Account Details
SteamID64 76561198022106397
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:30920334
Country Canada
Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
Posts 789 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.4964244925
Windows Sensitivity xset m 00
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Nixeus Revel / Modded WMO
Keyboard Minivan w/ gat browns & XMIT fullsize
Mousepad Glorious PC Gaming Race
Monitor Dell something
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#8 Which mouse should i get? in Hardware

Get a Nixeus Revel when it gets on Massdrop again. Same price as a rival then (or five dollars more straight from Nixeus), same shape too, but a 3360 as a sensor.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Corsair Harpoon Gaming Mouse in Hardware

Probably the biggest turn off for me (assuming everything works exactly as expected) is the cable, placed to the side for some reason (and according to the specs it's braided, but it doesn't look braided in any reviews).

When you can get mice with a bit better specs for not much more money, that sounds like it could be a dealbreaker. Just seems like an arbitrary choice that can only do harm.

posted about 7 years ago
#626 2016 election live results in World Events
dollarlayerultyEven though eee is pretty tilted, he has a point about immigrants doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do. The one problem that I fail to see with Trump is that he promises jobs for the Midwest working class but I am pretty sure a good portion don't want to milk cows or do other shitty labor jobs. Removing immigrants only open those "opportunities" and In some cases our economy rely on immigrants to do these jobs because they can't afford to pay an American to do the work.
There is no such thing as jobs that "American's don't want to do." Just like any job market in the free world if a job is shit and no one wants it then they raise wages until someone wants it, or find another way to solve the problem (e.g. build a robot or automate the work). Case and point.... Last I checked cows were mostly milked by machine in this country....

At least for agriculture, that "find another way to solve the problem" includes making produce more expensive or resorting to importing more from other countries that do have people willing to work those lower wages. And for that matter replacing the illegal immigrant workers with automated robots doesn't really create any new long-term jobs, other than the handful of extra technicians (assuming most employers would opt to learn how to operate them themselves).

Dairy cows are probably the worst example of necessary manual labour because of how much is automated, but it's not as simple as that either. Cleaning must be done manually and regularly to disinfect, and I think it's unlikely we'll see 'automated' cleaning of the cows and cows' housing or anything, as just an example. For industrial scale dairy farms, grazing is time-consuming and unreliable, so many opt to feed their cows grains and/or alfalfa, which is usually grown on the farm and requires a deal of labour to produce (or is bought in from elsewhere, which just means the work needs to be done by other people). Making these positions cost more is obviously either going to be cutting into the profits of dairy farmers (if they had any), or cause higher milk prices. Considering that American dairy farms are already struggling a fair bit with getting profit at all (and I've only seen Illinois', but they usually don't), and iirc since milk is considered essential the dairy price is artificially set so the price remains relatively stable (even though it's lower than what would otherwise be charged), that's not really possible to just do.

If it were such a cut-and-dry better-in-every-way case, every candidate would make it a selling point that they're deporting en masse. But that's just not the reality of the situation.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Blurry Crosshair in Customization

When you export the vtf, enable the 'point sample' flag, so that it doesn't blend colors when it resizes it (keeps it as pixelated as possible). Though keep in mind if the borders aren't thick enough or the crosshair's size is too small, you might not see the outline at some places (but that should be able to be fixed by just making the outline thicker).

posted about 7 years ago
#2 TF2 crashes when joining a server. in Q/A Help

Do you have some more details, like: what hud (and when was it last updated)? Your computer's specs? When exactly does it crash (when the map is loading, as soon as you join a class, etc.)? Any error messages?

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Viewmodelery in Q/A Help
Adebisiwell, if i turned off viewmodels they reverted back if i switched weapons

Crosshair switcher?

Adebisibut now it seems to do fuck all and won't turn off my viewmodels

I don't know if it's the issue you're running into, but matchmaking servers don't allow you to disable viewmodels. As long as you didn't change the script, or override the cfg, or change those binds somewhere afterwards, it should still be working on regular servers.

