Account Details
SteamID64 76561198034874515
SteamID3 [U:1:74608787]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:37304393
Country Netherlands
Signed Up February 4, 2013
Last Posted October 5, 2022 at 6:26 PM
Posts 455 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4
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Mouse Logitech G500
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 31
#55 Fly high milkytf in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#1 ETF2L Nations Cup #9 - Group E: Netherlands vs. Russia in Events

Nederland kampioen!!!

posted about a year ago
#48 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

i wanna go gib team

posted about a year ago
#29 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

ok i need to go. Scorpion & Lupus live???

posted about a year ago
#9 i69 closing/thank you thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to everyone I've met or missed

posted about a year ago
#30 Insomnia 69 (26-29th August 2022) in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#108 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion

Man this is so sad

posted about 2 years ago
#101 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#94 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion

Amazing news!

posted about 2 years ago
#39 Why aren't you prem/invite yet? in TF2 General Discussion
taviim just bad and cant play above div2, which i first played about 5 years ago

speaking of this, i wonder is there is someone with more officials than me without ever playing prem

i sit at 218 at the moment

ur still really good bro :)

posted about 3 years ago
#1 ETF2L S38 W4: The Bus Crew vs. Garda Panteri in Matches

With Adysky stepping in for Poison (who has work...)

posted about 3 years ago
#1 ETF2L S37 W5: SVIFT vs. The Bus Crew in Matches

gonna be big!

posted about 3 years ago
#7 Stepping Away in TF2 General Discussion

Sad day but I wish you all the best and I'll hope to see you @

posted about 3 years ago
#6 The Bus Crew stops in Prem once more in News

I was tired when I made these comments alright

posted about 3 years ago
#59 Dutch thread in Off Topic
sacyak404sacaub annexeer ons ik wil onze politiekers niet meer (belg)
Belgie? Bedoel je zuid nederland?
Engeland, bedoel je niet West-Nederland sinds 11 April 1689?

verslagen met woorden!

posted about 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 31