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Signed Up July 28, 2012
Last Posted August 18, 2023 at 1:23 PM
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#78 real life in Off Topic

I tend to have a beer or watch a movie - nothing better than watching a solid movie or good tv show - or reading a book. I also rather like hiking.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 New UGC-steel 6`s team Looking for team mentor! in Mentoring

feel free to add me

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Lange needs headphones in TF2 General Discussion

It's a razer product, but you can find them for 25$ on ebay - the carcharias, despite its flawed manufacturer, are really really comfortable - they may just stop working (hence buy used for cheapos to see if you like over the ear head-phones).

I wear glasses when I play, and most head sets tend to drive the ear piece into my skull, but the fit on the carcharias is great. The mic on it is pretty nice too if you're into that.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Pocket soldier LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

We had a history-off with literally the worst questions ever, excellent sport.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Tip of the Hats feedback in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not saying anything that was done was bad - but it could always be better.

1. Focus more on MGE, Surfing, Jumping, prop hunt, show matche (the most popular/memorable) events. The pugs were fun, but at times, it was just the casters having to cast a game who's quality was pretty low and they weren't that interested in, and couldn't be. In the future we should try to get some more scrims or something of that nature going as well. Maybe it's a question of getting volunteers for their time? If so my apologies. We could also re-cast games from the past since we had so much casting star power on.

2. It sounds really craven, but we need to push our community more - the AGDQ plug each individual's stream, as well as the various streaming websites. It was a pretty solid advert for, but there's so much else that we could advertise too. The next time around we need to reach out to all the pub communities - run ads for them during down time, same goes for tragic, iT, CEVO, ESEA, UGC, and other stuff like that. We get free advertising for the community, access to more resources, *and* help out a good cause - it's the whole point and hopefully we made an impression, but we can do a better job the next time around. A bigger fundraiser that incorporates more communities means more money for da' kids too (or whatever other worthy cause that might get chosen in the future).

3. Help truk truk by getting another streamer or 2 or 3 - especially so we can run content over 12 hours by way of showing old stv's of matches, or frag videos or *anything*. I'm sure if we poked around we could find people that would do it even if they're not into the comp. community.

4. Reach out to other communities for their support (this was done this time around too - but again we can do better) especially other ESEA games.

5. Plan 1 event that needs things donated towards it in order for it to happen - for example x amount of money forces rain to do a surf map backwards. ADGQ does that quite successfully. It gives people who don't want hats or to write silly names on the stream something to look forward to. We could also have a low level pug where some or one of the pros is forced to play medic blind-folded or any other thing like that. Admirable managed to capture that and look at how successful it was :D

Just suggestions for next time around :D On the whole it got WAY more money and was much more successful and cleanly run than I expected (especially the money - I never expected anything close to what was raised). Huge kudos to everybody who organized and made this happen. You all deserve endless praise.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Microphones in Hardware

Heyo, I searched through the forums but really didn't find what I wanted or a clear consensus on what would be a good idea.

I'm coming here because, as my peripherals that I bought a few years ago break down - I'm trying to avoid making the same purchasing mistakes that I made last time :D

Anyhow, I use a razer carcharias, but no matter how much cutting and splicing I do the microphone just refuses to work now. The audio is fine so I'm in the market for a clip on or stand microphone (I'd like to keep it under 40$ - but ebay or buying used can solve that problem on bigger ticket items).

I may just pick up a refurbished Carcharias since they only run like 20$ - because I do rather like the ear pieces, but the fact that all the wires aren't separated makes it really hard to repair it.

I'm currently using something that makes me sound like an answering machine and that is not satisfactory as I like to make youtube videos where my voice is prominently featured.

posted about 11 years ago
#324 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

It should be noted that I'm not speaking directly as an admin here since I'm not active in the day to day goings on of UGC anymore:

These things take time.

A. Moose was a trusted community member who nobody really wanted to believe was a cheater - especially people who worked with him for a long period of time.

B. Forn isn't around right now - and these sorts of decisions can't just be made by other admins - in much the same way as any other enterprise with a leadership structure would have to do (at least one with an executive).

C. I should note that Moose currently has no active positions in regards to UGC, and hasn't been online in 2 days so he's already either alted up and is creating an alternative identity or is donezo for the time being.

