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Last Posted May 7, 2023 at 9:11 PM
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 79
#47 institutional prejudice by RGL against FRED team in TF2 General Discussion
StylaxCan someone do a tl;dr, save us all some time and tell us who we should get angry at pls?


i haven't been able to read the whole thing but. cmon. look at this.

That was the match KND falsely accused us of DDOSing the match and tried to strongarm the W by leaving the server mid pause before the round ended and RGL ruled in our teams favor. We get falsely accused for things I guess. Also, I promise that I put my shopping carts away at the grocery store and sometimes I even put other peoples loose carts away when there are any near by. ]

if these are the words of a sane man, i fear for my own mental well being.

posted about 3 years ago
#19 Define your anti-sandbagging rules in TF2 General Discussion

In this thread: people who havent had to worry seriously about sandbaggers in years. Right now this thread is on the tier of young sanity arguing that straight up cheating should be allowed because it doesnt affect real life

hildrethThere should be measures in place to prevent the NEW players from being purposely targetted by higher skill groups

I disagree with 99% of what you said, but I need to pick on this specifically. Because what the fuck does this mean? Targetted? If they're IN THE DIV, they WILL play shitty teams. If the argument is that sandbagging isn't an issue--then there aren't good teams in low divs. It's such a black and white issue that it hurts my head trying to understand your overcomplication of it. Idk, maybe I'm just a moron. But then you say that sandbagging is a great opportunity for bad teams to get good, so I get the sense you're being disingenuous anyway. That's what scrims are for. Leagues exist to promote competition, not steamrolls.

hildrethI was (and still am) a Middie

... You have 3 seasons in prem. Lol ok

ziamangryif u think rgl sandbagging is an issue then you really would've hated esea

Well... Yeah, that was one of the mountain of reasons ESEA was complete trash. They wanted big div sizes, not good competition.

posted about 3 years ago
#12 revival of tf2 in Off Topic

so do u guys just not like seven1 or is there another reason you're downfragging someone literally just for posting on a forum? is he wrong??

posted about 3 years ago
#13 TF2 update for 10/15/20 in TF2 General Discussion

Actually I heard that Valve is cancelling coronavirus so we can have a TF2 major right as everyone is getting back out of the house

posted about 3 years ago
#18 team fortress 2 in Off Topic

TF2 is like when you make pancakes but forgot you ran out of maple syrup so you gotta use just sugar. Or if you buy bagels and forget cream cheese so you just go mad with some butter. It's still good? But maybe not exactly what you had in mind when you bought it.

posted about 3 years ago
#71 mxr/frkshw cheating in MGE (with proof) in TF2 General Discussion
smesiidk what with tf2's obsessions with slapping cheaters on the wrist and telling them "ok but don't do it again :)" and letting them back in
also anyone who lets known cheaters into their pug groups and/or scrim them are as gulity as rgl admins for letting someone like frkshw back into the game

FACT: The Invite Illuminati is REAL and it's all cheaters. You only get caught if they don't think you're cool enough to hang with the cool kids

posted about 3 years ago
#66 mxr/frkshw cheating in MGE (with proof) in TF2 General Discussion

Tbh cheaters are the ONLY thing getting me out of bed these days

posted about 3 years ago
#59 mxr/frkshw cheating in MGE (with proof) in TF2 General Discussion

Lol sounds like we should be examining young's meteoric rise a little more closely

posted about 3 years ago
#32 Young man in a pyrocynical fall guys video in Other Games

Skill in game is inversely proportional to the frequency with which you post on tftv. If you wanna be good, stop wasting time here and start wasting it on the grind

posted about 3 years ago
#50 mxr/frkshw cheating in MGE (with proof) in TF2 General Discussion

This seems pretty open and shut, but hey mxr if you think it's the stv demo's fault why havent you posted some recent pov demos here?

posted about 3 years ago
#11 TF2 update for 10/8/20 in TF2 General Discussion
flyingbuddyLol wtf does Valve mean by ‘general improvements’..

Personally i choose to believe this is a plausibly deniable way of saying "we're untangling spaghetti" so that if gaben hears of improvements being made to old games he doesnt come thundering down out of his castle to smite them

posted about 3 years ago
#8 A poem by yours truly in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoapPuoskariI love censorship so much I’m getting hard thinking about it.why are you horny?

I think he's mistaken japanese porn for a piece of the illuminati puzzle

posted about 3 years ago
#16 Least based country in The Dumpster

sweden more like sweaten

posted about 3 years ago
#57 Feedback from people who don't use mastercomfig in Customization

????? This config is easier to install than any other config. You download files and then drag and drop them into your custom folder. No messing around with config.cfg, no learning to save files as .cfgs, there's fucking nothing to it. My grandmother could do that shit

posted about 3 years ago
#44 trump china virus in World Events
torrit3god i hate mustardoverlord man how can one person be this fucking annoying AND stupid

no u

posted about 3 years ago
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