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Last Posted May 27, 2024 at 10:46 PM
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#5 Fortress Forever PUG Group. in Other Games

Is Vinnytheboss still there?

posted about 7 years ago
#25 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

We had great games tonight. First game we had a NTF going already with so many players including Mecha Cop and disengage. Game was so intense the server crash/resetted. Second game we had CTF with disengage and Zootsuitrioter and disengage was amazing! Third game we had the CTF with the big NA boys(dys and kwong) come in and messiah. Finally we got to our 4th game where Dave_ and kevinforce participated. Earlier, I was also able to have some fun duels with chippewaian!
Overall, we had so many players come in tonight.
Thank you to everyone who has participated so far in our revival for CPMA! We had a great night and hope to have more!

posted about 7 years ago
#24 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games
qsvuiis it possible to just play tdm/ffa?

Err, I mean yeah it is possible to play either of those modes. It just depends if people want to play it or not. So far tonight we have done CTF and NTF, and Duels on the 2nd server we use. EU mainly plays TDM aside from CTF. But we're always open to suggestions, there's just some people that may dislike it or not.
Also we are still playing as we speak right now!

posted about 7 years ago
#20 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games
memoryI never played any other Quake mods other than the one time I play QL. Is the skill ceiling on CPMA punish new players to an extent or is it easy enough to adjust through?

The skill ceiling is pretty high in CPMA that the average player would probably 35-0 beginners in 1v1 duels. But in team games such as CTF there will be balances and you can take the time to develop and adjust. I'd say it's easy to adjust if you play a decent amount.

nopehi is there any point me trying to play the na pickup games with 250 ping and shit tracking skills and about 5 hours in quake live or would i just waste everyone's time

For NA games, probably not, while I was mainly promoting NA and EU, we actually do have some AU players, there's actually going to be an Oceania cup. Come join the Discord and talk to the Australian CPMA players! Apparently they have their own server.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

The pickup games are starting!! Join up!
Server info is
You can just copy and paste into console: connect

We should hopefully be playing multiple games! So feel free to check in to see if the action is still going!

posted about 7 years ago
#16 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

Alright, in about 1 hour at 9:30PM EST will be the nightly NA CTF Pickup Game!!! Of course it's not just one game, we play as many as we have player :) Come join the discord for information and server info:

New players are always welcome and we'll have even games since everyone is mainly new! We're expecting a decently big night! I also know that some/many of you may have an ESEA match tonight, if anything, if we still have the players we will still play for hours long. To those who do not have a match tonight, that's great come join in! I'm hoping we can start off with a great first night!

If you have any questions, you can ask here or the discord! I will make another post when it starts!

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Setting an achievement to get tracked? in Customization
f2s4x1olast reply was 10 months ago, who would even check that

You can become the last reply and bump the thread for people to check, it would pop up in the recent discussion on the left sidebar and nearly everyone will check it.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

-Added frwny's manual install instructions to the main post
-New admins to help organize and help out: Hassassin, messiah, and kevinforce
-Roughly 11 TF2ers have joined the CPMA Discord so far!
-Added #beginners channel again in the discord thanks to you all
-The Steam group has increased by 13 members!
-Look out for a possible announcement/event tonight!

Thank you all to those that have joined so far, I would have to say joining the discord is necessary considering it's where all the action is, but everyone really is welcome, very nice helpful community! If you join, it may help to state if you're NA or EU so we can assign you a role that will let you view the #beginners channel. Do not feel afraid to join and talk!

Also, Hassassin and I played 2 duels last night and we both really enjoyed it and had fun! Hopefully more games will be on the way!

posted about 7 years ago
#12 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games
AntimoonI'm torn between wanting to play CPM again and the realization that I'll never be as good as I was in High School.

Is there a chance for some ClanArena pugs?

It's alright, we'll all never be as good as we were :D. Yes, there is a chance for some ClanArena pugs as long as everyone wants to play it.

