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Last Posted February 7, 2017 at 2:01 PM
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#139 rayshud in Customization

I threw together a quick steam group. I'll try and remember to throw out announcements for it when there's an update:


posted about 11 years ago
#137 rayshud in Customization
ompI'm pretty sure you'd have to find another font that contains a thinner circle.

omp is right.

My HUD includes two circle crosshairs, though. A thicker, more opaque (the one you're using, named xHairCircle), and a thinner, more solid one (named ThinCircle). You can easily make the thinner circle more transparent by changing it's opacity value. (The fourth color in the fgcolor field.)

posted about 11 years ago
#131 rayshud in Customization

Version 2.72 is out.

It includes:
-Added a button on the main menu to toggle the scoreboards.

It can be downloaded here:


Stay tuned, though! All I really have left to do is add in a custom disguise menu and custom build/destroy menus. Hopefully they won't take too long. You can look for that update soonish. If anyone has any ideas on how I could improve/expand my hud, I'd be happy to take them.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Sunday Funday lf pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)


We'd really like more tryouts! :D

posted about 11 years ago
#130 rayshud in Customization

Frkn is correct. I remember trying to fix this when I was originally making the scoreboard for my hud, but there's not much I can do. I'm sorry. :<

posted about 11 years ago
#125 rayshud in Customization
Matwojrays which file is for the boss health bar? I can't get it to work in my version of m0res hud. Also where do I set up the power up square on the new lakeside?

I haven't done anything to the default boss health bar, so I can't really tell you what the exact file for it is.

Also, in terms of setting up the new powerup square, that'll be in HudPlayerHealth.res. However, if you're using a version of HudPlayerHealth.res from before the halloween update, the field you'll need to edit (called "PlayerStatus_WheelOfDoom"), won't be there by default.

posted about 11 years ago
#122 rayshud in Customization

It should work just fine. I fixed all required changes for the Halloween update in v 2.71. However, I've been getting mixed results. Some people tell me the update works great; others tell me it breaks their game completely.

This is odd, because they're both literally downloading the same file.

My advice to you would be to completely remove your first hud (delete scripts and resources folders), then try and install mine fresh.

I tested it by completely deleting my scripts/resources folder, then installed the ones in the file with no problems.

posted about 11 years ago
#119 rayshud in Customization

Version 2.71 is out.

It includes:
-A few coloring issues.
-Fixes for Halloween update.

You can download it here:


posted about 11 years ago
#118 rayshud in Customization

Yeah, I noticed this today when watching Mangachu's stream. I'll go ahead and put out a hotfix for it in a minute.

Everything else should be working just fine, though. If anyone has any issues with my hud and this Halloween update, just drop a post in the thread.

posted about 11 years ago
#116 rayshud in Customization


1: Ubercharge: You'll have to open up "HudAnimations_tf.txt", find the section on "HudMedicCharge", then edit the numerical values there under "Purple Charge". There will be two different sections you'll have to do this in though, as one controls the charge meter number, and the other controls the charge bar itself. I'll consider changing the color of this/animating it in the future, as you're right that the pink isn't very attractive. I didn't spend long with this, and was just something I threw in to replace the rainbow effect.

If you want to make the numerical health values on the TargetID bigger, you'll have to open up "SpectatorGUIHealth.res", and edit the font used on both "PlayerStatusHealthValue" and "PlayerStatusHealthValueShadow". While I was experimenting, I think I may have defined a "CerbeticaBold17" that you could try out with it. If that's not big enough, the next step up would be to try "CerbeticaBold20". If that's too big though, then you'll need to define your own font in "ClientScheme.res". If you don't know how to do this, just search for "CerbeticaBold16" in "ClientScheme.res", copy it, and paste it after it, changing the appropriate values from 16 to whatever font size you'd like. Changing the font will likely cause you to have to reposition the health value's x/ypos, though. This can also be done in "SpectatorGUIHealth.res".

