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Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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#10 Has anyone here every played TFC? in TF2 General Discussion

I tried TFC, a lot of the people there just kept talking about their hate for TF2 lol, was interesting to play. I tried Fortress Forever also with a couple of TF2ers to play in the UGC league about 3 years ago, but the format was weird and we died out. You guys remember VinnyTheBoss? He was there playing at the time.

posted about 7 years ago
#226 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINGiven this information though, I think that we would actually want their game to "cannibalize" ours (to use your term) because we want a developer supported game. Can you explain to me why you wouldn't want our version of the game to die in favor of theirs? If they make improvements to the format, I think that we should accept their game.

Sorry but gonna have to use part of my own post here:

As for the last thing I'm going to say, I will remind you about the "We love our game" value. CPMA, Melee, L4D1/2 Versus, and other games of the sort with competitive communities that are still active, whether they had a lack of developer support or not they still played the game they loved. We love playing our competitive for a good reason, and we must never forget that value, it's what gotten us through all these years. So if and when things do change for Valve to support us or we start to accept Valve's modifications of competitive, we don't lose too much of the things we love and can still see the game as something we would still like to play.

Just as Spyromancer said "Don't ruin a good thing just because, it's happened to enough good things already."
We've already tried their game, we didn't like it as much, why do you think competitive TF2 even started aside from competition? Why do you think many of us are here? No more shitty pubs, no more fucking 12v12 lagfest of lazers and crazy ass shit, no more mass heavies or engineer nests. Organized, stable, and well-skilled games is what competitive TF2 is all about.

As a way to answer what you actually asked, I think you, a very sensible person, already knows why we wouldn't want our version of the game to die in favor theirs. We literally just hate BULLSHIT lol. Our game has class limits that helps lower the bullshit levels and weapon restrictions that lowers it even further. Then we have combined those things with a player limit that is decently reasonable(or the most reasonable this game has ever seen) and have produced thousands of much more fun matches. That's just one of the explanations, there are tons of explanations I'm sure many can also give you.

P.S. I can actually RUN our version/format of the game, 12v12 pubs and the current compMM is actually hard to run.

posted about 7 years ago
#201 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
samifacemildy off-topic, but isn't there an argument to be made that allowing all the unlocks in competitive is unfair to newer players? i've been in the game for a year and a half and i'm still finding new unlocks. i had to trade for a loose cannon a month ago because one never dropped for me.

If you play consistently and a decent amount, you should be able to get enough drops to just do 1:1 weapon trades on for most of the stuff you're missing.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 why do all scout mains have a landscape avatar in The Dumpster

I remember this group:
Having people that used a bunch of them back then. It was like the jumper's group or something.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Thorin talks about TF2 and small e-sports in Esports

I checked the AMA video's comment section. It's from Mustardoverlord so yeah, from TFTV.

posted about 7 years ago
#94 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

This is probably my largest post yet, and I hope it's my last. Unfortunately I didn't even get to express everything I wanted.
In many of these threads I've usually stated one important thing that is important to us.

The most important thing in order for this to work out, just like Melee, is the dedication. The passion, the devotion, you name it whatever you want but it's what kept Melee going. The Melee community were dedicated and kept it going despite the odds. They loved their game for what it was and had to offer. The same applies to us, for we have played for years also and continue to do so for the game that we love.

A bit outdated since I last posted it, but it still holds the value. We play this game still because we love it, don't we? By "this game" I mean OUR competitive format with the weapon bans and class limits. We've played it for years and kept playing it for a reason. So keep this in mind.

The Reality
Now, the dream would be Valve just accepting that the compTF2 community is right and they give all the CompMM that we wanted(literally copy paste our shit into MM and not restrict the damn settings) as they help promote competitive and support us with TF2 tournaments. Well unfortunately not all dreams come true, we will have to accept that Valve is a company that has to make careful decisions and think about what they're getting into and what each change might do to the game(if anything, many developers rush into things and make horrible changes without thinking which makes the game worse, apparently Reflex is in that state).

Conflict and growth
What truly is the source of our conflict? How did this conflict start? It really depends and changes from everyone's perspective and some may not deem myself correct or others correct. But generally US as the community wants Valve support into competitive TF2 right? Well then it begins from there, we could either have it:
1. Completely our way and Valve accepts(HL3 is more believable than this)
2. We abide to the full control of Valve and let them handle things(maybe if this was the Valve from many years ago when they were a great company but definitely not now)
3. We have to have to come to a point where both sides are satisfied so that they can have their wants and we have our wants.