ZootSuitRioterHow high are the skill levels of these games? I've never really played a quake-style game other than like reflex for like an hour, but I'd be interested in potentially playing

We have quite a couple of players that play at a very high level in EU and NA as far as I know. As for Reflex, HAL, Vo0, and gaiia has played some Reflex(mainly HAL) if I recall? As for high level TF2ers that I can think off top of my head, TLR, Dave_, Basik, and meb were great and would probably go at least 35-0 in a 1v1 Duel. Don't worry about the skill level so much if it's a worry, with this influx of newer CPMA players coming from TF2, we'll have much more even and beginner TEAM games, we do team balances before every CTF game!

posted about 7 years ago
#8 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games
fr3fouWhat about PQL / Turbo in QL? Me and my friend like dueling there. (Its kinda like a CPMA mod in QL)

There is that option, but not everyone has Quake Live already. If anything, CPMA can still be a gateway game to test if people like Quake enough to purchase QL.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

I actually like part 2 more cause of the pace and music, it's what also made me think CPMA is amazing:

You can find more of the videos in the playlist I linked to check out!

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF.TV Quake/CPMA Group Revival in Other Games

Today I wanted to attempt to bring back the revival of the TF.TV Quake Group. This time, more of a focus on CPMA. Another game, just like us, that has been somewhat dead and maintained by the community. As of lately, CPMA has actually gotten a bit more player activity and games going on after all these years. As of recent for those who may have seen it, there was also a Challenges-EU 2016 Tournament recently that featured some of the top players: HAL_9000, gaiia, Vo0, Memphis, and Terifire. This may be the last possible resurgence or revival that CPMA may get, but more tournaments and events are on the way according to the CPMA Discord admin.

Player activity
Every night, there is an EU and NA CTF pickup game hosted. About 2 of those nights, the NA pickups die out due to a lack of players or because it's the weekend. CTF is usually played in 4v4, so even just a couple of players coming in would be great to get a game going. Sometimes if we're just having fun, we play 3v3 CTFS(Capture Strike) which is super casual and fun with projectiles only. If we actually do get a big night with tons of players, we tend to do 5v5/6v6 NTF(Not Team Fortress), which is where players can choose a class: Sniper, Scout, Fighter, and Tank. As for EU, they play a lot of TDM there apparently. If you want to duel, there will also be players to duel also, from beginners to high level duelers.
EU Pickups are at 3:30PM EST.
NA Pickups are at 9:30PM EST.

As of right now and always, CPMA is actually one of the four free AFPS's aside from QuakeWorld, Warsow, and Xonotic. If not CPMA, then probably Quake Live, but QL is currently under a paywall of $10 on Steam to those who didn't get a chance to claims theirs for free. Aside from that, CPMA is probably as far back as you can go with AFPS other than QuakeWorld, despite it's age, it has gotten updates over time that make it just as great as a regular game. The customization is decent, the weapon switch is quick, the speed is swift, and the movement is very fluid and free, especially in aircontrol. Also almost anyone can run this game really, I for one can't run Reflex. If we also get enough players, you may enjoy NTF, which is like TF2 but in Quake! Also no, you do not need a CD-key.
I compiled a very small playlist of some known CPMA videos(that still have their audio and viewable in the U.S.)
Yes I know, Pekka 2, CPMA done by Vo0, The Contenders 2, and Lippu is missing and that's because of the missing audio, to find them you can try to go to:

Other AFPS
Now you might be wondering, why just CPMA? Why not Quake Live or Reflex? Well of course there is some bias since I would consider myself more of a CPMA player at this point, but I too have also dabbled into QL and enjoy it a bit. Right now my focus is on a community that has lived through so long and still perseveres with the great command of an admin named Xero. I'm hoping to bring in some TF2 players with interest(some are already there) to have fun, enjoy the game, and keep the game going for a bit longer. But that doesn't stop the promotion of other games, we are a "Quake group", so in general, all other AFPS's can be played also, I'm hoping to admin/moderate so more peeps who are better in the area of the different Quake-like games, probably more in Quake Live though. Also apparently Reflex players are mad at the devs for their weapon update changes.

