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Country Canada
Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Posts 789 (0.2 per day)
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Mouse Nixeus Revel / Modded WMO
Keyboard Minivan w/ gat browns & XMIT fullsize
Mousepad Glorious PC Gaming Race
Monitor Dell something
1 ⋅⋅ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ⋅⋅ 53
#17 Watch: College Kids idea of identity in The Dumpster
dollarlayerIn my above example if a white man grew up in a remove village in China and he also identifies as a women, on his college application would he put Chinese and female?

Chinese is a nationality so yes for Chinese. The country and culture you spend your life in, or more generally the culture you identify yourself as a part of is what matters, not what genetic and racial characteristics you have.

And these types of things generally accept that the gender you pick is the one you identify as. You can argue against it with certain definitions, but at the end of the day a college application doesn't care if you were born with a dick or not; they're not asking for your biological sex.

Why is this at all an issue?

posted about 8 years ago
#2979 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
fade-how do you add the sniper scope removal script to notohud

like i've tried pasting it into hud_animations_tf and the manifest but neither of them work

can someone try doing it and tell me if it works for them or help me with it please

Make sure you're doing that and then shoot someone for it to work.
Alternatively you can do the runevent inside menuopen and add "voice_menu_1; slot10" to all your class configs.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 auto-collapse long quote blocks in Site Discussion
eeeidk if you can autodetect images that take up a certain amount of screen space but those getting autohidden would be cool too

Doesn't it already make quoted images just become the link?

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Who's you guys favorite real life villain? in The Dumpster


posted about 8 years ago
#7 Custom Voice/ Radar menus (i need help) in Customization

iirc you can change what the chat messages in voicecommands.txt are but anything else is server-dependent, and it really is only set up to say voice commands and print out lines of text in chat. It's been a while so I can't remember fully what you can do with voicecommands.txt, but you can't do what you're looking for.

Sentinel's suggestion should work, you could edit it so it's a press instead of a hold pretty easily, and with a bit more work get a developer 1 menu display, but whatever you end up doing it'd have to be through scripting. You can't get what you want without making some scripts.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 what percent u at in The Dumpster

53%, charging

Show Content
eat it astrin
posted about 8 years ago
#12 2.6 terabytes of leaked data in Off Topic
MrFahr3nheitIs it just me or is there a strange complete lack of information regarding anyone in the US's involvement in these offshore shell companies?
Am I just missing it?
There's no fucking way no one here had anything to do with them.

Kinda cryptic and some new info might've come out since I saw this, but there you go. It's also possible that Mossack Fonseca refused Americans because the American government likes to involve themselves with banks abroad, so the Americans would go to Delaware instead.

posted about 8 years ago
#2929 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
sombrezJarateKingsombrezDoes anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/

Xbox 360: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are
They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.

It worked, but they're super small


In clientscheme then there should be some button fonts using ButtonsSC (the font GameUIButtonsSteamController and a few after it), quadruple their scalex and scaley. Not entirely sure if that's it, might need to also do it for the ones that use Buttons but I'm not sure on that.

posted about 8 years ago
#2927 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
sombrezDoes anybody know where the button prompt materials for the Xbox 360 and Steam Controller are located?

Talking about these ones:

Steam Controller: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288167747/DA0C12EC63D2709CF89218A9FAD6133D5E1FA8D0/

Xbox 360: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/275091545288169372/021CC960262C805F0F7956FDEE73D9515F130461/

I like the look of the Xbox 360 prompts better, so I wanted to replace them but I couldn't find the files.

Edit: I found the steam controller prompts, they're in materials/vgui/fonts/buttons_sc but I still don't know where the Xbox 360 ones are

They're in the hl2 vpk's, so just instead of the vpk's in the team fortress 2/tf/ folder, use the team fortress 2/hl2/ folder, but otherwise they're in the same subfolders within the hl2 vpk's. You're looking for buttons_32.vtf and .vbf inside textures and misc respectively.

The way bitmap fonts work is pretty weird, so you need to replace buttons_sc's vtf and vbf with the buttons_32 ones you find in the hl2 vpk's. You might be able to just edit it in clientscheme to use _32 instead of _sc but idk, bitmap fonts have never cooperated with me.

posted about 8 years ago
#4737 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
spammyJarateKingwall of textsorry for the offtopic question, do you mind telling me whats that map? I recall playing it a while ago but I don't recall the name

tr_newbots http://tf2.gamebanana.com/maps/120297
I just use it for hud stuff because it loads fast and already has a bot

posted about 8 years ago
#4735 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Planning on releasing soon, and hopefully putting screenshots will motivate me to finish it :B



More Screenshots
Really trying a lot of experimental stuff, like teamcolored text (as you can see), different damaged health points with different anims, some weird and silly workarounds for things (no bg on the chat window for example), etc. etc.
Planning on implementing Devamar's casting hud into it too but that's going to be tedious af to get that stuff working. A fair bit of other stuff too but that's most of the cool things.

posted about 8 years ago
#238 SHOW YOUR CROSSHAIR! in Off Topic
springrollsi suppose this is the right thread to ask this question.

for seeker's crosshair, does anybody know why the dot appears off center? I looked at the font file and I swear it was centered within it. maybe i'm insane.

Centered in the font doesn't mean centered in tf2, since labels and glyphs in tf2 don't center properly for most resolutions.

Just make sure the label is center aligned and change the xpos, ypos, wide, and tall until it's centered (xpos is more coarse and wide is more fine, same thing with ypos and tall, but that only works when it's center aligned). If you really want to be exact, you can edit the font until it is centered, but unless you go that far it's going to be slightly off.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Game not detecting anything in cfg folder in Q/A Help
Paladin_IMSaieraPaladin_IMSDroidsterC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg
it's better to use tf/custom/custom_stuff/cfg
neither is better stop spreading misinformation
there is no technical benefit, but for organization's sake, yes it's better to have it in the custom folder. i dont see how that is "misinformation"

There's a technical detriment to it actually. For every folder inside custom (no matter what's inside them) loading times get significantly increased, since the way tf2 loads files is by checking each folder to see if it has them (vpk's are faster for this because they contain a manifest of all files, and rather than individually check everything when something's loading, it just checks if it's on any vpk manifest).

If you already have a folder mod in custom that can't be made into a vpk (huds with custom fonts that aren't installed), you can put it in there without any issues, but it's just a lot easier to say that cfgs should go into the noncustom cfg folder.

And I mean it's not like being inside the cfg folder is disorganized in any way.

posted about 8 years ago
#2839 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
SmesiI remember seeing flatline using paint.net to open a .vtf file

Just make sure to disable "generate mipmaps" in the save configuration.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 ??? in Q/A Help
patdikkeys seem to be delayed for no reason

You mean like general input lag on your keyboard? I don't think 360 controller binds have anything to do with that.
e: ninja'd with info

Still, it's very possible to have both a controller and a keyboard (I play with both simultaneously sometimes) so I don't think it'd be the issue.

posted about 8 years ago
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