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Signed Up February 5, 2015
Last Posted October 19, 2018 at 7:44 PM
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#274 Saloon.tf in Projects

Are you guys seriously arguing over a guy using a smiley face in his sentences? Christ almighty.

posted about 9 years ago
#254 Saloon.tf in Projects

Wouldn't it be easy to just give a bunch of stuff to a close friend to bet on a team for you if you're already participating in one of the matches?

posted about 9 years ago
#111 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
PwnuHonestly Plotchy isn't that bad of a guy. He's just a scammer.

Hitler was an alright dude, he just killed millions of people

posted about 9 years ago
#3 UGC League Website Down in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#96 axiomatic returns in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordwait, are you guys defending Axio's crazy accusations on the basis that he correctly pointed out something that was objectively true (that an admin had a big fat VAC BAN on his profile), therefore we should lend more credence to his crazy conspiracy theories???

that's like if I said "the War of 1812 happened in 1812, therefore 9/11 was an inside job". just because I knew an objectively verifiable piece of information, doesn't mean my crazy predictions will come true.

actually wait, I'm an idiot, you're right. I looked at when the VAC was given, but I payed attention to around the time when everyone started freaking out about it.

Disregard all of my posts then, lol

posted about 9 years ago
#92 axiomatic returns in TF2 General Discussion
unfsmoboyou're not wrong xenith, i think people just object to you ending your post with "get l8r'd" because it's pretty douchey

also, xo, nice edit

Of course I removed it. If it's going to make people mad at me, then I'm not going to leave it there? I'm aware that it was douchey and a mistake, so I took it off. What more do you want? It seems like you're just looking for an argument here.

posted about 9 years ago
#89 axiomatic returns in TF2 General Discussion
unfxo get l8r'd
everything you said might have had some validity until the last part

hop off axio's dick m8

I'm not on anyone's dick. It just seems un-fair to dismiss anyone's opinion because of who they are. I believe everyone's voice should be heard, even if it belongs to someone like Axio. I wouldn't be posting this if not a speck of evidence popped up since that day, but so far, one of his huge claims that everyone laughed at was proven true, and now everyone is back tracking and saying that they don't care? Make up your mind.

edit: also, It's pretty dumb to tell someone they have valid points, and then dismiss them because you believe they are friends with a person that you dis-like. No one wants to hear both sides of the story, here. I'm not asking everyone to believe the kid, but I'm simply saying that one of his claims were true. Maybe he isn't as "crazy" as people try to make him out to be.

posted about 9 years ago
#85 axiomatic returns in TF2 General Discussion

a bit odd when something axio said is proven not couple of days later, and that's when everyone says "LOL WHO GIVES A FUCK?"

whether the guy is right or wrong, grow a pair of balls and knock it off with the circlejerking. Seems like you guys are trying really hard to just dismiss axio as a whole. One of the dumbest things he said in his video was just proven right in a matter of days.

posted about 9 years ago
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