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Last Posted February 14, 2014 at 5:42 PM
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#19 Lobby Justice League L4 Scrims in TF2 General Discussion
Turinlol batman verses joker so original

I've noticed that people with a sense of humor enjoy it.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Lobby Justice League L4 Scrims in TF2 General Discussion

define sarcasm

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Lobby Justice League L4 Scrims in TF2 General Discussion

I know, so ironic.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Lobby Justice League L4 Scrims in TF2 General Discussion

I/we rarely stacked lobbies. This is mostly a different group anyways.

The only people I ever "make fun of" are the pathetic, narcissistic, mean-spirited competitive gamers who alias in lobby and talk shit to any lobby player within earshot. Hmm,you seem the type.

Obviously, I am a mere amateur gamer for life.
You sir, are a competitive joker.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Lobby Justice League L4 Scrims in TF2 General Discussion

Didn't ask this thread to be made. Don't add me please, we never scrim.

posted about 10 years ago
#87 How long ago did Chess club stop caring? in TF2 General Discussion
chaingun_joeI won't comment on the specifics of this particular situation, except to say it gives me some vibes (not all of them, clearly) of a greater pattern (of which no one person's individual extenuations bears special weight), which I would sum up thusly:

1) Be an egotistical, albeit exceptionally talented, player (not necessarily a bad thing unto itself).

2) Season after season, form impromptu teams with your buddies, then slack off, or better yet, disband, after your first significant losses, blissfully dis-acknowledging the fact that good players do not necessarily make a good team and that perhaps, just perhaps, the ability to work together seamlessly and fluidly has more significance than 1-on-1 deathmatches.

3) In the wake of this dearth of coherence, wonder why there aren't more sponsors interacting with the league or the "teams".

4) Complain that nobody takes the sport seriously and threaten to leave, the same way a bipolar, coke-addicted wife threatens to leave her man every other week (bonus points for actually quitting, then quietly creeping back after two or three seasons).

5) Turn 30, realize you are getting older and closer to death, and decide to move on, perhaps finding a wife/husband and throwing down a triple mortgage.

6) Use the fact that the league died along with your enthusiasm as justification for writing it all off.

7) Crank out a kid or two who might just pick up mommy's/daddy's rocket launcher or scattergun and take up the passion like their parents before them.

8) Watch your progeny pull the same crap and complain about how the young are ruining everything for you.

9) Get old and die.

10) In the afterlife, decide you are somehow qualified to be somebody's Obi-Wan and fruitlessly haunt them as their mentor.

11) Complain about the living not appreciating anything.

12) Sit around for a few billion years, blame the league for the sun becoming a red giant and eating the earth.

13) Sit around like a curmudgeon as the universe continues to expand and cool and protons and neutrons fizz out of existence.

...or am I being too cynical?


posted about 11 years ago
#28 Gotfrag Classics in TF2 General Discussion
defianceBUICKIt's really surprising that the person who ruined gotfrag before actively follows TF.TV enough to cause this much trouble.

Seriously though, people always said the corrupt gotfrag admins were CS kids but if one of them really hates TF2 enough to do this... daaaammmn.

Also it's not because they were bumped, because none of them were. It's because someone who hates TF2 community that much still pays attention. Mine is saved because as far as I remember it's hard(er) to delete polls.
its a DOD:S kid

dod 1.3*
username rambizzle, though it's probably a shared account.

it's pretty amazing, really.
those guys trolled their own gaming community literally to death and hate to see anyone else have fun.

as long as you have the URL to a thread, it can be recovered.

posted about 11 years ago