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Giving up on w33d to spread the true word
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i liked your anime shitposts more

i liked your anime shitposts more
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PankeymanAnime made me play with my penis. This stuff made me play with my BRAIN!
Anime made me play with my penis. This stuff made me play with my BRAIN![/quote]
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i appreciate the effort dude but this is pretty one note stuff
what i mean to say, in regards to this posts quality, is that there's a serious lack of variance in tone
when it comes to the aesthetic of the material youre attempting to parody, i think youve made serious misjudgment in terms of where the comedy should be coming from
to me, the funny parts of that kind of person arent in the actual material of what they say, or, as it appears you seem to think, in the pure volume and disconnectedness of the ideas they present, but moreso in the conviction with which they present their insane arguments
in my opinion your post reads like a list of conspiracist talking points compiled at random, and then posted without any serious thought. it contains no wordplay or interconnecting thread that serves to make 'you' a believable character.
your small video contains similar problems. generally it's just more of the same type of thing, except your delivery actually detracts even more from the material.
you recite each line with a completely straight face or with an almost sarcastic smirk, completely killing any level of believably in terms of conviction to the ideas you talk about
youll notice that this is the complete opposite of what someone like alex jones does. when alex jones is playing to convince us of the threat of the lizardmen shipping anthrax with our victorias secret catalogs, he actually paces his emotion and the level of voice he uses with the absurdity of the claim. he's doing this on purpose to shape our opinions on HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS and HOW AT RISK IS OUR VERY WAY OF LIFE.
by contrast your video can be summed up as
"something about globalists" *sniffles*

hope you take this into consideration for your next post. looking forward to seeing what you can do.

i appreciate the effort dude but this is pretty one note stuff
what i mean to say, in regards to this posts quality, is that there's a serious lack of variance in tone
when it comes to the aesthetic of the material youre attempting to parody, i think youve made serious misjudgment in terms of where the comedy should be coming from
to me, the funny parts of that kind of person arent in the actual material of what they say, or, as it appears you seem to think, in the pure volume and disconnectedness of the ideas they present, but moreso in the conviction with which they present their insane arguments
in my opinion your post reads like a list of conspiracist talking points compiled at random, and then posted without any serious thought. it contains no wordplay or interconnecting thread that serves to make 'you' a believable character.
your small video contains similar problems. generally it's just more of the same type of thing, except your delivery actually detracts even more from the material.
you recite each line with a completely straight face or with an almost sarcastic smirk, completely killing any level of believably in terms of conviction to the ideas you talk about
youll notice that this is the complete opposite of what someone like alex jones does. when alex jones is playing to convince us of the threat of the lizardmen shipping anthrax with our victorias secret catalogs, he actually paces his emotion and the level of voice he uses with the absurdity of the claim. he's doing this on purpose to shape our opinions on HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS and HOW AT RISK IS OUR VERY WAY OF LIFE.
by contrast your video can be summed up as
"something about globalists" *sniffles*

hope you take this into consideration for your next post. looking forward to seeing what you can do.
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i would like to read this because you put so much effort into it, but its also a really long shitpost i dont want to read

i would like to read this because you put so much effort into it, but its also a really long shitpost i dont want to read
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Is this what happened when you ventured forth to uncover that whole underground satanic pedophile network?

By god, what did they do to you

Is this what happened when you ventured forth to uncover that whole underground satanic pedophile network?

By god, what did they do to you
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how do u get an internet connection from your bunker 3 miles deep in the earth

how do u get an internet connection from your bunker 3 miles deep in the earth
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i cant beleive u destroyed all ur weed

i cant beleive u destroyed all ur weed
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stay woke people

stay woke people
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