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Signed Up October 27, 2013
Last Posted February 16, 2014 at 9:48 PM
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#13 HUD edit help in Customization

Both answers, you can find in huddemomancharge.res and huddemomanpipes.res.
Heh heh...

(The HUD animates things differently depending on if you have stickies out or not. X and Y for the other one.)

posted about 10 years ago
#6 HUD Problems in Customization

I don't think the delta_item_y and end_y work. The numbers are dynamic, after all, which means they won't have a 'y', they just appear.

- In the meantime I figured something out! The delta_lifetime of huddamageaccount.res is the time that the damage accounts that don't show up in HudAnimations.txt exist in!

Take a look:
Image 1: You can clearly see I have stabbed a target. The small number and hit marker have been assigned already in HudAnimations.txt. The bottom left number is not assigned there at all.
Image 2: I wait a while and the assigned hitmarkers disappear. However, the bottom left, as well as the floating number still stay there.
Image 3: The number is fading out.
Image 4: The number finally disappears, and so does the one at the bottom left.,q3zrTo6,jgh65A7,XDklhsN

posted about 10 years ago
#2 More MvM HUD questions in Customization

Bump. I'm talking about the numbers "1 44 24 2" and changing their font.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Making HUD from scratch need some help. in Customization

Here are some tips that WILL save you time:

1. The only two files you need in the scripts folder are HudAnimations.txt and hudlayout.res.
2. The 'hudlayout.res' for MvM is hudmannvsmachinestatus.res. Basically it defines X and Y for MvM based areas.
3. Also, huditemeffectmeter positions are defined in the .res files and not the hudlayout.
4. [X360], [!WIN32] just changes positions based on whatever 'platform' you are playing it on. If you are familiar with programming you know what the ! sign does.
5. Dump a _minmode for a minmode. If you base your HUD off someone else's, your minmode HUD will look bad, and if you use your best friend copy-paste, you will have to redo minmode if your HUD is messy looking in it.
6. MvM's scoreboard is made of 3 parts: the self-generated PlayerList, the little part of the actual scoreboard and the spend and sub panel.
7. Anything 'account' related usually relates to numbers. Accountpanel is the metal, Healthaccount is the animation that pops up "OH HI YOU GOT +2 HEALTH.", Currencyaccount is the money in MvM, mvminworldcurrency is the in world currency, and you probably can find everything else in Doodle's guide. It's really all you need, although it isn't updated (doesn't talk about MvM in detail nor does it talk about killstreaks)

posted about 10 years ago
#12 dystHUD in Customization

A third update has been released.

"Minor Tweaks":
- Some centered things. Yup.
- And some bug fixes that don't fix a god darn thing.
- Also, MvM has some tweaks that make it better that I don't remember. I know one made it compatible in minmode. Oh, and MvM specific bars work. Hopefully. Maybe. Spy Sapper doesn't work still.
- Tried to fix the reserve box so it looks nicer. Well, I did SOMETHING to it! Made the width 2.5, but it doesn't support decimals. It's a placebo effect for me.

(Do people play MvM seriously, at least enough to use Minmode?)
Download link is up there.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 More MvM HUD questions in Customization

How does one change the number font that shows up as enemy info? (on the top, to the left of the Support)

posted about 10 years ago
#12 TF2 Hud Fonts in Customization


posted about 10 years ago
#9 Screen shake on hit in Customization

Well, it's annoying to me to the point where I only hate afterburn because of the bouncy effect.

Come on, I just want to headshot that Pyro and kill him with two more shots ._.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Bunch o' hud questions in Customization

Because we're totally not missing #15 here.

I think that's your problem.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Bunch o' hud questions in Customization

1. Unsure, I don't work with that

2. Put the font in clientscheme.res, the syntax is at the bottom and should be put there anyway

3. The more conventional way removes the entire bar as well, so I would advise - eh, no. Not a good answer I can say here.

4. It's a clientscheme.res thing based on colors. Or it could be hardcoded, but you could just create your own border?

5. Not really. I mean you COULD put a "border" on TargetDataLabel in targetid.res (which won't appear if there isn't a target data label) which A) would make it appear on things like buildings and thanks to the new ammo and killstreak things, would make it appear on that as well and B) couldn't display team-colors AFAIK. Besides, it looks really ugly in practice and probably would require 3+ hours to make a border specifically for that. Wouldn't recommend it.

6. Isn't that a HUD-based thing, just for comp aesthetics? Probably could disable it.

posted about 10 years ago
#473 rayshud in Customization

I'm not sure of the syntax of this particular HUD, but go to huddamageaccount.res and edit the font of delta_item_font and delta_item_font_big in "CDamageAccountPanel". delta_item_font is the normal damage number font and delta_item_font_big is the number when you get a crit or a mini-crit. So you potentially could be ridiculous and make it Comic Sans on a crit.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 MvM Timer help in Customization

Thanks, guys, I've changed the font so it looks consistent!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 MvM Timer help in Customization

didn't get an answer last time I said this so saying it again

How do you change the font in Mann vs Machine with the timer before you start the round on the very bottom-middle? I know it's in there somewhere, I saw a video with a different font on it. Couldn't find the file anywhere in online guides.

posted about 10 years ago
#471 rayshud in Customization

I found it out on my own, thankfully, because when I played medic to check it out it said "RAGE" instead of "ENERGY" and immediately knew the problem.

posted about 10 years ago
#469 rayshud in Customization

It uses the same file as huditemeffectmeter_heavy.res (the heavy's MvM rage bar). Just use #TF_ENERGYDRINK instead of RAGE.

posted about 10 years ago
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