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Demo lft Open
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Hey everyone,

I'm .Max and looking for a low to mid Open team as Demo. I haven't played 6's for a couple years but have been playing HL. I'm a back up Sniper and Demo on a Silver team.

I'm free most days from 3 PM PST and later

is my profile feel free to add me if you have any other questions

Hey everyone,

I'm .Max and looking for a low to mid Open team as Demo. I haven't played 6's for a couple years but have been playing HL. I'm a back up Sniper and Demo on a Silver team.

I'm free most days from 3 PM PST and later
Here[/url] is my profile feel free to add me if you have any other questions
-7 Frags +

fast and kind trader

fast and kind trader
-7 Frags +

fast and gentle deepthroat

fast and gentle deepthroat
13 Frags +


7 Frags +

With 7000 posts discussing the meta game, I am sure he is one of the great minds of tf2.

With 7000 posts discussing the meta game, I am sure he is one of the great minds of tf2.
4 Frags +

What IM team did you play for? Who was on it? If you have been on any teams before I think they should be mentioned on this thread. Don't tell me you're a LIAR

What IM team did you play for? Who was on it? If you have been on any teams before I think they should be mentioned on this thread. Don't tell me you're a LIAR
1 Frags +

neon charmander :>

neon charmander :>
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