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Last Posted April 22, 2020 at 6:24 PM
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#56 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

you just need to give a better example than 6s

@HL: hahahahah what no I don't think that, that would be retarded
pyro's role in highlander is balanced, the class diversity and large numbers of players makes pyro be not-broken in the few situations he otherwise would be

sorry been editing my post

posted about 11 years ago
#54 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

every class in tf2 revolves around 6s guys

EDIT: the problem with the crit combos is that the only classes that should be able to (virtually) instant-kill are demoman(with traps), spy, and sniper; the direct hit is bad enough against scouts at point blank range, giving mid-close range instant kills to a class that can control movement outside of their weapons' good range is gay. Combine that with pyro's other traits.

posted about 11 years ago
#52 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

#50: well the thing about that is that if you're engaging a pyro at close/close-mid range as a scout or get caught out while corner peeking you either failed to pick your battles properly or your roamer didn't back you up properly/you weren't buffed as you should have been
there's no reason for a scout to die to a flare outside of DM, which is the only place it's truly broken (No I'm not talking about SOAP)
though it is retarded that you can't engage a pyro, and flarecombo is one of the reasons.

I consider puff-and-flare a puff and sting anyways, don't get me wrong, but it's both of the two (flare/axtinguisher either with degreaser) that are "broken", not "flare or axtinguisher alone and the other not so much"

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

I like reflects

Okay so IMO pyro is an obnoxious broken combination of situational mechanics and the worst one that would fix most things if you removed it is puff and sting
there that's your concise version of what I was trying to saying manging

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

soldier, demoman, sniper, spy have the highest skill ceilings in tf2
pyro is higher than some but lower than others.

I'm not going to manage to concisely describe something I've tried breaking down several times in a row because apparently saying "it's like this except that" doesn't say anything about the "except that" part, even though it does
yes I'm bitter

posted about 11 years ago
#37 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

that's actually my favorite mechanic in pyro. punishes you for being in their turf, but doesn't ruin anything.

#35: Man, if only they had like, a beta, or something!

posted about 11 years ago
#34 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

scout still better short range combat class than pyro

EDIT: things like visual noise making it hard to fight pyros, being part of the game's balance, just prove that testing your games mainly with "bad" players (especially multiplayer ones) like valve does (at least did with tf2) is a pretty bad idea.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 BSOD in Hardware

Mine does the same thing, I think it's my hard drive but I'm not sure. I want to know the likely solution to this too. win 7 x86-64 professional SP1

posted about 11 years ago
#32 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

Okay, I'll bite.

OP: No.
Skill: Moderate.
Combo: Not OP, but still bad for balance.
Reasons: Stated, caught into an irrelevant argument but still stated.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me........
(you were reasonable, I didn't have a reason to respond to you)

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

#24: Man, you're avoiding half of my points, responding would very well mostly be repeating myself. GG no re. I'm going to fuck off like I originally just wanted to because this is going nowhere.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

@spy, sniper: Initiation isn't cheap, it's part of the game's dynamics; they've been there for day 1 and everything accounted for it.

@heavy: Heavy is supposed to be a roadblock; his low speed balances it (sans GRU). Pyro is moderately mobile, they can deny three of the main sources of damage in the game, they can keep people from running away from them, they can keep people from running /into/ them, and they can virtually instant kill seven out of nine classes - the only ones they can't being deniers themselves. None of this is broken.

@demo: I know how to avoid stickytraps, thanks.

@situational: Wow, I've been saying the entire time pyro's situational! Thanks for giving me some credit!

You're saying that you killed a pyro on a CP with the shotgun (I assume; you said 2-shot); good job, you fought a terrible pyro. Any decent one would have either chosen not to engage, or crit you. They have that choice. You're forced to shotgun them. If you used rockets, wow, awesome, you can kill a pyro that can't to reflect rockets at long range. Good on you. Then you start talking about messing up aim, and you don't know what you're talking about, so I can't even respond.
EDIT: I'm not even saying a pyro being on a CP is broken. That's one of the more balanced things, because then they're basically a fatscout. If you were reading "point A/B/C" as capture points, that was wrong; I was talking about positions, not caps.

tl;dr: I'm not bad at this game, you're just (being) a judgmental fuck.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Hud Crosshairs in Q/A Help

I think you could get it better by changing the font size slightly.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 What interp is the best? in TF2 General Discussion

0.033 is only correct when your cmdrate and updaterate are set to 66 ticks per second.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Pyro in TF2 General Discussion

Yet another post where I can't respond to most of it because a lot of it doesn't counter anything I actually think, just whining about stuff I might be (which I'm not).

Cheap shit is broken, regardless of whether it's . I'm not saying pyro is powerful, I'm not saying it's worth playing over scout (when you can aim) or that I'm butthurt when the other team has a pyro on it, I'm talking about This Specific Thing where pyro is queer about engagement because of certain weapon combos and nothing else. Just because it's totally lackluster everywhere else doesn't mean that this close range gay with movement locking (which breaks source engine's input prediction on latent connections btw) and forceful engagement with a way to screw over most of the classes in the game when they try to fight back unless they're significantly better than the pyro (I know this is a runon at this point, I'll break it down again) isn't queer for the flow of the game. Okay, so, when I'm sitting at point A, and there's a pyro at point B, and I need to go to point C, I can't even fight the pyro to go through point B to point C, because they're impossible to engage with most classes; I have to bait them into me and fight them on my own territory, or catch them out of position; I'm not saying it's a Bad Idea to engage a pyro when they're in a comfortable place, I'm saying that it's "impossible" to win. If there's a wall, even if it's angled where you're parallel to it, they can airstall you on it, which isn't bad alone, but then you throw in the crit weapons with rapid weapon switch and it's a shame. There's One Way to fight against a pyro as most of the classes in the game, where almost every other 1v1 engagment in the game has multiple; it takes away the freedom to approach the problem of the pyro being comfortable in their cubby in a way you want, because you only have one choice, which can be time consuming, disrupt the flow of the game, or even screw you over completely if something goes wrong for you like getting airblasted through a wall because of input prediction. I'm not saying the class is gay, I'm not saying that it's bad that most of this stuff is the way it is, I'm saying that the stars of tf2 design aligned just right as to where pyro is too good of a class at denying transitions.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Hud Crosshairs in Q/A Help

Let me know if I made an error.

posted about 11 years ago
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