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Signed Up July 24, 2014
Last Posted February 22, 2017 at 5:18 PM
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#3 Highlander LFT sub forum? in Site Discussion

I think this would be a good idea if only because the ugc forums are atrocious

posted about 9 years ago
#28 make money from home? in Off Topic
Bob_Marleystock market can be good if you already have some money and you're willing to take a risk

This is the worst advice on the thread.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 NA Shuffle in CS2 General Discussion

Hiko didn't join TL because it would've been the ultimate concession. He's too much of an egoist to backtrack that far. Originally he was creating a team with ska and the 3 liquid players (nitro/fugly/adren) and it was important to him that they leave liquid and create a new team. Why? Probably a lot of reasons, but a big one is that he wanted to create a team not join one. Nihilum gives Hiko his little pond to play big fish, going to TL after he lost ska and the liquid players refused to leave their org would've been embarassing.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 ptr released from CLG in CS2 News

in 6 months when Hiko officially retires because he can no longer compete at the highest level ill bump this thread for you guys

posted about 9 years ago
#13 ptr released from CLG in CS2 News

How long is the half life on being considered good? Potti was nasty back in the day, I wouldn't recommend him as a pickup today...

And Tarik is a better cs player than hiko. You guys follow cs with the laziest minds if you can't see it, cs is a team game. Hiko cannot create for his team while Tarik consistently has to create for his team.

And you think teams would prefer hiko over shroud/Azk? You and about 0 NA teams

posted about 9 years ago
#8 ptr released from CLG in CS2 News

"Possible exception"
You mean obvious exception? Then you have Azk/Tarik/shroud etc all better riflers. It's to hikos benefit that he hasn't been on a team cause then we could be even more harsh, this is GENEROUS to hiko. He was BELOW REPLACEMENT in the months leading up to his quitting

Teams compete to land real talents, Hiko's looked like a total joke the past two weeks acting like he's the belle of the ball and being straight ignored

posted about 9 years ago
#6 ptr released from CLG in CS2 News

hiko IS overrated rofl

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Possible Majors? in TF2 General Discussion

everyone needs to take like 16 steps back

posted about 9 years ago
#85 ESL and ESEA to host $1 million league in CS2 News
omnificTwitchalfaI don't think it has to do anything with one event or one person rather, but more with the fact that ESEA has been trashed on occasion including in the whole ESEA vs Cevo fiasco. Was nice seeing people at LAN every once in a while, rip.
at least one of those leagues didn't mine bitcoin on our computers

this is why ipkane doesn't like tf2 players

that was literally two years ago

If you want to play ESEA just shut up

That and calling him ipkane....

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Hiko's superteam is not happening in CS2 General Discussion

I would be surprised if swag doesn't get unbanned and unsurprised if dazed stays banned. That said its so long away I have no idea why c9 would ever plan that far ahead, and swag is a cs genius but not in the teacher/igl style that you would want an analyst to be. No idea what they're doing tbh

posted about 9 years ago
#9 CS:GO update for 4/28/15 (4/29/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion
phrax - Fixed HE grenade particle system drawing improperly sometimes with other particle systems (like smokes volumes).
thank god that's over

even tho it was unintended it was a cool display of game knowledge and execution

i thought it was cool that there was a way to "sound out" smokes

posted about 9 years ago
#2 CS:GO update for 4/28/15 (4/29/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

300 mb of nothing..........really?

posted about 9 years ago
#111 Attention Twitch Streamers in Off Topic
Screwballtwenty2020appealing to ass-backwards culutural norms to argue that its "ok" or "normal" is retarded
So we agree that a 18 year old getting charged as a pedophile for dating a 15 year old is ass-backwards and retarded?

do we need to have the Law 101 discussion on why arbitrary age cutoffs exist in the eyes of the law?

posted about 9 years ago
#103 Attention Twitch Streamers in Off Topic
ScrewballfigsyScrewballbullshitlol okay screwball keep trying to convince yourself that it's okay to rape children because its "the norm". (by the way, it's not also i hope u get institutionalized because youre delusional)Americans plz

Also when did i say anything about rape? Rape is abhorrent.

By your logic the vast majority of people a mere few hundred years ago where pedophiles. It was the norm for most of human history to be wed at 14.

it was the norm for women to never be considered capable of making their own decisions. So it was the father of the brides decision on when and how she wed; whether she was 13 or 30 was irrelevant because she was viewed as equally unable to make the decision on her own in the eyes of society.

appealing to ass-backwards culutural norms to argue that its "ok" or "normal" is retarded

posted about 9 years ago
#49 CS:GO update for 3/31/15 (4/1/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion
defyim saying despite the nerf awpers are still buying awps and doing work. which they are
no shit they're doing work best awpers in the world aren't going to have a hard time adjusting to this change, no point in going off that example doesn't change the fact that the update is still really dumb

also valve completely contradicting themselves here, trying to balance things out since the game is so incredibly ct sided but this change only made it more difficult to awp on t side

considering the change quite literally decreases the ceiling on how useful an awp can be when played perfectly it affects the top awpers as much as anyone, so ya i think its actually super relevant that top awpers are still able to carry in games and still buying awps despite next to no time to relearn the new awping style thats way less scope reliant.

and this is also a big nerf to ct whether you recognize it or not. T side awping is based around a couple things depending on how the team itself plays:
Mid Control (d2/inferno/mirage/cache boost) - and in that sense the only one of those i see impaired by this change is cache, and teams have been moving away from taking mid control with a T-side awp in favor of more set plays anyway. hell d2 and inferno are benefitted because it is now literally impossible to peek with a double scope at full speed or near enough full speed to get the prefire which is the only way cts used to be able to peek t spawn or t stairs on those maps.

entry fragging

holding angles to keep rotators from retaking

(i would write out similar paragraphs explaining how the current awp still fulfills both those roles but i dont really want to write an essay in response to a post which contains next to no actual points)

tbh what i see hit the hardest by this change isnt t side awping, its ct side. aggressive awp pushes into say A main on cache, or deep into apts on inferno which are predicated on the idea that you can be constantly in a state of peeking ready to stop on a dime, take a shot, and run away. these "sliding awps of death" are not the role the awp fulfilled in 1.6, "aggressive awping" in 1.6 wasnt sliding around in scope, it was setting up in a forward, unexpected spot and waiting for an unsuspecting T.

similarly when holding an angle against rushing T's like say car area on dust 2 against a cat rush the awp cant force the T's into a lose-lose where if they hold they get peeked by a sliding awp and if they peek they get awped.

the awp remains a powerful weapon and one that will see use on T and CT sides, and i find it hard to believe someone can be so incensed by a change which makes the awp fulfill a role more similar to the one it fulfilled in 1.6

posted about 9 years ago
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