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Signed Up July 6, 2016
Last Posted August 29, 2016 at 2:16 PM
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#440 I've updated some huds in Customization


Old yahud 'waiting for players' is broken, the time is covered up by a red box. Also, inspecting people is broken. Thanks in advance!

posted about 7 years ago
#415 I've updated some huds in Customization

Thank you for old yahud!!

posted about 7 years ago
#329 I've updated some huds in Customization
HypnotizeAlright I updated the last huds of the old list

-Garm3n 7MF + Old YaHuds > I can do both soon!

You're a god my friend! THANK YOU

posted about 7 years ago
#318 I've updated some huds in Customization

Hello, you've done a great job upkeeping these amazing huds! I was wondering if you could update old ya hud? I used it for a very long time up until Meet your Match update and i can't find any updated version of it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4qj4pymbr3mdwxr/oldyahud.rar?dl=0 here is the link to the oldyahud and a video if you would like: http://youtu.be/M7q3SYukaqY
Thank you in advance!

posted about 7 years ago
#342 bwHUD in Customization

Hey is there anyway I can make the health/ammo etc look like those from yaHUD? I love yaHUD but its not being updated and i dont really know how to update huds.

posted about 7 years ago
#1010 yahud in Customization

Can someone please update this to the most recent update, I really love this HUD shame to see it die.

posted about 7 years ago
#239 yayahud in Customization

This HUD is pretty cool, but I'm just too used to all the stuff in yaHUD I've been trying to update it for MM but nothing will work I have no clue what I'm doing, does anyone have an updated version of it?

posted about 7 years ago