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[Stream] Joe
posted in Requests
0 Frags +

Hello tf2.tv community first post here, long time lurker and tf2 player. I'm primarily interested in streaming comp TF2(pugs/dm/scrims) mainly through tf2center. I have my own server and and play anywhere between 8pm to 8am. I wanted to get into streaming mainly because of the lack competitive streams ive been able to find and enjoy in my off time.

My tf2 history:
-6 year tf2 player
-esea s8 3rd place(scout) masons team
-ugc 6s steel 1st place (pocket) Dont jump Anakin
-ugc hl steel 1st place (sniper) team ct

I just started playing again after a two year break and have been more enthusiastic about tf2 as ever!

Edit- the link to my stream lol twitch.tv/JoefromTF2

Hello tf2.tv community first post here, long time lurker and tf2 player. I'm primarily interested in streaming comp TF2(pugs/dm/scrims) mainly through tf2center. I have my own server and and play anywhere between 8pm to 8am. I wanted to get into streaming mainly because of the lack competitive streams ive been able to find and enjoy in my off time.

My tf2 history:
-6 year tf2 player
-esea s8 3rd place(scout) masons team
-ugc 6s steel 1st place (pocket) Dont jump Anakin
-ugc hl steel 1st place (sniper) team ct

I just started playing again after a two year break and have been more enthusiastic about tf2 as ever!

Edit- the link to my stream lol twitch.tv/JoefromTF2
1 Frags +

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