Barriers/Current problems
Obviously for the last few years now, it's been the third choice because it's the most reasonable and logical choice. Unfortunately things are not going well with this as we can see with the current compMM. Valve cannot and will not introduce sponsored tournaments because compMM does not match our competitive format so there is a conflict. But what we have come to an agreement on is having the player format be 6v6, which is actually great for us. Now we have to fight through 3 last barriers(one being kind of minor).
1. Weapon bans. As a community that has played the game for years and learning things as we go on, we have formulated what we deem as a perfect of near perfect banlist when it comes to TF2 unlocks. The great thing about weapon bans is that it helps creates stability and prevents too much chaos(TF2 Pubs) so that the "skill" aspect is much more highlighted and is what we like about "competitive" TF2. Valve of course does not believe in weapon bans cause it's a way of saying that they think their weapons are not well balanced or some other reason. They wouldn't support us banning weapons that THEY made. So to get through this barrier there has come to two solutions that this community has talked about. One is where Valve balances TF2 unlocks to the point that they are not as "problematic" as we found them while the other is Valve does make a banlist(although it being short) and we as a community can slowly negotiate and pitch in why we think some weapons should be unbanned or banned over time.
2. Class limits. TF2 first started as a game with no class limits(afaik) and over time we as the community discovered class limits were needed in the first place to have more control and not having to deal with OP or un-funnish gameplay. We enjoy our class limits cause we know that it is essential for a class-based shooter to have this restriction. Valve doesn't see this quite yet unfortunately as shown in compMM and as Slin said they want to see more results and test things out. Overwatch as of recent have implemented a class limit of 1 if I recall and I think it's great that they did that so Valve may see that maybe in a class-based shooter it is needed for competitive. We may not get our "exact" class limits, but hopefully we can negotiate to have each class limited to "2" at the least to start out.
3. Not much of a barrier but in compMM there is the console command restrictions AKA the graphical command restrictions. TF2 is hard as fuck to run, unoptimized, yada yada and we are lucky to have come across upon legends that have formed FPS configs for us to run the game. But now Valve restricts many of the commands in our FPS configs when we play compMM. This is a bit of a shitty point of view, but in my opinion, you can only have as many players playing your game that can "run" your game. This means that the graphical restrictions is actually having an impact on player numbers for compMM, so how do they expect us to "give them more results" if we can't even play? Their argument or so I have seen or heard is that they want the game to look the "same" to everybody and for skins/etc, but why care NOW? I just see it as ridiculous and it's a minor inconvenience to most if not all of us.

Something to remember and think about
Although it is important to respect that they are a SMALL team and they could be limited in what they can do or they do have plans for what they want to do. From a company/developer standpoint, I can respect that they want to not make drastic changes and move things slowly so they don't invest too much into something that might not be productive/profitable. So another conflict is the "pace", they seem to be willing to wait a long amount of time to do what they want. As for us, we have waited YEARS for things to get set into motion, we have been asking for years and are growing more impatient each time. Unfortunately we will have to probably wait until a change can happen and we hope that it is a great change, but the question is, will it be too late by then?

What we can do
There definitely are still a couple of things we can do now that might help push Valve forward to supporting us. One important thing is to still keep playing the game in the format we play because it's what we love, and we still need to at least maintain our player count for that while also hoping that new players join in, cause if we start losing players drastically and the activity is going down, then Valve might actually just not move forward for us at all. Another thing is more competitive TF2 promotion/advertising such as adding those PlayComp.TF or tags that we always talk about but only a certain portion of us actually do. Finally, one that seems so simple yet possibly unrealistic to us, is to be a positive community. Even the slightest of negativity can push new players interested away and we can't afford that.

As for the last thing I'm going to say, I will remind you about the "We love our game" value. CPMA, Melee, L4D1/2 Versus, and other games of the sort with competitive communities that are still active, whether they had a lack of developer support or not they still played the game they loved. We love playing our competitive for a good reason, and we must never forget that value, it's what gotten us through all these years. So if and when things do change for Valve to support us or we start to accept Valve's modifications of competitive, we don't lose too much of the things we love and can still see the game as something we would still like to play.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Mercs 2 GO! (Finding Ringers Group) in The Dumpster
phobiawhats the TFTV discord

posted about 7 years ago
#185 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion
ScrewballfaggetScrewballMM Unlock after 200 hours play timeI think if they make new and way better tutorials and force them or suggest them the first time someone opens tf2, this won't be needed.It is more for a casual hacker filter. IMO VAC needs hardware bans like Overcuck. Or at least give me the ability to block individual players so i don't get pared with the same hacker 3x in a row.

While I do agree with it being a casual hacker filter, the blocking players thing doesn't work out and is easily abused. I believe Overwatch got rid of that function after figuring that out didn't they?

posted about 7 years ago
#160 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion

Sigafoo please, Valve has already put CompMM to 6v6, you had a bit of something going, don't do this.

posted about 7 years ago
#32 Scout movement nerd essay lmao in TF2 General Discussion

thanks mr fapn

posted about 7 years ago
#4 TOURNEY CPM - QUAKE REBORN SERIES Announced in Other Games

I was reluctant to post this as it seemed a bit dead the first day it was announced and because of the 5CAD buyin(if people were only interested in playing for free).

But as of recent CPMA has definitely gotten a recharge in player activity especially with the Challenges-EU tournament the past week bringing back gaiia and Vo0. Tournament doesn't actually begin till early December so there is plenty of time for players to prepare, if anyone is interested you could also join the official CPMA discord that Benroads posted before in another thread. Join in our nightly CTF pickups(for NA and EU) and find duels:

Another note, we also sometimes play NTF(5v5 or 6v6) which stands for "Not Team Fortress" where we actually have a few classes to play as if that interests anybody.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Challanges-EU: CPM Duel Cup in Other Games

Please watch and support!!!
CPMA is an amazing great Quake game, maybe you'll want to play it also o;
We also have a few of the best players playing: HAL_9000(May have seen from Bulgarian Odyssey), gaiia(2013/2014 champ), Vo0(a legend), and more!

^ If you want to watch a specific match you can check who's streaming what match.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Challanges-EU: CPM Duel Cup in Other Games

I didn't even know you posted this lol, was buried between the other threads.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Pro Player CFG's in Customization

Demoman: b4nny, kaidus, kalkin, numlocked
Medic: byte, cb, harbleu, thefragile
Scout: bash, bloodsire, jh, oov, vhalin
Soldier: dave__ac, exfane, mike, platinum, sneis, sureshot, tlr, tyrone

These were from 4-5 years ago, so use at own risk. No more pro player config threads please.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 Hurricane Matthew in Off Topic

Good luck and stay safe.

posted about 7 years ago
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