Ending Statement
I hope that this post helps bring back some old TF2 CPMA players, TF2 QL Players, and of course new players in general that have an interest in these games as well as players that have been looking for friends to play with. Ultimately, I just wanted to help give back, CPMA truly is a great game that has stayed strong and it reminds me of TF2 a bit in that aspect. "Old, yet still amazing". I will update this post if needed to, and I hope to start this thread as a thread that anyone can come back to anytime to ask questions, give more content, announcements, events, and more. That way it will be a bit more organized and be a central thread for all things Quake/AFPS related. I am also looking for more admins(Hey Ben) and moderators for the Steam group that have a great knowledge of things and decently involved with CPMA and Quake Live right now. Down below I will leave some links, I recommend joining the steam group, the CPMA discord(everyone's welcome!), downloading DEZ's installer(most acknowledged), and in my opinion the quake3e launcher(I'm used to it and it feels the greatest, also has easy alt-tab). Also remember, not only NA can play, but EU can join in too! Leave a post if you have any questions or anything to say.

Dave_ for introducing me to CPMA
Benroads, for always promoting promode with his infamous playmorepromode posts
Conn, for the original steam group and giving Dave and I admin to continue the group
Xero, the CPMA Discord Admin who puts in his time to help organize these games

TF.TV Quake Steam Group:
CPMA Discord(highly important, this is where everything about CPMA is):
Oceania AFPS Discord(highly important for Oceania-region players):
DEZ's CPMA full installer(for new players): Go to the CPMA Discord for the link, unfortunately cannot post here
Magikarp's CPMA FAQ(for technical issues):
CPMA Servers Spreadsheet(showcases the typically used servers):
KarpWings crosshair installation:
Quake3e Client(updated that also has compatible alt-tab):
Frwny's Manual Install Instructions(use only if you are experienced):

posted about 7 years ago
#264 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
Ictl;dr...In the lower levels of comp one does not feel welcomed and it gives a terrible experience that ruins the whole image of the 6's community and your will to improve and grind dm/mge. I'm probably gonna delete this in a few minutes.

Mandatory "Sorry for bad english" comment from a mexican dude

Hey man, I'm sorry you had to deal with that shit. Also your English is pretty alright and was legible enough to read and understand. But your post is definitely a great representation of a newcomer's POV and how this community does need to treat others better. Back then, I use to host tf2lobbies and tried to target those with low number of lobbies or new to compTF2 to help start them off. Anyways, with such a small community for competitive TF2, it's important to value our current players and newer players if we want to be able to play in the future. Sure there will be those that will quit anyway for other reasons, but we can't afford to lose the new players because of something as silly of getting mad at them in a pug/mix/lobby.

I can kind of understand that there are players that are having bad days or in a bad mood that may have lashed out temporarily or in the moment, but I'm sure that the players who do this shit regularly are still there and they're the ones that definitely need to chill the fuck out. A few rules I live by is to never lash out disrespect towards: newer players, well-mannered players, and the players who save the goddamn pug/lobby by choosing to play medic after a long wait. So many times I have chosen to medic in lobbies/centers knowing that the lobby has been waiting forever, and when the game first starts I immediately state in team chat "Hey guys, I'm not that great of a medic and I just wanted to help get the game going, I'll try my best". Yet they still will just yell at me constantly and I just start to regret ever trying to let those fools play.

Overall, we do need to be more respectful and nice as a community. Every player counts. While Valve does need to fix their shit and fucking move forward, it wouldn't hurt if us as a community would move forward also in terms of being kind and welcoming to players.

posted about 7 years ago
#50 old school in Off Topic

Yz50 was the one that inspired me to play scout and use the cyn crosshair on TF2 and QL.

posted about 7 years ago
#231 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion
aimbottersarefagetsTF2 makes hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

I don't know where you heard of this but I'd like a source. I know they make tons of money but hundreds of millions seems like a bit more of an exaggeration.

This is valve's business model now, have a game that makes a shitload of cash, then do the absolute minimum of upkeep. The only reason Dota gets better treatment is because they have IceFrog, who's made his life about improving dota.

I wouldn't say that IceFrog is the only reason, there's more than just IceFrog, Dota 2 has always had potential, it has eSports written all over it, and it's what attracts multiple players from different regions(NA, EU, Russia, Peru, etc.), and there's much more. It's the game that will always provide them great results and profit that they know for sure they will get if they continue to work on and improve it.

posted about 7 years ago
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