D. In relation to the forum moderation complaints - that is being reviewed and changed so as to promote a more pleasing and consistent posting environment.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Walka! LFT IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

Walka was one of the coolest people I've ever played video games with.

posted about 11 years ago
#94 Investing! aka the TF2 hat ETF thread in Off Topic

I do a tiny bit of investing myself, but it's not actually to make money and irritates my family's broker (which we acquired due to a legal settlement years ago).

In general cheeriss, you'll either have automatic investments in the form of a 401k, IRA, etc program from your employer (which will have various terms and agreements you'll want to look over - in general it's better than investing solo since *most* decent companies reward you for investing in your 401k by matching your contributions - and you can still cash it out for emergencies in some cases) or a pension plan (pensions are mostly a thing of the past unfortunately). These options are mostly used for retirement purposes, and especially as a young person, your terms will usually be pretty good.

If you want to invest just for the sake of investing because you have excess money laying around, your best bet is to get in touch with a broker or financial assistant who could manage a portfolio, and invest a substantial amount of money and then they'll give you the talk Sal is giving and come up with an investment plan that suites your needs (how much risk are you willing to take).

But more often than not, unless you're getting a really sexy job, it's best just to pump a modicum of that money into your 401k (if you have one) until you're financially stable (no college loans etc).

I would also say you'd be best off to pay off your college loans as quickly as you possibly can so as to avoid the interest payments, so if you were to make any investment it'd be to take care of those :D lol.

Investing in stocks won't win you anything if you're paying interest on those loans unless you get super lucky - plus it frees you up to take on more debt for other stuff (like a mortgage) without cutting into your disposable income.

posted about 11 years ago
#307 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

Here is inf's statement on the matter:

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Anyone still uses this rollout in TF2 General Discussion

What smaka said.

Your jumper needs to be walking up the stairs so he can start the healing process as soon as the scouts are out of range.

+ it helps if your demo flubs his rollout since the sollies will be taken care of and out of your hair.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 ESEA S14 Map Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

No troll, warmfront was my second favorite map :(

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ESEA S14 Map Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Metalworks out warmfront in

unless they've worked out that "pro granary" stuff.

s10 best map list - especially now with better process

posted about 11 years ago
#78 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

Because there's obviously no way anybody would ever come up with a name like mossad on their own other than adulterating the name moose:


Or very comical that somebody named for a foreign intelligence service is vac banned.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Passive vs aggressive scout roles in TF2 General Discussion

I'll give the same speech here as I do in noobie mixes.

The idea of passive and aggressive scout *does* exist to a degree in the game, but the problem is with the words, at the risk of sounding like a Wittgenstein fan boy, its the fact that the words passive and aggressive mean different things to different people, hence the danger in their use. Passive scout to any number of scout players may have numerous different connotations as to what that sort of behavior would actually be.

Instead here are some different terms I have invented with the intention for them to apply mostly to mid and stack pushes (although scouts are interchangeable post-mid).

Passive Momma' Bear scout. He protects the demo at mid, but he doesn't avoid damage - he spams a few chip shots, and watches his cute little cubby (the demoman) do his spam thing. But, as soon as somebody attempts to harm the demo in any way shape or form, the momma bear scout transforms from a gentle giant who likes fruits and nuts, into a godless, soulless, killing machine - who then tears out the throat of the nearest opposing player. The momma bear will also tend to be the scout that gets pulled into the combo on pushes, and has to basher build (just for consistency and because they're already acclimated to playing near the combo). But post mid-fight that's not as important.

Then you have, at mid, the aggressive social services scout. If it's found that the opposition has a dead-beat momma bear scout that isn't guarding her wittle cubby, he will take possession of the opposing teams demoman, by turning him into a nice sandwich. If it turns out that they do have an active momma bear, then the social services scout will simply interview their momma bear for a time (ALL A CLEVER DISTRACTION FOR YOUR ROAMER to have some space) and then return to your medic to rejoin your model family near your medic for heals.

Post pushing scout roles are virtually interchangeable and are really a matter of convenience and personal taste/habit or catered to skill sets.

posted about 11 years ago
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