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Signed Up September 5, 2016
Last Posted December 28, 2020 at 8:02 PM
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#18 LF Laptop in Hardware

An i5 can run tf2 at above 100 fps WITHOUT a graphics card, i know this from personal experience, and most laptops with graphics cards that also have everything else he listed are too expensive for him.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 LF Laptop in Hardware
HuggesThis site has a lot of good options. Your price range to fps ratio is definitely doable.


I'd look at Lenovo, MSI, and Asus' past models. Stuff with GTX 860Ms should go for pretty cheap. I'm personally a huge fan of what Asus has to offer. Great laptops.

Hes doesnt need a dedicated graphics card for tf2

posted about 7 years ago
#11 LF Laptop in Hardware
XenThePybrofor everyone saying to get a chromebook you first need to know that it can run the software you need for school, so if you use a more resource intensive program such as unity I would steer away from a chromebook and get something with more beef, and if this is your primary computer 128 gigs wont go very far.

The chromebook conversation is completely irrelevant, the possibility if him getting a chromebook has been eliminated, he needs a laptop since he wont always be near his desktop during matches and scrims

posted about 7 years ago
#10 LF Laptop in Hardware
Max_VulcanMax_VulcanFirst of all, laptops are trash just get a chromebook for school work and build a pc for gaming, nobody needs to "game on the go" but if that us truly out of your reach then your current laptop looks fine, you can definitely get over 100 fps with that cpuI wouldn't even get a chrome book, I'd just go for a netbook. With a chromebook you need internet to do stuff, wtih a netbook you don'tYou mean those dell mini laptops? If thats the case then i wouldnt reccomend those for school use, you see the beauty of a chromebook is that you can do nothing but school work, minimizing distractions and improving productivity :)I picked up an Asus E200HA-UB02-GD solely because of it's size and battery life. There's still internet on a chrome book and you need it to do literally everything. With a netbook it's like a dumbed down laptop with a weaker CPU, smaller storage size and no graphics card pretty much

youre right about the internet part, but not having wifi isnt too much of a problem since im assuming hes in college

posted about 7 years ago
#7 LF Laptop in Hardware
Max_VulcanFirst of all, laptops are trash just get a chromebook for school work and build a pc for gaming, nobody needs to "game on the go" but if that us truly out of your reach then your current laptop looks fine, you can definitely get over 100 fps with that cpuI wouldn't even get a chrome book, I'd just go for a netbook. With a chromebook you need internet to do stuff, wtih a netbook you don't

You mean those dell mini laptops? If thats the case then i wouldnt reccomend those for school use, you see the beauty of a chromebook is that you can do nothing but school work, minimizing distractions and improving productivity :)

Also the chrome ui is less inviting and more sinister looking than windows, which personally helps me to study

posted about 7 years ago
#5 LF Laptop in Hardware
DeathyVulcanFirst of all, laptops are trash just get a chromebook for school work and build a pc for gaming, nobody needs to "game on the go" but if that us truly out of your reach then your current laptop looks fine, you can definitely get over 100 fps with that cpu
I will need to play a week of matches/scrims this season in january as I won't be around. It is also highly likely to happen in the future. If it wasn't for comp tf2, I wouldn't need it

My current PC runs games extremely well and has absolutely no issues. I just need something that can at least run tf2 on the go.

If youre willing to get familiar with ubuntu system76.com will allow you to rent laptops which you can order in different configurations

posted about 7 years ago
#3 LF Laptop in Hardware

First of all, laptops are trash just get a chromebook for school work and build a pc for gaming, nobody needs to "game on the go" but if that us truly out of your reach then your current laptop looks fine, you can definitely get over 100 fps with that cpu

posted about 7 years ago
#67 What is the game that requires the most skill? in Other Games


Your point?

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Faulty laptop? in Off Topic
FireMight actually be broken. If Windows still works try a Download speed Test to see if it's actually Hardware.

Win isnt working, and i know for sure its not my wifi.

posted about 7 years ago
#49 need name for rocket launcher in Off Topic

im bombing med

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Most death you've ever gotten in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#12 Faulty laptop? in Off Topic

Update: have not been succesful in installing antergos, when trying to install ubuntu i get stuck at 3 bars, downloading something on this computer takes an hour but when i tried downloading it using my dads thinkpad it took 10 mins. Should i just call it quits and return it?

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Faceit news post about matchmaking algorithm in TF2 General Discussion

I honestly believe that making faceit the new primary pug system is a step in the right direction. But you have to be careful, if they eliminate all competition they will have no reason to improve since they are already the best, and this leads to corrupt and shitty administartion, similar to how tf2center beat tf2lobby.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 osu! in Other Games
TsarbucksEvery team I've played for that has died had at least one osu! weeb on it.

i can +1 this

posted about 7 years ago
#38 What is the game that requires the most skill? in Other Games
flatlinehours have nothing to do with anything wtf

Have you heard of the 10,000 hours rule? That it takes 10,000 hours to become a master at what youre doing?

posted about 7 years ago
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