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on-the-fly crosshair changer
posted in Customization
0 Frags +

i made this a long time ago and thought nobody needed it so voila
you can change your crosshair size/color without opening your console
you can also cycle through the different crosshairs, including the default crosshair
needless to say it only works with the in-game crosshairs

///// Crosshair Changer /////

// Script Binds
bind "<KEY>" "+togglestate"		// change <KEY> to the key you will be holding
bind "R" "rkey"
bind "G" "gkey"
bind "B" "bkey"
bind "MWHEELUP" "mousewheelup"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "mousewheeldown"
bind "MOUSE4" "mouse4key"
bind "MOUSE5" "mouse5key"

// Default Binds -- change these to your liking
alias "rkey" "+reload"
alias "gkey" "+taunt"
alias "bkey" "lastdisguise"
alias "mousewheelup" "invprev"
alias "mousewheeldown" "invnext"
alias "mouse4key" ""
alias "mouse5key" ""

// Script
alias "+togglestate" "bind R incred; bind G incgreen; bind B incblue; bind MWHEELUP plusscale; bind MWHEELDOWN minusscale; bind MOUSE4 nextcross; bind MOUSE5 prevcross"
alias "-togglestate" "bind R rkey; bind G gkey; bind B bkey; bind MWHEELUP mousewheelup; bind MWHEELDOWN mousewheeldown; bind MOUSE4 mouse4key; bind MOUSE5 mouse5key"
alias "incred" "mwheelred"
alias "incgreen" "mwheelgreen"
alias "incblue" "mwheelblue"
alias "mwheelred" "bind mwheelup plusred; bind mwheeldown minusred"
alias "mwheelgreen" "bind mwheelup plusgreen; bind mwheeldown minusgreen"
alias "mwheelblue" "bind mwheelup plusblue; bind mwheeldown minusblue"
alias "plusred" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_red 0 255 15"
alias "minusred" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_red 0 255 -15"
alias "plusgreen" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_green 0 255 15"
alias "minusgreen" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_green 0 255 -15"
alias "plusblue" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_blue 0 255 15"
alias "minusblue" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_blue 0 255 -15"
alias "plusscale" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 18 48 1"
alias "minusscale" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 18 48 -1"
alias "cross0" "exec defaultcrosshair; alias nextcross cross1; alias prevcross cross7"
alias "nextcross" "cross0"
alias "prevcross" "cross7"
alias "cross1" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair1; alias nextcross cross2; alias prevcross cross0"
alias "cross2" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair2; alias nextcross cross3; alias prevcross cross1"
alias "cross3" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair3; alias nextcross cross4; alias prevcross cross2"
alias "cross4" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair4; alias nextcross cross5; alias prevcross cross3"
alias "cross5" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair5; alias nextcross cross6; alias prevcross cross4"
alias "cross6" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair6; alias nextcross cross7; alias prevcross cross5"
alias "cross7" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair7; alias nextcross cross0; alias prevcross cross6"

this is a separate .cfg file, name it "defaultcrosshair.cfg", if you don't you won't be able to cycle to the default crosshair

cl_crosshair_file ""
i made this a long time ago and thought nobody needed it so voila
you can change your crosshair size/color without opening your console
you can also cycle through the different crosshairs, including the default crosshair
needless to say it only works with the in-game crosshairs

[code]///// Crosshair Changer /////

// Script Binds
bind "<KEY>" "+togglestate" // change <KEY> to the key you will be holding
bind "R" "rkey"
bind "G" "gkey"
bind "B" "bkey"
bind "MWHEELUP" "mousewheelup"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "mousewheeldown"
bind "MOUSE4" "mouse4key"
bind "MOUSE5" "mouse5key"

// Default Binds -- change these to your liking
alias "rkey" "+reload"
alias "gkey" "+taunt"
alias "bkey" "lastdisguise"
alias "mousewheelup" "invprev"
alias "mousewheeldown" "invnext"
alias "mouse4key" ""
alias "mouse5key" ""

// Script
alias "+togglestate" "bind R incred; bind G incgreen; bind B incblue; bind MWHEELUP plusscale; bind MWHEELDOWN minusscale; bind MOUSE4 nextcross; bind MOUSE5 prevcross"
alias "-togglestate" "bind R rkey; bind G gkey; bind B bkey; bind MWHEELUP mousewheelup; bind MWHEELDOWN mousewheeldown; bind MOUSE4 mouse4key; bind MOUSE5 mouse5key"
alias "incred" "mwheelred"
alias "incgreen" "mwheelgreen"
alias "incblue" "mwheelblue"
alias "mwheelred" "bind mwheelup plusred; bind mwheeldown minusred"
alias "mwheelgreen" "bind mwheelup plusgreen; bind mwheeldown minusgreen"
alias "mwheelblue" "bind mwheelup plusblue; bind mwheeldown minusblue"
alias "plusred" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_red 0 255 15"
alias "minusred" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_red 0 255 -15"
alias "plusgreen" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_green 0 255 15"
alias "minusgreen" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_green 0 255 -15"
alias "plusblue" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_blue 0 255 15"
alias "minusblue" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_blue 0 255 -15"
alias "plusscale" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 18 48 1"
alias "minusscale" "incrementvar cl_crosshair_scale 18 48 -1"
alias "cross0" "exec defaultcrosshair; alias nextcross cross1; alias prevcross cross7"
alias "nextcross" "cross0"
alias "prevcross" "cross7"
alias "cross1" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair1; alias nextcross cross2; alias prevcross cross0"
alias "cross2" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair2; alias nextcross cross3; alias prevcross cross1"
alias "cross3" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair3; alias nextcross cross4; alias prevcross cross2"
alias "cross4" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair4; alias nextcross cross5; alias prevcross cross3"
alias "cross5" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair5; alias nextcross cross6; alias prevcross cross4"
alias "cross6" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair6; alias nextcross cross7; alias prevcross cross5"
alias "cross7" "cl_crosshair_file crosshair7; alias nextcross cross0; alias prevcross cross6"[/code]

this is a separate .cfg file, name it "defaultcrosshair.cfg", if you don't you won't be able to cycle to the default crosshair
[code]cl_crosshair_file ""[/code]
0 Frags +


-2 Frags +

While this is cool and all it feels very impractical for what people normal switch their cross hairs for: different classes or different weapons. When I first started playing this game is used the config generator on clugu.com. This came with a built in cross hair switcher for each weapon on each class that I've found really helpful for attaching class/weapon specific commands such as toggling the view model and turning on/off tracers (after that command was added)

TL;DR good work this is really cool :) but for the more practical gamer I recommend using the cross hair switcher from the Config generator on clugu.com

While this is cool and all it feels very impractical for what people normal switch their cross hairs for: different classes or different weapons. When I first started playing this game is used the config generator on clugu.com. This came with a built in cross hair switcher for each weapon on each class that I've found really helpful for attaching class/weapon specific commands such as toggling the view model and turning on/off tracers (after that command was added)

TL;DR good work this is really cool :) but for the more practical gamer I recommend using the cross hair switcher from the Config generator on clugu.com
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