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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted November 25, 2016 at 12:55 PM
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#9 Highlight: Kaidus vs. LEGO in Videos

Was expecting to see highlights of Zebbosai's airshots (there was some point on Process where he just went on fire and was landing them left and right) but this was damn fine too. I enjoy seeing these frequent highlight videos, lot of fun.

posted about 8 years ago
#730 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster
Smithsoniango to that guy's profile, he seems to think he's some kind of self-appointed community ambassador for tf2 competitive.

299.5 hours of TF2 in the last 2 weeks. Owns many games, many free to play, only has hours in Portal, Dota, and TF2. 7k hours of TF2. Wonder what his goal is.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 bernie or hillary in Off Topic
owlif you don't think Ted Cruz is electable by this country you haven't been following American politics very well

Electable and electable nationally are two very different things. Cruz could be elected nationally if everything goes his way but it is an uphill battle for him.

I originally had only a few issues with Sanders but holy shit, I've gotten so tired of 19 year olds fresh out of high school telling me I know nothing about the industry I've worked in for the last 5 years and how naive I am and how the entire political system is a scam etc etc etc that I maxed my donations to Rick Perry.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 What makes a good koth map? in Map Discussion
SideshowI'd love to see a koth map that was shit for scouts and totally different to via. It would add more variety into the map pool. It's bothered me for a long time that we almost never see situations like in CSGO where teams have maps they can beat other teams on. Teams in TF2 either beat you on every map or none, in general (with via being a notable exception at times).

I thought koth_granary held a lot of promise. Too bad that never was finished.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 What makes a good koth map? in Map Discussion

There's a scarcity of resources around the point. The team holding the point is forced to move around in order to pick up health packs or ammo, meaning the high ground advantage of the point is weighted against the lack of health/ammo pickups. Don't know if I'd call that the special sauce that makes Viaduct great but it's something I appreciate.

There's also more levels of verticality and open space in Via than most other koth maps.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Med, Scout, LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for a team to backup for that would actually need me. Think I can play mid-open if you give me the chance. Would be willing to start if your main dropped out. Ideally medic. Can pay my own fees.

posted about 8 years ago
#716 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster

The language is painful but I agree with what I think is his general point. One of TF2's biggest draws for me was the simplicity of the art design. My eyesight and visual acuity is shit, so that fact that most everything was simple made important information instantly recognizable. Unfortunately, the dev team have moved further and further away from those design principles with each update. It's not my biggest complaint with the game by a long shot and I appreciate its value in providing Valve with a revenue stream that can hopefully support competitive matchmaking somehow, but I'm still not a huge fan.

posted about 8 years ago
#710 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster
Daggersaam dudes name is cringeworthy, this may be an elaborate troll

Looking at his other posts in the thread I'm not so sure. Regardless, my favorite part is:
"I'm somewhat experienced with seeing aimbot, since it runs rampant in pubs and I've watched a lot of hacking videos."

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Low Open team LF Demo, Roamer, Scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

Hi folks, Extra Chromosomes E-Sports is a low Open team looking for a demo, roamer, and potentially scout. The bulk of our team has been playing together for two years now, in UGC and one aborted attempt at ESEA. We'll be on the low end of Open so don't expect too many wins. It's going to be a low scrim team, likely scrims on Monday and Wednesdays, with matches on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We're looking for players who are generally laid back, able to make match and scrim nights, and have some 6s experience. We may have a scout already but it's not guaranteed, so we'd still like to try folks out on scout if possible. Shoot me an add if you want to try out or have any questions.

No longer LFP.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 The 10 greatest FPS multiplayer levels of all time in TF2 General Discussion
aim-Maple2fort instead of badlands, process, badwater, or viaduct. know damn well when you first started playing tf2 you put tons of hours in 2fort

I exclusively played on a 24/7 badwater server and a community server that basically just ran Via and Gravelpit for my first 300 hours or so.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 The 10 greatest FPS multiplayer levels of all time in TF2 General Discussion

2fort instead of badlands, process, badwater, or viaduct. Lovely.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 What is the Best Flag of a Country? in Off Topic

I'm partial to the Gonzales "Come and Take It" flag used by Texian settlers during the Great Texian Revolution. It wasn't ever the Republic's national flag, but I believe it was used by revolutionaries during the war.

I have a couple hanging up at my apartment.

posted about 8 years ago
#693 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster
theoxandmoonnot reddit but it's basically reddit:

i was in a koth_king pub today and made a sarcastic comment about how dumb engi is and this kid gets mad at me about it, so we argue for a while. eventually he stopped talking and i find a new comment on my profile complaining about how "salty" i am about engineer. he insisted engi was more difficult than soldier and scout and that pyro was a high-dpm fragging class. it was surreal.

hud_saytext_time 0

posted about 8 years ago
#107 What PC game made you stay a PC gamer? in Off Topic

Fallout 2, then Age of Empires 2 and the Civ series.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Cartels Are Using Drones to Smuggle Meth in Off Topic
nickplusJust hire some kids to shoot them down. I'd love that job, 8$/hr shooting things out of the sky, its like a young North Carolinian dream.

I'd bet there's people in Texas willing to do it for free in their spare time. I know if I still lived by the border I probably would. Highly doubtful the guvmint would implement that sort of plan though.

posted about 8 years ago
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