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Last Posted August 9, 2014 at 9:59 AM
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#69 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games
BenroadsThe next update will include a large number of gameplay changes, all of which are slated to be released prior to our Steam release. The vast majority of changes are being encapsulated within the new default ruleset, while the legacy style of play will remain available in a "classic" ruleset available via Create Match.

The goal of this release is to bring the game up to shape and slightly modernize some aspects to make the game more accessible, friendly, and enjoyable to new comers.

New Default Gameplay Ruleset

Players may now hold jump to continuously jump.
The minimum allowed time between jumps has been increased from 50ms to 100ms.
Players may now hold forward and jump to 'bunny hop', allowing them to slowly gain up to 2x their base movement speed.
When wielding the Gauntlet, ground movement speed is increased 6.25%.
Introduced Loadouts, allowing players to select one Primary Weapon (hmg, rl, lg, rg) and one Secondary Weapon (mg, sg, gl, pg).
Added the command "weapon toggle" to toggle between your Primary and Secondary weapons.
Unified weapon respawn time to 5 seconds across all gamemodes.
Added global Ammo Packs, in lieu of weapon specific ammo, where each pack grants you a small amount of ammo for each weapon in your inventory.
Reduced ammo respawn time from 40 seconds to 10 seconds.
Added in-world item timers for "major" items, including armors, megahealth, power-ups, and medkit. Respawn timers blink once per second, and display one "pie piece" for every 5 seconds that has elapsed.
Items have taller pickup collision boxes, so that players will not miss items as they jump over them.
Power-up spawn indicators now appear when a power-up has spawned in the arena.
Enabled self-kills with an additional 1 second respawn penalty.
Railgun damage 80->90
Rocket splash damage 84->100
Gauntlet damage 50->75

Weapon Changes

Added new weapon, the Heavy Machinegun to act as a viable primary infinite range hitscan weapon with some but minor spread.
Lightning Gun now does 6 damage per cell across all rulesets, or 120 damage per second.

Public FFA Settings

New ruleset in full effect

Public Duel Settings

New ruleset in full effect

Public TDM Settings

New ruleset in full effect
Friendly-Fire disabled.
Power-up drops enabled.
Fraglimit 150
Timelimit 15
Teamsize 5 (no callvoting teamsize).

Public CA Settings

New ruleset enabled without loadouts (new physics, but 'all' weapons - classic ca + hmg)
Round Limit 7
Teamsize 5 (no callvoting teamsize).

Public CTF Settings

New ruleset enabled without loadouts (new physics, mg starter, in-world item timers, etc)
Timelimit 15
Teamsize 5 (no callvoting teamsize).

Public FT Settings

New ruleset in full effect
Timelimit 15
Teamsize 5 (no callvoting teamsize).

Public DOM Settings

New ruleset in full effect
Weapons drop for additional weapons.
Self damage enabled.
Timelimit 15
Teamsize 5 (no callvoting teamsize).

Public AD Settings

New ruleset in full effect
Weapons drop for additional weapons.
Timelimit 15
Teamsize 5 (no callvoting teamsize).

General Game Changes

Fixed the CHEATS ENABLED notification on the map loading screen from lagging behind its proper state.
Reduced the default amount of player movement bobbing.
Reduced the default amount of damage kick movement.
By default, don't show weapons you don't have in inventory on your weaponbar.
By default, bob major items when simpleitems are enabled.
Prevent broken shader image on crosshair '30', '60', '90', which would equate to crosshair "none" as the cycle repeats.
Bots now randomly select loadouts, when applicable.
Greatly reduced multiple pickups prediction errors.
Removed the option to move to FreeCam while dead in elimination based gametypes.

Create Match Features

Now support custom values of starting ammo in AD, CA, DOM, and RR.
Added optional Double Jump physics player movement mechanic.* (*Not yet actually on Create Match UI.)

Arena Changes

Removed Team Arena Runes from all maps.

Stuff linked to me in IRC, SyncError has been talking about some gameplay overhauls for QuakeLive for some time. Currently they are all just rumors but some of these changes don't see too unlikely (Jumping over health/armour/weapons) but the "loadout" concept seems really far fetched unless they plan on implementing a NTF-esque gamemode. Some of the other changes do seem kind of interesting such as the weapon damage re-balancing since LG is currently so dominant in QL duel right now.

Players may now hold jump to continuously jump.
The minimum allowed time between jumps has been increased from 50ms to 100ms.
Players may now hold forward and jump to 'bunny hop', allowing them to slowly gain up to 2x their base movement speed. -Quake live has a Strafejumping training with a dedicated map, What's the point of this change?

When wielding the Gauntlet, ground movement speed is increased 6.25%. -CounterStrike: Live confirmed

Added new weapon, the Heavy Machinegun -You mean the Chaingun? Oh wait...

Rocket splash damage 84->100 -That was bad XD

"weapon toggle" to toggle between your Primary and Secondary weapons. -I don't even know what this shit mean.

teamfortressTV -The changes will be publicated only in the update section, Quake live site.

If this is real i'll just quit the game and wait for unreal tournament in 2015. This may become a good "Noob mode" anyway, but not the main mode of the game.

posted about 9 years ago
#67 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games

Players may now hold jump to continuously jump.
The minimum allowed time between jumps has been increased from 50ms to 100ms.
Players may now hold forward and jump to 'bunny hop', allowing them to slowly gain up to 2x their base movement speed. -Quake live has a Strafejumping map training in the practice sector and a whole discussion dedicated to it, what's the point of this "change"? Nice trolling

Added new weapon, the Heavy Machinegun -You mean the Chaingun? Oh wait...

When wielding the Gauntlet, ground movement speed is increased 6.25%. -Counter strike Live confirmed

teamfortressTV - The changes will be publicated in Quake Live site, in update section. Not here.

Quake Live rumored gameplay changes - "rumored" That's all.

posted about 9 years ago