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Signed Up November 6, 2012
Last Posted May 14, 2024 at 5:17 PM
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#2 Problem with own TF2 Server in Q/A Help

What do you mean when you say "I forwarded the ports [on VirtualBox]"? What did you change to your VM's network configuration?

The public IP should be your router's IP.

Alternatively, you could just run the server directly on Windows, it should be easier to setup and you won't lose performance due to virtualization.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 i just got a new pet in Off Topic
daybraekCongrations Mr. Joshuawn.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 What is the closest rocket you can dodge? in TF2 General Discussion

(1100 u/s) × (roundtrip ping + reaction time + time needed to physically dodge)

for a scout on the ground, model being 32u wide, moving at 400u/s, this would end up being something like
(1100 u/s) × (100 ms + 600 ms + 80 ms)
= 858 u

^ this is flawed because movement speed isn't instantaneous, but for the sake of not pulling out calculus which i never learned at school, it's easier

if you want to know what source units look like:

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Name change in Requests


posted about 5 years ago
#201 Apex Legends in Other Games
in 25 hours, 10 AM PST

posted about 5 years ago
#170 RGL 6s league in TF2 General Discussion

Questions to "sigafoo" on the "stats infographic" posted above:

What/which was the hypothesis?
What was the conclusion?
What were the sample sizes?
Was a "gullywash" week used in the case of UGC?
How do you define "game being broken"?
How does "average round length" relate to your definition of "game being broken"?
Is it possible that "average round length" in the case of RGL is influenced by the quality of match-ups due to high skill disparity rather than the format?
Who are "theorists" and what was the point in mentioning them?

Is this the format you're going to use when communicating with VALVe?
If not, will you publish what you send?
Will you adopt the "statistical report" format to communicate your statistical study?
Would you be willing to postpone sending to VALVe in order to gather criticism on your work?

Do you understand the implications of claiming data without context as unquestionable truth?
If so, will you refrain from creating more "infographics" without references to more serious analysis?

Are you aware of how important it is to use proper English when communicating statistics?
Will you make sure to proofread in order to avoid errors like "restrictve", "should of"?


posted about 5 years ago
#2 ETF2L S32 W7: Se7en vs. The Theorists in Matches

All right! So here are my thoughts on the donut sticks, alright? They are a very basic item. I think that they're trying to compete with Burger King's french toast sticks. But they are very different. What these, in my opinion, are lacking... They seem to just be very airy, you know? You know what I mean? It's just very, you know, it's very light. It's very fluffy. And I understand that. Has that little bit of a crispiness from being fried. Good coverage in regards to the cinnamon sugar coating. And I will say this: The hotcakes syrup …

John takes a look at the paper notes.

... I even had to write that down, because I'd forget it otherwise - is a perfect accompaniment for it. I kid you not there. It, you know, it gives it that moisture that it desperately needs and you definitely got to get that, if you want to get these donut sticks. Here's the one thing that I think that it's missing: I think these could be a little fuller, if you ask me. By that I mean like the name donut sticks, right? Most Donuts that you eat are usually on the thicker side, you know? It's not like it's all just air, right? You would hope for maybe just to be a little more egginess, just a little more substance to it, perhaps. Because, otherwise, you eat it and it's got that crisp, it's got the cinnamon sugar, but it feels like there should just be a little bit more to it than that. It feels like I should just be eating a little bit more food. When really like half the bite is just air and that's my one complaint when it comes down to it. On its own, it's a, you know, it's a fair snack. I'd recommend you give it a shot. But again gotta get that that maple syrup to go along with it! However, if you were trying to directly compare these to the French toast sticks from Burger King, I will have to say Burger King undoubtedly takes the crown on this one. Now with that said, all things considered? Looking at the product, the price, all of that, out of ten? I think they still hold their own. I'm gonna be giving these a 7.7 out of 10 and with that being said, I just think, like I said on their own? They're alright. But if you try to compare these to French toast sticks the French toast sticks will win every time. That's all that I have for you ladies and gentlemen. Today's review was for the donut sticks from McDonald's a new breakfast item and, with that being said, make sure you check out my new podcast that will be coming out in a few days. You can find it at We're gonna be getting real philosophical in this one so, you know, get ready! It's gonna be a good show. I can promise you that. And also to keep this channel, keep this podcast, keep it all alive and afloat: Consider supporting the channel with a great community of individuals at And also if you prefer to donate via PayPal you can do so at: Just getting that out there. Every bit helps! Please keep that in mind. With that, Take care, and I'll see you again in a few days with another video. Have a great rest of your day!


