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New fix for HUD animations freezing on respawn
posted in Customization
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I believe I've found a fix for the bug where animations like the health overheal/low hp effects are frozen when the player dies or respawns. It's slightly harder to implement and is a bit resource-demanding, but from my own testing it's completely eliminated the issue.

Instead of the animation calling for the loop event after it ended, as soon as the player enters a state of low hp/overheal, it runs two events that will continually loop. Everytime one of these events are run, it then runs a separate "main" event that plays the animation and, when finished, will call to reset just before the next loop starts it over, thus making it seamless. Coupled with mastercoms' fix, the issue shows up much less often.

// this should be used with the hudsnapshotreminder trick for maximum effect

event HudHealthReset
		// put the animation that resets the health to how it should look by default here

// ====================
// ====================

event HudHealthBonusPulse			// main event, don't rename it
	RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1 0.0

event HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1
	RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseMain 	0.0
	RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle2 	0.25 	// duration of the animation

event HudHealthBonusPulseCycle2
	RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseMain 	0.0
	RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1 	0.25	// duration of the animation

event HudHealthBonusPulseMain
		// put the animation for the overheal state here

	RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.2498 		// duration of the animation - 0.0001s
										// (this can be increased to 0.0002s just to be sure)

event HudHealthBonusPulseStop
	StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1		0.0
	StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle2		0.0

	RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.0 		// acts as a safe net just in case animations still break

// ====================
// 		LOW HP
// ====================

event HudHealthDyingPulse
	RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1 0.01	

event HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1
	RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseMain 	0.0
	RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle2 	0.25	// duration of the animation

event HudHealthDyingPulseCycle2
	RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseMain 	0.0
	RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1 	0.25	// duration of the animation

event HudHealthDyingPulseMain
		// put the animation for the low hp state here

	RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.2498 		// duration of the animation - 0.0001s
										// (this can be increased to 0.0002s just to be sure)

event HudHealthDyingPulseStop
	StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1 		0.0
	StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle2 		0.0

	RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.0 		// acts as a safe net just in case animations still break

I've only made it for low HP and overheal, but the concept is similar for medic's uber and low ammo.
If you implement it in your own HUD, let me know if this fix works!

EDIT : Extra comments in the code.

I believe I've found a fix for the bug where animations like the health overheal/low hp effects are frozen when the player dies or respawns. It's slightly harder to implement and is a bit resource-demanding, but from my own testing it's completely eliminated the issue.

Instead of the animation calling for the loop event after it ended, as soon as the player enters a state of low hp/overheal, it runs two events that will continually loop. Everytime one of these events are run, it then runs a separate "main" event that plays the animation and, when finished, will call to reset just before the next loop starts it over, thus making it seamless. Coupled with [url=https://www.teamfortress.tv/43786/fix-for-lingering-hud-animations-on-death]mastercoms' fix[/url], the issue shows up much less often.

[code]// this should be used with the hudsnapshotreminder trick for maximum effect

event HudHealthReset
// put the animation that resets the health to how it should look by default here

// ====================
// ====================

event HudHealthBonusPulse // main event, don't rename it
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1 0.0

event HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseMain 0.0
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle2 0.25 // duration of the animation

event HudHealthBonusPulseCycle2
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseMain 0.0
RunEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1 0.25 // duration of the animation

event HudHealthBonusPulseMain
// put the animation for the overheal state here

RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.2498 // duration of the animation - 0.0001s
// (this can be increased to 0.0002s just to be sure)

event HudHealthBonusPulseStop
StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle1 0.0
StopEvent HudHealthBonusPulseCycle2 0.0

RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.0 // acts as a safe net just in case animations still break

// ====================
// ====================

event HudHealthDyingPulse
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1 0.01

event HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseMain 0.0
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle2 0.25 // duration of the animation

event HudHealthDyingPulseCycle2
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseMain 0.0
RunEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1 0.25 // duration of the animation

event HudHealthDyingPulseMain
// put the animation for the low hp state here

RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.2498 // duration of the animation - 0.0001s
// (this can be increased to 0.0002s just to be sure)

event HudHealthDyingPulseStop
StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle1 0.0
StopEvent HudHealthDyingPulseCycle2 0.0

RunEvent HudHealthReset 0.0 // acts as a safe net just in case animations still break

I've only made it for low HP and overheal, but the concept is similar for medic's uber and low ammo.
If you implement it in your own HUD, let me know if this fix works!

[i]EDIT : Extra comments in the code.[/i]
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