If you mean dead player names in the scoreboard, there's not much I can do. I'm sorry, but with the way Valve coded the game, I don't think I can do much. I may be wrong though; if you have a source showing edited names/opacities on dead players, I'll look into it further.

Damage floaters can be edited in "HudDamageAccount.res".

2: Thanks for pointing this out. I've made a slight modification, does this look better?


In terms of main menu organization, I might change this in the future. It just bothers me to have the create server button be next to the browse server button. I suppose I could move it down, but I don't think it'd look as nice if it weren't at the top. :p

3: Good call on removing the white overlay in the team selection menu. I only originally added it because I wanted it to be close to the same darkness as the class selection menu, (I couldn't tell you why they aren't by default..), but didn't realize it took away so much color.

I'll be implementing these updates in a newer release, probably at the same time I finish up the disguise and build/destroy menus.

posted about 11 years ago
#111 rayshud in Customization

Version 2.7 is out.

It includes:
-A new, custom main menu.
-A few positioning/width fixes for spectator health being cut off.

You can download it here:


Here are a few screenshots of the main menu:



posted about 11 years ago
#109 rayshud in Customization

You'll have to copy over the font "Cerbetica.ttf" in my resources folder, as well as copying over all of the font definitions for it in ClientScheme.res.

This means you'll have to first open up ClientScheme.res and find where I "defined" it as a custom font. Here's a screenshot:


You'll just copy over all of font 7, starting with the first brace and ending with the closing bracket, to your ClientScheme.res under the "///CUSTOM FONT FILES///" section of your own ClientScheme.res. (It should be at the very bottom of the file - note the slider on the right of my picture to see about how far down.)

Next, you'll have to define a font size for the font. Since you just want the charge meter, then you'll only have to define one font, "Cerbetica12".

So next, search for "ECON FONTS" in your ClientScheme.res. You should find something like this:


This is where you'll be defining that font size. So, scroll down until you're at the bottom of the list of econ fonts (It'll be different depending on what's in brosel's hud). Anyways, once you're at the bottom, all you have to do is copy in the following section of code and paste it in:

				    "name"		 "Cerbetica"
				    "tall" 		 "12"
				    "additive"	 "0"
				    "antialias"	 "1"

Note, if you do this while ingame, you'll have to restart. Unlike most things, a modification to ClientScheme.res requires a game reboot.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Demo Reviews by cyzer in Mentoring

Hi cyzer, I'd be really appreciative if you could review my demo.

It's round one of the open playoffs when my team played the number 1 seed, Community Clown College.


I don't know why; but I think there's something in my config/on my computer that makes all of my pov demos really stuttery, so I apologize for that ahead of time. :<

Here's a link to the stats of the match, if you'd like to see that as well.


Thanks in advance. :D


Thank you so much for the review! I learned a lot, and will do my best to translate it into my match tonight.

To anyone interested:


posted about 11 years ago
#106 rayshud in Customization

Yes, take "HudDemomanPipes.res" from resource/ui.

Just be aware that, although the positioning and size will be the same; the font will default to whatever brosel set as the default (unless you install my font), so the "Charge" in the middle might not work properly without a bit of tweaking.

posted about 11 years ago
#104 rayshud in Customization
DustwulfBeen using it for a few hours now, love it so far. I like things nice and simple. Only gripe is the bigger scoreboard, It would be nice if it was less opaque so it was easier to see in front of you. Also, not a big fan of the text in general. That's just a personal issue though.

Thanks for the kind words.

If you'd like to make the scoreboards more/less transparent then it is now, then all you'll have to do is open up "ScoreBoard.res" and find the fields "Red6sBackground", "Blue6sBackground", "StatsBackground" and "ScoreboardBackground"; then edit the fourth value of the RGB color code under "fillcolor" for each one. Numbers closer to zero are more transparent; numbers closer to 255 are more solid.

posted about 11 years ago
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