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Signed Up June 18, 2012
Last Posted December 27, 2017 at 1:09 AM
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#42 Intel LANFest Sacramento (OCT 26-28) in LAN Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#5 how to change croisshair size on langes hud in Q/A Help
Anarchyand the only
way to center is to mess with it?

yup, it shouldn't take you very long though. remember that you can type hud_reloadscheme in console to refresh your hud after you've made a change.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 how to change croisshair size on langes hud in Q/A Help

if you want to change the size of the crosshair:
- navigate to your scripts folder, which is found inside of team fortress 2\tf\

- open up hudlayout.res with notepad (or any text editor)

- under the section for CrossHairNormal, you can see the font used for this element of the hud is "CrossHairNormal". if you want to change the size of the crosshair, all you have to do is modify that font. to do this, open up ClientScheme.res (found inside of your resource folder). search for "CrossHairNormal". you should see this:

				"name"		"Symbol"
				"tall"		"32"
				"weight"	"0"
				"additive"	"0"
				"outline" "1"

change the value for "tall" to your liking. you will need to restart tf2 for the changes to take effect. after you have it to the right size, you can move it to the center by changing the "xpos" and "ypos" values under CrossHairNormal in hudlayout.res.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 ExtraLife Invite Pugs for Charity in TF2 General Discussion

Starts at 2:00PM PST, 5:00PM EST!

Come watch and support the ExtraLife charity!

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Last thing you drank in Off Topic

lemonade, i love lemonade

posted about 11 years ago
#3 1 stream problem and 1 hud problem in Q/A Help

you can have two different hud crosshairs, just make one visible for cl_hud_minmode "0" and "1"

posted about 11 years ago
#3 [Medic] Tery Looking in TF2 General Discussion

I've seen him around in streams and stuff and he seems to understand the flow of the game pretty well. From the sound of this post, it looks like he's interested in improving as well. Give him a chance!

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Intel LANFest Sacramento (OCT 26-28) in LAN Discussion



posted about 11 years ago
#5 huge stream viewers in TF2 General Discussion
SalamancerPresumably, we were front-paged. If not, then it was a combination of the hype + the actual content. We didn't do much more hype than normal - the reddit post, the tftv thread. Once the hype's out there, it's up to the viewers to decide whether it's worth their time. Nothing's gonna draw attention quite like the final match of the season between the two best teams in the game.

But yeah, glad to see our viewer count shot up like that. Cbear held it down fantastically, I hope I kept up alright.



I did not get a chance to check the twitch frontpage at the start of the cast, but at the end it was definitely not featured. Really surprised me how many people were just there and actively contributing.

Before TFTV even updated its stream list saying that eXtv was live, there were already 300 people watching.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 huge stream viewers in TF2 General Discussion

i'm not sure we've ever had this many viewers for a non-lan match, thanks everybody.

anybody know what specifically is attracting all the viewers? is it the weekly match schedule? hype? what can we do better next time to continue this?

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Names in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Staying positive? in Q/A Help

i've found that having positive teammates to play with makes a huge difference. people who don't like losing/can't learn from their mistakes will act negatively in mumble and make it harder for your team to focus. if you have players with the same mindset as yourself to learn/improve, you'll spend the downtime after a loss talking about ways to beat them next time rather than talking about how terrible your team is.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 light in the darkness in TF2 General Discussion

Just wanted to say that having all these streams live is amazing for the community, good job and thank you to everyone streaming consistently!

posted about 11 years ago
#150 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion
Vortex Lansky himself said that he picked up Craig because they were friends and he would rather play with friends than good players who were assholes.

This is important, obviously, but that's more of a general guideline of how most top players like to play... Playing with people that you actually ENJOY playing with makes a big difference. Regardless of skill, I wouldn't choose to play on a team with players with negative attitudes/lack of effort. However, I would never tell my team that I'm picking up X player just because he's my friend or something. Players with the drive/skillset to improve is something that I like to have on my team. The whole team agreed upon the decision to pick him up and I don't regret it in the slightest.

EDIT: On a second note, do you have any examples of players that got to invite based on "connections" that don't actually DESERVE to be there? I know you mentioned Craig but I honestly believe that he deserves to keep playing in invite after how much he improved this season.

posted about 11 years ago
#125 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion
VortexA thousand times this. Invite is about connections in this game rather than talent. It's fucking ridiculous how a gap in the roster is given to the first person they know rather than someone who is relevant in the high IM scene. Look at tehoreoz, I don't mean to pick on him - but he hasn't been relevant since fucking season 7. Getting into invite 5 seasons later simply by connections is fucking ridiculous.

I'm not singling him out, this game is full of glorified ringers who took the game seriously at one point and then come back years later. Players who don't care about improving and don't touch the game until a scrim or match rolls around. If you comprise a team solely of fickle players who are not actively in the scene and just lean on past talent to get them guaranteed roster spots then you're going to have a shit division.

Really have to disagree with you on this one. I don't think there's anything wrong with picking up a player with potential. I don't think anyone can deny how drastically craig has improved over his first season of invite. I'd rather play with players that I actually LIKE playing with and will take the game seriously. As much as I'd like to think the people that have been playing "forever" should deserve an invite opportunity more, plenty of players meet a skill plateau and just cannot climb over it.

EDIT: You can't say a player like craig falls in line with the "has-been" players who don't take the game seriously. He watched nearly every lan demo before the season started and asked questions/looked for criticisms... He showed up every day for scrims and tried his best in matches.

posted about 11 years ago
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