If it's not just matchmaking servers, try typing "bind o" and "bind p" into console to print out what they're bound to.

posted about 7 years ago
#76 VTF Crosshair pack in Customization
RentQNIs there a way to change a certain crosshair without having to restart the game?
Some console command like hud_reloadsheme for HUDs, so I can tab out, change the crosshair in the text file and go back into the game and test different crosshairs without having to restart the game every time?

If you just change the image/vmt and not the weapon files, you could do something like:
mat_reloadmaterial "thumbnails"
requires sv_cheats

There are a few ways to reload every material that do work without sv_cheats but obviously reloading every material is a lot of loading time and shouldn't probably be done for something small like a crosshair.

There are no ways to reload the weapon files afaik though. But for the sake of testing, you can just change the vmt's and it's functionally identical as far as that goes, and can get past having to restart tf2 every time.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Quickswitch script in Customization
bind m +qswitch
alias +qswitch "+quickswitch;bind k +qswitchslot1"
alias -qswitch "-quickswitch;unbind k"

alias +qswitchslot1 "slot1"
alias +qswitchslot2 "slot2"
alias +qswitchslot3 "slot3"
alias -qswitchslot1 "-quickswitch; +quickswitch; bind k +qswitchslot2"
alias -qswitchslot2 "-quickswitch; +quickswitch; bind k +qswitchslot3"
alias -qswitchslot3 "-quickswitch; +quickswitch; bind k +qswitchslot1"

This should do it for you, though because of a limitation with the quickswitch menu it'll actually re-open the menu each time you release the k key. Shouldn't be an issue, but if you do run into any, that's most likely the cause.

bind m +qswitch
alias +qswitch "+quickswitch;bind k qswitchslot1"
alias -qswitch "-quickswitch;unbind k"

alias qswitchslot1 "slot1; -quickswitch; +quickswitch; bind k qswitchslot2"
alias qswitchslot2 "slot2; -quickswitch; +quickswitch; bind k qswitchslot3"
alias qswitchslot3 "slot3; -quickswitch; +quickswitch; bind k qswitchslot1"

Incase the first script does cause issues, this is another version that re-opens the menu on k's press (so that it's immediate), but it lags behind by one weapon switch (to go to the quickswitch menu for your secondary, you'll have to press k until you're on your melee). The first is better, but this is probably more 'robust' if it needs to be.

Keep in mind too, both scripts won't be seamless when you're using your secondary/primary and will always assume you start with your primary out. It would be pretty easy to fix with some extra aliases and integration into a crosshair changer script though.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Windows 10 increases input lag ? in Q/A Help

Unless you're willing to revert to an earlier windows, you either have to put up with the vsync (input lag) from windowed, or the very long alt-tabs of fullscreen. Unfortunately there's no way to get the best of both worlds (though if there's some uncommon weird solution, I'd be glad to be corrected on that).

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Transparent and hidden viewmodel lighting bug in Customization

The glow effect is because for whatever reason, the refract material used for transparent viewmodels draws the outline effect over models when it's rendering. The only fix is to just disable the glow, as degu said.

I forget what causes the change in brightness, but iirc it got fixed when I was working on them when I switched cfgs. It should be based on what weapon you have out for whatever reason, if we're talking about the same brightness change. Sorry that I can't really go into much more detail than I'm pretty sure different settings would fix it.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 Microsoft Surface Studio in Hardware
Firei dont (want to) believe that the majority of designers are using mac because of the mac cases (or hardware in general ...) , but because of the software. i believe that few will make the change to the surface, but it might make windows more attractive for newcomers.

I'm not a designer, but I don't really know if that's the case. Windows is very intuitive to use as it is (as much as mac users like to talk shit, I don't know anyone who switched to windows from mac and found it hard) and for the sake of design software, offers basically everything a mac does (there is some mac exclusive software but all the major industry standards I know (adobe tools, fontlab studio) and their free alternatives (gimp, fontforge) supports windows). For that matter the art school my friend goes to has this dumb rule where they need to buy macs, but then go bootcamp them to windows because some software they use is windows exclusive (while nothing's mac exclusive).