posted about 5 years ago
#1 ETF2L S32 W7: Se7en vs. The Theorists in Matches


John is in his automobile, he begins recording the video, the camera is on the vehicle’s dashboard, pointing to his face.

Hello everyone, this is "Running On Empty: Food Review"! Right. Welcome home! Good morning, everyone! Welcome to this morning edition of "Running On Empty: Food Review".
I'm your host TheReportOfTheWeek. And today's review, we're back on the day schedule! You know, not really. I've been up all night for this. I kid you not! But, no matter what, we are up! We're waking up. We're starting off the day bright and early with a new, a fairly new, McDonald's release. This was actually really recommended to me in my newest live stream. A lot of people were saying, you know, "Brah! You gotta try the donut sticks from McDonald's." I thought to myself, "Alright, you know, I'll note that down on the.. whatever - the roster, you know, the list, and see if it ever comes to fruition”. Sure enough. I have in my possession a number, an undisclosed number, of donut sticks from McDonald's. This is a new addition to their breakfast menu. And if you ask me, because I think a lot of people, you know, donut sticks is a... it's a very, it's a name that kind of leaves you wondering. You know? It's one of those names that isn't revealing in the least and a lot of people were wondering, "Well what exactly are the donut sticks from McDonald's supposed to be?" And that's a good question! From the research I have done the donut sticks from McDonald's are apparently stick like formations of donutesque material covered in cinnamon sugar and come with a maple maple syrup type of, you know, dipping sauce and it's supposed to be just like a light snack. You know? Something a little sweet and sugary to start your day off. In my opinion, anyway, I think they are trying to compete with Burger King's french toast sticks, if you ask me. I think that's what they're trying to compete with here. But whether they're any good or not?

John grabs the McDonald’s fast food bag that was placed on the passenger seat next to him, he puts it on his lap.

That's what we're here to find out!

John pulls out a smaller bag from inside.

So... and this is the donut stick satchel right there.

John lays the smaller bag onto the passenger seat, he then looks back into the bigger bag, examining its contents.

And... I forgot to mention, like I said, it's very very basic, you get the donut sticks and then you get the dipping sauce, you know, the maple syrup sauce. The price of these: $3.39 for 12 of them. So keep that in mind!

John pulls out a small container, a brown viscous liquid can be seen through its semi-transparent shell. He puts the container next to the smaller bag, on the passenger seat. He then goes back to examining the larger bag’s contents.

A 12 pack comes for $3.39, which isn't too bad. Trying to find a good napkin here. Looks like some of the sauce... Did it leak out? Who knows? We'll go with this one.

John moves the bigger back to the further side of the passenger seat and grabs the liquid container, showcases it to the camera, it is a McDonald’s product: “Hot Cake Syrup”.

Anyway ... This is, um, dipping sauce right there. They like to say kind of in code that it's hotcakes syrup, but it's really maple syrup, but you know it sounds nicer.

John puts the liquid container down and grabs the smaller bag. He then showcases it to the camera, it is another McDonald’s product.

Anyway, there you go. And like I said, so within this: donut sticks!

John poses, putting the bag next to his face, with the “donut sticks” in view of the camera, as to create a video thumbnail.

And there I am ... with the donut sticks.

John grabs a “donut stick” with his hand and showcases it to the camera, up close.

Alright, so. This is what a donut stick in its semi-natural habitat looks like anyway. Crispy. And then you can see covered with the cinnamon sugar glaze.

John poses, putting the “donut stick” next to his face.

