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Signed Up April 8, 2016
Last Posted January 20, 2017 at 1:45 AM
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#12 Rewind meme thread in TF2 General Discussion

60hz monitors

posted about 8 years ago
#43 What's the logic behind unbanning unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
eee>eyelander, the sandman or the base jumper

Eyelander is cool af and carry building is a core part of MOBAs. I'd love it if the eyelander was a core part of tf2 cause it would do a lot of cool shit. It'd make momentum more important but also increase the gamesense required because demo situationally would go from incredibly high value pick to mostly worthless use of a sac

Sandman is pretty shit but the ball mechanic isn't inherently flawed. Stuns are bad but honestly with the right mechanic behind it it could be cool. Something like "can't cap for x seconds" or something that makes it a team support weapon would be kinda cool

Base jumper allows more movement options which is good for tf2

tbh it sounds like you have a concrete notion of what TF2 is and refuse to let anything else be "esport" but that's honestly myopic af

b-b-but those are casual weapons!!!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 AMD Radeon CHILL to reduce Input Lag in Hardware

Pretty nice update comming out for AMD GPU's for performance on the 8th but one feature stood out to me. They are introducing a feature called RADEON CHILL which seems to downclock the card when there is little going on then return to normal performance as stuff happens.

Cool and all but they also mention that this feature would reduce the time input to display lag. The link shows a couple graphs with tests down with World of Warcraft showing 5.3 ms reduction in time to displayframe. TF2 is also one of the games supported by this upcoming feature.

I don't actually have an AMD GPU but would love to know the communities thoughts on this and if anyone can perform tests of their own when the update hits.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Matchmaking parties resource? in TF2 General Discussion

Ask people you play with if they want to que with you. Best way to find reliable players.

Just keep in mind that queuing with others will increase wait times and will often make make the rounds more difficult. Thus, avoid massive parties and queuing with players who are worse than their rank suggests.

posted about 8 years ago
#112 who was the best player at pointless gamemodes? in TF2 General Discussion

Revolver Spy in Casual

posted about 8 years ago
#34 If you were the average casual TF2 player in Videos

Watched the video. Had a blast. Also is a great way to promote other streamers.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Should use minimum view models in stream? in TF2 General Discussion

no view models is a bad and the normal ones cover up too much space.

Min is a good compromise. Also MatchMaking players can probably relate to it better.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Town of salem anyone? in Other Games

back in the wild west days you had Adolf Hitler along with 3+ variations of that along with a "Jew" "Nigger" and usually some president tossed into the mix.

The game would consist of everyone slinging profanities at each other and everyone would randomly lynch whoever got voted first. There was no such thing as voting innocent.

Good times.

Then they banned Adolf Hitler along with other popular names. Casual is still lots of fuckery so I recommend that. Competitive is pointlessly unbalanced.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Town of salem anyone? in Other Games

its a good game.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Working Multicore Rendering on Source in TF2 General Discussion

I have an 8 thread CPU

Tf2 uses 100% of one thread
30% of another and 10% of a third.

Very bad "multi core". Best would be 100% on all threads.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Acceptable behavior in MM? in TF2 General Discussion

A good way to get more competitive matches is to do parties. The system will forcibly match groups together and this tends to result in a higher skill level. Might mean you lose more often but the matches will have better players.

I'm rank 16 and while still get clueless players at times but there are usually at least 2-3 players on each team that know what they are doing. The biggest plus is that its fast compared to lobbies/mixes.

Still, I'm pretty much in your situation, don't have the time commitment to play on a team but want something more challenging than casual. I enjoy MM and I think you'll find it fits your needs.

posted about 8 years ago
#69 first time u played tf2 in TF2 General Discussion


It was a friend's birthday and I was shopping for a birthday gift for him. After looking around the store I wanted to get him GMOD cause I played it before and it was a lot of fun. But in order to use it, it required the user to own a Source game which my friend didn't. So I decided to grab a Source game for him and it happened to be TF2.

Was pretty jealous of him cause TF2 looked pretty good but I didn't have any money to spend on it at that time. He enjoyed my gift and stuff. This was around May.

About a month later the Uber update came out and I happily hopped on. I had made my Steam Account less than a month ago and TF2 was my 3rd game.

All I remember was seeing a hatless soldier shooting FOUR FUCKING RPGS into the enemy spawn on the far side of Point A on gravelpit which blew my fucking mind. "This guy is OP as fuck" "Shit I have to play him" Instantly changed classes and wondered why I dropped dead.

Feel kinda bad for my friend though lol. He doesn't play anymore but if I didn't go shopping for his present I doubt I would have played TF2. I was a huge RPG nerd.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 The State of TF2, Post-Valve Meetings in TF2 General Discussion

One problem I have with having class limits is that TF2 classes are unlike other class based games.

Unlike OW and MOBA's, each class in tf2 can have multiple and very distinct play styles that would account for multiple heroes in a MOBA setting. Having a looser class limit would allow greater experimentation with different weapons/class combinations.

The bigger problem seems to be when players stack a specific play style vs stacking a class

Would one stock demo + 1 grenade launcher/shield demo be okay?
Yeah probably
Would 2 stock demos be okay?
Probably not....

1 stock engy vs 1 gunslinger engy?
Should be fine
2 stock engies?
Probably not...

This is also why using OW and MOBA's as an excuse to push class limits is simply wrong.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 ESEA S23 W4: Circa eSports TF2 vs. froyotech in Matches
mafia_is_mafiaCan't wait for the 10 second mids.slamBergmafia_is_mafiaCan't wait for the 10 second mids.
I dont think we will roll them THAT hard

You guys have the best record for consistently either wiping on mid or wiping the other team in under half a minute.
Fun stuff.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Nexius 24" 144Hz FreeSync monitor on MassDrop in Hardware

free sync is only useful if you're getting beneath 144fps. Anything higher and you have to turn on vsync to cap it.

If you're looking to get a monitor for tf2 then you should wait for the Benq 144hz monitor instead. I got mine for $200 around 1 year ago and it has blur reduction which felt as amazing as when you first see a 144hz monitor.

posted about 8 years ago
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