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Country Cyprus
Signed Up June 18, 2012
Last Posted July 7, 2015 at 1:07 PM
Posts 366 (0.1 per day)
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#14 math help in Off Topic

What exactly is latex?

posted about 10 years ago
#100 Sacramento LANFest spring edition in LAN Discussion
dummyanyone driving through portland? I really want to go even if i can't get a seat so I can finally meet slin

And not me? Fuck u faggot

posted about 10 years ago
#88 makaveli stream in Off Topic

Never seen more bandwagon faggots in my life other than the Superbowl.

posted about 10 years ago
#70 makaveli stream in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#20 S15 LAN Video/Picture Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Where are the pictures people actually WANT to see? aka post match partying

posted about 10 years ago
#79 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 10 years ago
#32 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnvisitnigKevinIsPwnmix^ yelled and talked more shit than the cs players. good on them for winning and everything, but harb calling people slurs at the top of his lungs was not a high point for tf2.
Where have you been? He's been doing this ever since attending his first lan, and if you actually do get into your opponents head, its just another strategy to win. Shittalking happens in every sport, you have obviously have never even watched a single CS match.

If your strategy to win is screaming "NIGGER" across the venue, I don't like your strategy.

Please don't think people are going to be turned off by trash talking, its nothing new at all

posted about 10 years ago
#470 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Both players that had their dads lost, this is a sign

posted about 10 years ago
#25 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnmix^ yelled and talked more shit than the cs players. good on them for winning and everything, but harb calling people slurs at the top of his lungs was not a high point for tf2.

Where have you been? He's been doing this ever since attending his first lan, and if you actually do get into your opponents head, its just another strategy to win. Shittalking happens in every sport, you have obviously never even watched a single CS match.

posted about 10 years ago
#257 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

is that Hitler?
no its enigma

But I see a chin

posted about 10 years ago
#169 ESEA season starting soon, let's talk? in TF2 General Discussion
synchrocage-the worst part of these threads is when mix^ players come in and act like everything is a joke
every time
Friendly reminder that some percentage of the money you give to ESEA ends up in harbleu's pockets. Just saying.

How is that in anyway a disincentive? If anything I would try my hardest to beat that faggot and take his money. What you demonstrated is just a pure loser's mentality.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Post your favorite EDM livesets! in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Coachella in Off Topic

To be fair, if you are under certain alternate dimension medication, you probably won't have the best sense of judgement.

posted about 10 years ago
#28 quantifying 120+hz vs 60hz performance differences in TF2 General Discussion

And if anything it differs so much on a class to class basis, meaning scout/sniper will probably be affected by this the most, then soldiers, demos, and medics.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Coachella in Off Topic
conductorcoachella's lineups have been shit for the past few years, not really worth the time/money to me

Last year was pretty good, really not sure about this year. And as far as the week goes, always try to go to week #1 simply due to the hype factor.

MangachuPretty sure i'm going to week 1 this year
edit: staying at the safari tents if that matters for anyone #spoiled

And you're retarded to think that the safari tents can even compare to the JW Mariott or the various 5 stars hotel nearby, gl with the after parties.

And this year line up seems to be better as far as the non main event artists like arcade fire and adventure club, feels like last year's main event were better. And honestly, listening to edm artists for 3 days in a row is kind of boring which makes it not that bad.

EDIT: I had to look at last year's line up, I am completely wrong, this years main line up is better( I just really wanted to see phoenix again)

posted about 10 years ago
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