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Signed Up August 29, 2014
Last Posted July 30, 2016 at 7:41 PM
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#6 Playtesting Pugs? in Map Discussion

I dunno man, it seems like there are people who really want to do it and it'd be cool to get them all together.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Playtesting Pugs? in Map Discussion

I'd really like to try out some of these new maps but every time I bring them up for vote in a pug or one gets chosen people start complaining and leave. If anyone knows of any play-testing groups you could link me, that'd be great. If not, feel free to add me @ http://steamcommunity.com/id/singlemexicanbillionaresmeet/ and we can start one :]

posted about 9 years ago
#105 Best airshots in the world? in Videos


This is the best airshot in my world :]

posted about 9 years ago
#6 cp_lowtide (5CP) in Map Discussion

I was expecting like an underwater secret-lab map with sharks and stuff, what gives?

posted about 9 years ago
#19 ++ LFT Open Med in Recruitment (looking for team)

you dont have to read them

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Legend of Korra in Off Topic

Honestly, I stopped watching a couple episodes before the second season finale because of how much I disliked Korra as a character and how I thought the villain was really boring. It gets better though?

posted about 9 years ago
#16 ++ LFT Open Med in Recruitment (looking for team)
mya except what i said actually happens and what u said is fucking stupid

medic dm (pretty upset i said that term) is something u use when shit goes wrong not something u plan for

healing people with ur medi gun while avoiding spam and not having to get into situations where u have to hit that d0pe xbow ubersaw combo is gonna help u and ur team way more

ya mechanics are really important obviously but if ur just trying to play open knowing who to heal and why is way bigger

im just saying from ur post it sounds like ur priorities on how to play medic or what u think the class entails are odd and i dont agree with them

also as great as watching demos seems its nothing compared to match xp so dont rely to heavily on what u gleamed from pyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur's s12 povs to help u out

so far uve played up to hl gold and 4v4 silver so i feel like ur "dm" is more a result of u playing people using gamepads rather than u having clutch skillzZz

Hey, I appreciate the criticism but honestly I think you may have taken what I said the wrong way. When I talk about "medic dm" it's not in the sense that you would say soldier or scout dm and I really meant that I have good positioning, surfs, gamesense, and this means I will stay alive when other meds won't.

To your 5th and 6th points, obviously I can't get open-level match experience without having an actual team so I've done what I can to prepare myself beforehand and I feel that I'm ready. Apparently there's a large portion of the community that's opposed to new players entering their leauge and the only way I can overcome that is to prove myself in game.

I shouldn't have to say that I know the heal order or where to push from because I feel that that should be obvious and a prereq to even considering esea. I also did a couple rounds of tryouts last night and I was really disappointed at the lack of knowledge the team showed about general meta-game etc. Basically, if you doubt my knowledge and abilities then give me a way to prove them.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Mid-Open Scout: icookiez in Recruitment (looking for team)

Cookez is pretty cool but he's not the same guy who plays osu. Despite that, he'll work hard for your team and do good things :]

posted about 9 years ago
#12 ++ LFT Open Med in Recruitment (looking for team)
LimeBest med this side of the milky way. I've been playing for years now and this man certainly has the skills and meta knowledge to rival any invite player. Any team would be lucky to pick him up.

Thanks lime :|

posted about 9 years ago
#7 ++ LFT Open Med in Recruitment (looking for team)
mthe problem with indust isnt the dude himself but this army of wannabes hes spawned who sit in mge shooting fucking arrows at spire and priding themselves on being able to spam spacebar whenever somebody bombs them

the problem with b4nny isnt the dude himself but this army of wannabes hes spawned who sit in mge shooting fucking stickies at spire and priding themselves on being able to spam right click whenever somebody comes near them

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ++ LFT Open Med in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey, my name's Tetro and I'm a pretty chill guy who's looking to play med on my first open team. Honestly, I realize that because this is my first season of ESEA, I'm probably not that attractive, but I really think I can help your team out and help you guys have some fun too.

About me:
+I watch a ton of POVDemos and Reviews. It's basically where I learn to play med and I'm confident in my knowledge of the meta and ability to make smart decisions.
+Free to scrim any day/time except 4s night or weekend days when I have plans (I'll let you know in advance).
+My survivability (edit: there you go) is one of my biggest strengths. I'm very confident that my movement is above average and I don't die unnecessarily because I play with reactive positioning and know when to leave an area.
+I'm a smart guy who honestly wants to keep getting better and master the game. Because it's med, I find that I learn the most from watching pov's, reviews, or just talking about things in mumble. In games, when I do something wrong and someone calls me out, I fix it. My ideal team would be one who makes a plan, and then executes it.
+I'd want this season to be about refining my play and fixing mistakes and false assumptions I have about the medi-game. I know the basics (and more) of my class in 6s, believe I can compete in esea, and would like to sharpen those skills and knowledge.
+I'd really like to work on my uber pushes this season. Most of my misplays involve me popping in and just generally not getting anything done. A strong push-caller pocket would be really helpful. I'm pretty confident about my other calls, but this is definitely something I'd like to improve.

So far my experience with Ugc 6s has been pretty bummy to be honest. I've played a couple seasons in gold and pug often with my friends, but nothing too impressive. Often I end up playing/trying out for teams where one or two people know what they're doing and the rest don't, which kind of handicaps what I can do as a medic. I'd like to see how well I can perform in a more serious and competitive league. I also play on the worst Euro Highlander team and have some good stories about that too.

Personally, my goal for this thread is to find a team that I can either grow from or with. To me this means that even if you decide not to continue together the next season, at least I can use the experience as evidence of improvement and continue to move up. I would like to play on a team with a winning record of course, but I realize that this being my first season in ESEA that might not be possible. Honestly, I'm confident that my medic play will be a benefit to your team and I'll definitely consider any and all offers.

Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/singlemexicanbillionaresmeet/

Also if you feel inclined to -frag this post after reading it, please feel free to add me and discuss what I can do to make it more appealing to you (the knowledgeable adjudicator of lft threads ;]).

posted about 9 years ago
#30 what has changed in TF2 General Discussion

Mini-sentries now have double range and there's a reverse damage falloff minigun that does more damage the farther you are from your target.

posted about 9 years ago
#631 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

I don't understand how Valve can blame the player base for not innovating enough in competitive. When Valve only creates weapons with low skill curves (ex: tide turner, gunslinger, loch and load, sorry if you disagree) it's very difficult to innovate. It's as if an art teacher only gives his student blue paint and gets angry when there isn't anything interesting being created.

On the other hand, it is disheartening that almost every new weapon is banned from 6v6 if it is in any way close to even/superior to the meta-weapons, or would significantly alter the meta itself. By doing this, competitive 6s is essentially becoming its own separate game within tf2 that cannot grow or evolve with its base. Honestly I think this is the problem the devs are talking about when they say 6s is too stagnant to consider developing for.

It sucks that Valve would rather develop for the f2p base (no offense f2ps) when they aren't the people dropping $600 into the market on hats and returning day after day for 7000 hours. Of course, I guess the f2ps are the ones with access to their mom's credit card and the naivety to sink money into mann co store cosmetics. This is a weird game.

posted about 9 years ago
#63 book recommendations in Off Topic
AoshimaDepending on how old you are, you could go with Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy.

Please read this book. Please read all his books.

posted about 9 years ago
#161 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion

I think this whole situation is really unfair. I mean m4risa gets accused and investigated about hacking but me, with at least 10 scout airshot-headshots and countless valve server accusations have never been.

posted about 9 years ago
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