There's one next to my head for comparison. And with that being said, I'm gonna try it out then I'll try it with the dipping sauce and we'll just go from there. So it's the donut sticks from McDonald's, going in!

John takes a child-sized bite out of the “donut stick”. He then showcases the freshly cut section of the “donut stick”, using both his hands to trick the camera into autofocusing very close, where the “donut stick” is.

Let me try that one trick. Yeah! Now, so you put your hand behind it or something then it, and then it works? Clearly I'm not doing that right but there we go.

John takes another child-sized bite out of the “donut stick”.

Well, since its a breakfast food, may as well pretend that it's it's breakfast time. So uh, you guys have a good good sleep last night?

John takes the rest of the donut stick to his mouth, it is nearly the size of a macadamia nut.

That's great!

John grabs another “donut stick” from the bag laying on his lap.

Got any fun activities planned for the day today?

John showcases the donut stick to the camera, up close. He looks shocked.

You're kidding? No. I'm, I'm saying that seriously because I was thinking the same exact thing.

John chuckles.

Yeah, the space program about the donut sticks, yep. You know? We're on the same page right here. Sometimes, you know coincidences that stuff is crazy!

John takes a child-sized bite out of the “donut stick” he is holding.

I was just saying …

John takes a few seconds to clear his mouth.

If somehow you were able to construct a device composed exclusively of donut sticks …

John fetches the liquid container to showcase it to the camera, temporarily. He puts it back down on the passenger seat.

… and was powered by hot cake syrup, how much of this would be necessary to get to Mars?

John rubs his hand to remove some of the sugar, then moves the smaller bag from his lap and onto the passenger seat. He grabs the liquid container again, this time he opens the lid and showcases the liquid to the camera, up close.

Like I said, there is the pool of hot cake syrup not big enough to swim in yet, but they say it's growing by the day!
John grabs a “donut stick” from the bag on the passenger seat and dips it into the liquid, he then takes a bite.

Dip it in there. That one was close …

John dips the “donut stick” into the liquid, again, this time, making sure that it is not oversaturated and will not drip on his suit. He takes a bite.

... had a few close calls in the past. Always always lay out some napkins. Yeah, better safe than sorry.

John puts the liquid container on the dashboard, he then grabs a paper napkin and rubs his hands. He adjusts his suit and looks to the rear of the vehicle. A bird has landed on the rear window. John then puts the napkin into the bigger bag. He looks towards the rear of the vehicle again.

Alright. Tell me, is that a squirrel? No, no, that's uh... Oh that's a cardinal!

John turns back to the camera.

Oh, very pretty bird. Very pretty bird. Trying to figure out what that, what that was, the Cardinals. Those are always a beautiful, beautiful avian specimen.

John grabs his paper notes and lays them on his lap.

posted about 5 years ago
#18 I love team fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion
HerpTimI love Ricardo Milos

posted about 5 years ago
#77 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

I remember my previous garbage computer would stutter any time a spy would (de)cloak, good times

posted about 5 years ago
#122 RGL 6s league in TF2 General Discussion

everyone: *playing the game and having fun*

posted about 5 years ago
#7 261 days in The Dumpster

i was offering my services but ok

posted about 5 years ago
#4 261 days in The Dumpster

i can make this disappear

posted about 5 years ago
#181 Apex Legends in Other Games

Wingman shoots slower and is less accurate on hip fire and the headshot attachment does less damage too
Peace Keeper with bolt shoots slower
Wingman and Peace keeper drop less frequently

i reduced my crashes to barely none by limiting my FPS to 85, this update makes me crash 80% of the time during the start flight

posted about 5 years ago
#59 What's got you down? in Off Topic
flyingbuddyI actually hate math. I just take so much longer to understand simple concepts than my peers. My professor always thinks I'm not listening when I can't answer a question but it's genuinely cause I just don't know the answers. I feel like I study 10x more than everyone else on it so it's so demotivating when I do shit.

What are you struggling with ?
It could just be the explanation of concepts are just not intuitive enough for you
If it's linalg or calculus, I highly recommend watching these:

posted about 5 years ago
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