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Signed Up October 13, 2014
Last Posted September 8, 2022 at 5:11 PM
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#523 Donald Trump in World Events
sacAlso, try being a gay muslim lmao, i've read enough stories of gay muslims and convos that their own community in this country basically expel them from the family or worse, trying to "correct" them. seems better, than enforcing a local underfunded school in the countryside to install a genderneutral bathroom, becuase one person can just sue them for not being compliant with the laws. Also, Syria, Tunisia and Libya had a notorious underground gay community, guess what happens when the salafists got in charge.

This just in: fundamentalist religion sucks. You really think fundamentalist Christianity is better than fundamentalist Islam?

Anyway, this thread is a great example of how Trump is normalizing racism. People getting downfragged for calling Trump Islamophobic is ridiculous, but it makes sense that people have convinced themselves Trump isn't racist. When you already hold subconscious racist views and then a major party nominee starts repeating those racist views regularly it's very easy for you to decide that your racist views are actually truth. It really makes me depressed about the human race as a whole.

posted about 7 years ago
#92 Leaked Donald Trump Comments in World Events

The majority of people in this thread are arguing that Clinton is worse than Trump because Clinton is a corrupt liar...and yet Trump is also both of those things + a guy whose economic policies would further destroy the lower and middle class, who would elect supreme court justices that would rip away all basic rights that LGBT people have gained in this country and who would try and make life a living hell for any Muslim that lives in America?

Like what kind of mental gymnastics do u have to go through to convince urself Hillary is worse than Trump lol.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Rainbow Six Siege in Other Games

Oh right I forgot about how her hitbox is smaller than other operators. That's a huge plus.

And yeah smokes are good but other more essential characters (like Thermite) can carry them. I also find the damn things never block sight lines as reliably as I'd like.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Rainbow Six Siege in Other Games

A few players from my highlander team and I play siege quite a lot. We all play the game by ourselves at times as well, but I suppose it comes down to personal preference. As far as whether you should buy the game or not, I'd just pickup the starter edition for $15, the full edition just lets you unlock operators quicker. I'm at 120 hours in siege with the starter edition and I already have half the operators unlocked, so the full edition isn't really worth the extra money.

Jojo Since it seems like several people are interested in the game I'll leave some advice here.

Thermite is a must have on your team if you want to win.

Thatcher, capitao, ash, buck, sledge, jaeger, bandit, blackbeard, and valkerie all are super good.

I play Ash quite a lot and she does have a good gun and high speed, but her gadget seems pretty situational. Is there some use of it I'm unaware of? Because as far as I know she is just kind of mid-tier. Also just as a side note, you'll really want to run Thermite with Thatcher or Twitch to make sure you can destroy any jammers or Bandit shock wires that might have been placed behind reinforced walls. There are a lot of common reinforce spots that can have their jammers destroyed by knocking out the top of the wall and chucking a grenade over and sometimes there's vents you can roll grenades through to destroy jammers, but not all reinforce spots have these so you really need a Thatcher or Twitch.

posted about 7 years ago
#78 sigafoo's Challenge Cup in TF2 General Discussion
shotawayleave it to 6s autists to cry when someone makes something that isnt [makes less money than any established """esport"""]

I literally just made a post two days ago saying that 6's players hostility towards hl players is dumb, but I guess it goes both ways.

Seriously dude? People are "6's autists" because they think this is a giant waste of time and money? As people have already pointed out, prolander and open whitelists have been tried before. They're both shit. This is just doing what has been done before and proven to be shit, but also with money involved for no conceivable reason. Sure, it's sigafoo's money and he's free to do whatever he wants with it, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't bother pointing out he's wasting $2,000 for no reason.

posted about 7 years ago
#123 Valve, TF2 prize money and us in TF2 General Discussion

There's a lot of people in this thread complaining about how highlander has destroyed tf2's chances of becoming an e-sport. Vipa (a plat highlander player) literally got banned from tftv a couple months back for making a post replying to engima in which all he said was that highlander isn't the reason tf2 hasn't become a huge e-sport. 6's players are very quick to shit on highlander and get really angry when anyone says that highlander isn't the cause of all tf2's woes, but if you guys think about it do you really think that 6's would have a much bigger player base if highlander had never been invented? A large percentage of the people that fill 6's rolls on highlander teams also play 6's at the same time and if highlander had never been invented I doubt many spy/engineer/heavy/sniper mains would be playing competitive tf2 at all. On top of that there's the fact that a lot of people that start in highlander then move on to 6's. Once you take all that into account, how much of an increase in the 6's player base would you really see if highlander had never existed? 25%? 10%? None at all? Certainly nothing notable.

The real problem is that, because of Valve making no effort to push tf2 as a competitive game for almost its entire existence, the main player base of tf2 simply doesn't see tf2 as a competitive game. It's frustrating, I know, because it's entirely out of our control. Valve does what Valve wants. However, just because people are annoyed that tf2 is a niche game and Valve is the only one that can do anything about it it, this open hostility with the highlander community when there doesn't seem to be any evidence that highlander not existing would significantly increase the 6's player base is still really silly.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 whymeo lft scout mid/high open in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 7 years ago
#12 Space Ghost's Coffee LFT Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

I loved playing with space ghost in hl, he's a fun guy to play with and really good too boot. Definitely try him out.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 whymeo lft scout mid/high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump, still indecisive but don't really want to quit 6's. definitely would like to do some tryouts at least!

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Max LFT IM s23 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Chill dude whose been doing quite well in IM, try him out.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 lft med (Open/IM) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Tiptoes is really good at medic, especially mechanics wise. Please give him a good home for s23. c:

posted about 7 years ago
#1871 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
-leelol they didn't really "work hard" to improve their roster - dingo had net issues last minute but will be playing the rest of playoffs (pwner is a downgrade anyway xd) , and I'm pretty sure bape just decided to play playoffs after bullet had been asking for a while, for the W $$$ and lowkey $$$.

I've been paying literally no attention to malicious activity because who the fuck cares about a team that has one or more hackers on it plus is made up of some of the most annoying people in the tf2 community. It just sounded good to word it like that. I see no reason to pay attention to them.

DifferPssst the tiebreaker map is gullywash, not granary.

Apologies, I read the playoff schedule wrong. Fixed.

posted about 7 years ago
#1865 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion


playoffs round 2 preds

posted about 7 years ago
#1799 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

I think it's trying to communicate with us!

posted about 7 years ago
#1753 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion


Playoffs week 1 predictions for TKE!

posted about 7 years ago
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