I think it's entirely because Apple has specs for designers and designers who usually aren't technical don't have to deal with all picking between the different hardware options windows computers have. That and the status quo, art schools tend to have their people trained in using macs by convention (historically better for graphics, look nicer), so art students tend to learn macs, so the industry usually uses macs unless they have a reason not to.

It's hard to break an industry standard but it looks like the surface studio will address all of that, if it's done well I do think it'd get adopted by art schools and if anything it should be even easier to use with accessibility tools like that dial thing.

posted about 7 years ago
#227 Scream Fortress VIII has arrived in TF2 General Discussion
aimbottersarefagets1. The average TF2 player will never give a shit about comp unless off classes are regularly used. This is just how it is.

2. If you want to """fix""" the game, you'll have to be willing to try things out. This means not immediately dismissing theorycrafting about airblasting, ubers, or any of the offclasses/unlocks in general. Whenever someone asks, "How can we make engi/heavy/pyro/spy work better in 6s?" you should actually answer the question instead of memeing and say "remove them"

I know this is bait, but some people actually do legitimately think this.

There's nothing inherent about competitive that makes pubbers not want to watch or play it. Your average TF2 player gives less shits about HL, which does have every offclass being run as much as the generalists 24/7, than the general playerbase currently gives about 6s. HL tried to fix all the concerns pubbers had with 6s, but failed, and now people are realizing that trying to compromise 6s values so that it "appeals more" doesn't get anywhere.

And you can't forget all the other formats that didn't make it either. I wasn't around so I don't know a huge amount of the details but when competitive started, every detail from class limits to playercounts to what gamemodes to cvars to whatever was experimented with. 6v6 stuck around because it was found to be best for competitive. And then with all the attempts to make it appeal more, like Arena Respawn, Prolander, 4v4, etc. that at best became a gimmick gamemode that people play in their free time if they feel like it. We got the experimenting done by year 1, and then we decided to experiment for another 8 only to find out nothing new. I don't see why people insist we still need to experiment more (usually on the same things) when we've gotten nothing from it for almost a decade.

And the thing is people do theorycraft about those things. In fact the entire problem is that we've theorycrafted enough to make the game over again a few times over and have a strong idea of where the game should be. We do actually want good buffs to happen to the offclasses, and there have been many threads for each one full of viable suggestions. But people just look at the first "remove pyro" and think we haven't put any thought into it, and valve just does their own thing that (sometimes, in cases like this) seems to do the exact opposite of what should be basic knowledge.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 AGDQ 2017 in Off Topic

Is sigmasin going to be playing Ori if reverse event order wins the bid, or just couching, or how's that going to work? He's listed as one of the two runners on a one-player game :B

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Anyone here play tabletop games? in Other Games

I've been playing 5e with a regular group every week for the past year and a half or so in an Eberron inspired setting, and currently also a group with some people at my university trying out 5e (on top of a few other groups that are in scheduling hell). I like to homebrew also but because I don't DM, I don't get much of a chance to try my stuff out.

I've been looking into GMing TEOTW: Zombie Apocalypse for a one-month-new-game-rotating-DM thing that 1.5 year DND group is trying to organize too. Looks pretty interesting but we'll have to see how it turns out.

People at the CS lounge at uni like to play some deception-based card games a lot also. Coup seems to be the favorite, but Bang! and The Resistance tend to get played too. They're pretty nice as just a quick thing to play.

SpaceGhostsCoffeeIf there were a demand for it, someone who's not lazy like me could make a tf.tv tabletop group, playing them online honestly isn't that bad imo

I'd be down for this if someone wants to organize it (as long as I don't get screwed over by my schedule).

posted about 7 years ago
#3843 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

need help finding which lines to delete to prevent the buff/low hp animations (the white and red flashing crosses)

Any line involving PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage, if it's just the flashing cross you want to stop from flashing. To remove it entirely you'd edit inside hudplayerhealth.res and move it to xpos and ypos 9999 or some other value far offscreen.

posted about 7 years ago
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