he spends all his time doing shit for the community. Back when I started competitive TF2 in late 2022, I was playing Newbie Mixes in order to learn the game, and one of the most frequent coaches there was M17, second only to the head of the group (Rogue I think). He was there week after week, constantly giving advice to new players and helping them grow.
After I grew out of Newbie Mixes, because of a friend we had that became friends with M17, M17 then started also privately coaching our team. He spent countless hours reviewing shitty demos of scrims and trying his absolute hardest to give advice on how to help us grow as a team and as players. At the time (in a era), his map talks were the only modern low-level talks we could find on YouTube that gave us vital info on how to better position ourselves and how to react to plays.
His continued guidance helped us immediately jump into IM and place 11/22 in our very first season of RGL. WIthout him, I don't think we could've even scratched the top of AM. He even went above and beyond and kept on coaching us into our next season, providing personal demo reviews for each of us and giving us resources on who to contact in the event he felt he couldn't give the best advice.
During all of this, he's STILL coaching other teams and STILL doing Newbie Mixes every Friday; he was genuinely a total workaholic. He put that addiction to work towards TF2; trying to schedule a demo review was difficult because he also had other teams he was coaching on top of other community stuff he was doing. He spent way more time reviewing demos than actually playing the game ON TOP OF also going to college ON TOP OF still doing all the shit I mentioned previously. Oh, and he helped run the Newbie Mixes Team Drive at least twice.
I say all this just to highlight how much of a fucking godsend M17 was for us and for many others in kickstarting RGL careers (and this is just my limited perspective of his work). To say he doesn't care about the community just doesn't line up with everything he's done and everything he continues to do.

But I also don't blame you for having this perspective as most of the interactions I've had with M17 from him speaking as an admin have been negative. Most of the cases usually boil down to him sticking to the rules too rigidly or needlessly involving himself in a situation that didn't require his involvement. He also can be excessively negative sometimes.

But TL;DR, it is just incorrect to say that M17 doesn't care about the community. He doesn't play the game because he puts all his free time and energy into the community. He's done more for this community than I can even recall and probably continues to do even more. Your impression of him does have some validity to it, but it doesn't recognize all the hard work he's done and continues to do. RGL and its admins do have many issues and some of them need to leave, but singling out M17 here is unjust.

TL;DR of the TL;DR

posted 1 month ago
#7 A Request for Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldwhat if im hanging out with my friends in another discord, i now have to go and add up to another discord channel just to wait for everybody to add up? and then you get the knock-on effect because of that where people dont add up until theres only a few people left needed to pug, and it just makes things take too long. and ESPECIALLY after all that, what if you were the first person added up and it takes half an hour or even longer to finally get 12 in the VC queue channel, you're so excited to finally practice scout and then you get random rolled onto medic, play a shit pug, and then pugs die. its just not worth it

As a member of the 4v4 PASS Time pug group, we used to have major issues with low player count. As a result, some days I'd be waiting for hours in a VC just for pugs to never run. I grew frustrated with this and eventually decided to talk to oog, who is the main developer of the open source pugBot.
He and his collaborators ended up adding a system for pugs where players could just type "/add 4" and add up for 4 hours (as in, they're available for pugs for 4 hours, not that they want to play for 4 hours) (inspiration from Good Shooting Pugs). They can "/remove" to be removed from the queue, and once the bot gets enough players for a pug, it pings everyone who added up. It's a phenomenal system. Below is an example:

It definitely alleviates some of the issues you have with pugs; it always struck me as strange that more servers don't adopt it.

posted 3 months ago
#3 * 4v4 PASS Time Draft Cup with Fireside preview in News

Absolutely phenomenal article and analysis from Shears! All these teams are extremely fearsome in their own unique ways, and you do a great job highlighting that. I honestly think this will be the most heart-pounding 4v4 PASS Time played yet, easily surpassing the RGL cups. Can't wait for the matches (in which WBALLSTARS will easily sweep the competition ofc)!

posted 3 months ago
#8 new alfa doc in TF2 General Discussion

Ichigo's Intro | BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War | VIZ

i remember back on alfa's previous stream regarding this before he started talking about the documents he watched an hour (?) long playlist named "TATAKAE" (that he made) full of anime clips like this one
the main character syndrome is so severe

posted 3 months ago
#2 Lawena 2.0 in Videos

Tried to use Lawena for the first time a couple weeks ago, so my issues are (iirc):

  • Can't output recordings outside of the 'tf' folder
  • Generating VDM files is a total pain as it's all manual work. Something like Melies where you can generate VDM files based off of an _events.txt file with custom "Ticks before clip" and "Ticks after clip" would be pretty sick
  • Default resolution when first launching is 1280x720
posted 4 months ago
#7 cant use voice chat in Q/A Help

delete voice_ban.dt in SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf

posted 4 months ago
#58 MAJOR TF2 update for 4/18/24 (Windows/Linux x64) in TF2 General Discussion

apparently there were changes to the cvar list, some of which i found pretty interesting. link to total changes available here

  • fps_max default from 300 -> 400
  • m_rawinput now defaults to 1
  • a lot of commands were added for the direction and angle of sounds, including a command to override the sound device
posted 4 months ago
#5 MAJOR TF2 update for 4/18/24 (Windows/Linux x64) in TF2 General Discussion

did they update demo support yet to mirror prec's features yet?

posted 4 months ago
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