Account Details
SteamID64 76561197964091198
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:1912735
Country Australia
Signed Up August 4, 2012
Last Posted October 12, 2022 at 8:54 AM
Posts 1582 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity .7
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro
Keyboard Leopold FC750R
Mousepad Zowie G-SR
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT880 PRO
Monitor XL2411Z
1 ⋅⋅ 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 ⋅⋅ 105
#9 Demo reviews by some Australian idiot in Mentoring

I reviewed your demo as it seemed it was the only one that worked. Once again I apologise to everyone else who's demo I missed out on. http://www.twitch.tv/yookstah/b/353930243

Will get to more this weekend

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Demo reviews by some Australian idiot in Mentoring

Really sorry I haven't gotten around to these earlier guys. My internet has been out of action for about 3 weeks now (pretty much the day after I made this thread). I'll get around to these sometime this weekend for sure!

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Need help getting a new CPU in Hardware
Odissiusbonker450Maybe this review can help:


A little out dated but it help to compare CPUs in TF2.
The GPU is a GTX 460.

Unfortunately a 460 is not enough for TF2 anymore.

Either a complete lie or a massive troll or you don't know what you're talking about, a 460 is more than enough for TF2. If anything it's a "little" (re: LITTLE) overkill (if it were JUST for TF2). The game is 99% cpu usage and 1% gpu usage (hyperbole). If you were to get a gtx680 for example, you would probably get 5 frames. cpu overclocks are nearly 1:1 in terms of fps:mhz afaik. Probably more exaggeration, but it shows how much more cpu intensive TF2 is compared to other "modern" games, where GPU is more the driving factor.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Yuki stream in Requests

EDIT I'm an idiot - in the list. Thanks.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 tf2 characters in TF2 General Discussion

the guy who says "man my aim sucks today" and pulls off multiple headshots in a short amount of time (hint: sheep)

the guy who goes sniper without saying anything and pulls of multiple headshots in a situation where it "shouldn't work" (hint: sheep)

the guy who refuses to go heavy on a last defence when just that ONE TIME it might be a good idea (hint: sheep)

the guy who bitches about "lag" when he's 1-5ms over his typical latency (hint: sheep)

the guy who doesn't call when he's behind their team/about to make a play from behind so you can't coordinate it with the rest of your team so it's all guesswork and hoping you get the timing right

the guy who complains "shit rego/sparks/etc" when he's just missing

the guy who booked a server and refuses to give you the stv for no reason other than to have access to it while you do not (??)

the guy who sits in stv hating on a player/team in a disgusting way for no reason whatsoever

the guy who doesn't admit he is at fault

posted about 11 years ago
#15 How to improve as Soldier in Q/A Help

Two cents. It's all a lot of questions - it's more for you to think about and somewhat figure out yourself since there is no one size fits all.

On a basic level you can look at pocket as leading the charge - capitalising on advantages that other players on your team have created. Be it damage or positioning, to something like having an ammo advantage - you are mainly the one pushing forward dealing out the damage once this advantage has been created.

There are no real "tips" to positioning - you have to look at the current situation and adjust accordingly: do you need to be on high ground, do you need to have more players on flank, do you 100% need a scout with your combo? These are just some of multiple questions that you need to think about when playing, and it just generally boils down to what is happening.

One of the most important things to do is have good communication with your demo. Quite often you and your demoman can play simple games of bait and switch - where one takes the damage/wastes other teams ammo, then the other follows through after that to exploit the small window of the other team not being ready/no ammo to deal larger amounts of damage and take positioning.

On the basic level as pocket you just sit on the medic. Later on you don't want to be attached via an umbilical cord as quite often, focusing on sitting on your medic makes it a lot harder for you to take advantage of extremely small advantages that your team have created for you. You want to look out for your medic, sure, but if you have killed half their team because you "left your medic" and he dies (but you in turn, win the round/point/rollout), then wasn't that a small sacrifice?

Watch povs, stvs - try and figure out why the soldiers are doing what they are doing. Some soldier may be doing a dumb amount of jumps - why? Could he be jumping around like an idiot because it's fun? Is he trying to get somewhere fast? Is he creating a distraction for his team?

tl;dr - play more, watch other people play, think about the game, shoot the bad guy.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 trance/progressive in Off Topic

Awesome. Thanks Rick!

posted about 11 years ago
#17 mechanical keyboard switches in Hardware

Recently got an FC700R. I now swear by browns after using a 7G for a year.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Gaming Music in Off Topic

Anything and everything - from Dean Martin, Sinatra, Michael Buble to Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, *insert random jpop artist here*.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 2v2 Tournament? in TF2 General Discussion

Holy shit spireking was the best.

Also ultiduo is really popular. We had 80+ people in the last ultiduo, and I think over 100 in the one before that. You could also try other fun comps like 4v4 koth, and perhaps something like the offclass cup that kritzkast hosted a while ago.

Bball could work as well.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Other options for quake? in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#19 Give yourself a christmas present in Hardware

I agree. If you have the money the 2420T is amazing. I bought mine and received it on Tuesday, haven't looked back from a 24" (was using a 2233 for so long, 16:9 really does own 16:10 >_>)

Not sure about this monitor's actual performance, but that's just my experience with the actual size of the monitor. I can't comment on the price etc.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 keyboard in Hardware
OdissiusyukiUnless you decided on the 6gv2. Tbh red switches really are hit and miss with a lot of people - I'd go with brown if you can. Great responsiveness and not too sensitive unlike red.
I chose reds (after debating between them and black), so I'll put my opinion here.

They are incredibly light. I like them when I am playing games, but I get annoyed with it when typing sometimes since the buttons are so light that it is easy to make mistakes and/or double tap a key.

I wish they would've offered the specific keyboard that I wanted with black switches, as I think I would've preferred them over reds.

Thats why I recommended browns over reds.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 keyboard in Hardware

Oh. That's unfortunate. There are some other reasonable keyboards. What site are you using just out of curiosity? I'll have a look for you if you want since I'm on lunch break.

Unless you decided on the 6gv2. Tbh red switches really are hit and miss with a lot of people - I'd go with brown if you can. Great responsiveness and not too sensitive unlike red.

I guess it just depends what you like.


I would recommend this personally. Brown switches are amazing and it's a good keyboard (and unless I'm an idiot, fits into your $120 price range?)

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Homeopathy? in Off Topic

Nothing beats this.


posted about 11 years ago
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