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Country United States
Signed Up September 2, 2014
Last Posted November 4, 2022 at 11:35 PM
Posts 99 (0 per day)
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#4 TF2 update for 11/4/22 in TF2 General Discussion
Brockhow exactly did this get confirmed?

It was announced on the dedicated server operators' mailing list.

We've released a beta branch for TF2 that has support for VScript. You'll find this beta using the 'vscript_test' branch. This feature adds a scripting language (Squirrel 3) to the game that can be used to interface with entities, the world and the game state. Anyone interested in the feature (mappers, server hosts, etc.) can provide feedback here:

The beta branch is not compatible with the current version of TF2, so you won't be able to connect to the public servers or use matchmaking while testing it. You can toggle the beta branch on/off, though, so that shouldn't interfere with testing it if you'd like. Thanks.

posted about a year ago
#7 Not able to unmute myself ingame in Q/A Help

Thanks Brim, for some reason the format just wasn't clicking with me but your spelunking was enough for me to figure it out. I wrote an editor:

posted about 2 years ago
#2 weapon textures being weird in Q/A Help

This is an intentional feature called texture streaming introduced in the tough break update. You can disable it if you really want to with the -no_texture_stream launch option, but you might cause stuttering depending on your system. If it really bothers you, try it out and see if the performance tradeoff is worth it for you.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 TF2 update for 10/27/21 (10/28/21 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

SDR is the anti-ddos solution that Valve uses for their official servers. Fletcher Dunn did an interesting talk about it a few years ago at GDC, well worth the watch if you are interested in network programming at all.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 FreshHopItDon'tDropIt in Off Topic
KevinIsPwndelivery state only showing OR :(

You can't order it directly from StormBreaker, you have to go through bevv. Shipping will be more than the beer if you're on the east coast though. $22 to PA, ouch. I hope this is as good as Connie says it is.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Can you remove pfps from the scoreboard? in Customization

IIRC he was using the streamer hud feature of budhud. You can just use that, or you can look through the changes it makes to try to replicate it in your own hud:

posted about 3 years ago
#13 HOW TO MAKE VTF CROSSHAIRS in Customization

vtflib (and VTFEdit, which is based on vtflib) is open-source and available on github. You can download compiled versions from the release tab.

posted about 4 years ago
#206 TF2 and CS:GO's source code got leaked in TF2 General Discussion

Some more encouraging tweets:

Garry Newman, creator of GModSo with Source Engine exploits following the leak, everything we've seen so far is obvious fake trolly bullshit.

If you know of a legit exploit first hand, my DMs are open and we'll work to react as soon as possible.

Once again: no evidence of actual exploits at the moment.

XPaw, one of SteamDB's main devsAlso, there's no proof that there's an active RCE in TF2, appears to be fearmongering by a cheat developer.

edit: Geel has posted the most accurate summary of this whole situation I've seen yet.

posted about 4 years ago
#70 TF2 and CS:GO's source code got leaked in TF2 General Discussion
Uber_Allesso I can't scrim tonight?TheMackey5Scrims are off I guess, what are your plans for tonight now tftv?

Even if the RCE is real (no proof one way or the other yet, it's literally just rumors) scrims where you know every player joining the server are probably fine.

posted about 4 years ago
#31 TF2 and CS:GO's source code got leaked in TF2 General Discussion

There are rumors of a remote code execution bug. Source:

No clue if it's real or how exploitable it might be, but maybe worth not playing for a few days.

posted about 4 years ago
#51 weird / guilty youtube pleasures in Off Topic

Oh man, lock picking lawyer is great. I watch a ton of his stuff while waiting for compiles at work - I can fit one or two in per compile because he picks through them so fast.
Obsessively thorough and well-edited let's plays.
Old Windows/DOS viruses.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 name change in Requests

'sheybey' please.

Slowly but surely switching over to my real name, if only to discourage myself from shitposting.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 Malicious tftv ads in Site Discussion

Unfortunately, the only way around problems like this is to get an ad blocker or wait for the ad network to remove the malicious ad.

the301stspartanHey friends those are really all very great suggestions about installing software to block the ads, however - hear me out for a second - I would like to mention (bear with me here), have u also considered the following:

enigma should not host malicious ads on his website

Have you considered the following:

enigma does not hand-pick the ads that run on this website

Google ads is an extremely popular service. It's inevitable that some bad actors are going to get in the mix. Usually, they will notice and remove the malicious ads after a few days. However, due to the obscene number of ads they manage, this process takes time and isn't perfect. Enigma cannot possibly vet every single ad that runs here for the same reason.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 vtf2png (In-browser VTF decoder) in Projects

The long-awaited complement to vtfconv.


  • Does the opposite of vtfconv (converts vtfs to pngs)
  • Entirely in-browser - the image never leaves your computer
  • Nifty preview that goes off your screen if you convert a big VTF
  • Doesn't actually encode the png (right click on the preview to save it). Didn't feel like coming up with a better name
  • Because of the above point, consumes absurd amounts of memory for large vtfs
  • Better code than vtfconv (read the comments if you want to go on an adventure)
posted about 6 years ago
#28 Good Single-Player Games? in Other Games

If you like 2D action/adventure, Daniel Remar has a neat catalog. As a bonus, they're all free.
Personally, I'm a big fan of Iji and Hero Core. If you don't mind going a little light on the action, Strawberry Jam is also very entertaining, if a little short.

If you're a fan of old DOS-style games, the company he works for put out MURI, which he had a large hand in the development of. While I haven't played it myself, I hear it's good.

posted about 6 years ago
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