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Signed Up May 11, 2013
Last Posted November 15, 2017 at 5:18 PM
Posts 308 (0.1 per day)
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Mouse Logitech G400S
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Mousepad Roccat Alumic
Headphones Sennheiser HD-202(Modded)
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#9 WAXED in Videos

Finally, a frag video with good music.

posted about 9 years ago
#75 No more camwhores on twitch in Off Topic

I'm getting some incredible satire vibes off that video, so I have no idea what you just watched.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Starting a Good Exercise Routine? in Off Topic

Like other people have said, you should really look into your back issue(s) first. You say you have cramps; does this happen when inhaling deeply after having done something strenuous? I ask because I had a heavy "pinching" feeling when inhaling after one-arm pullups and/or dragon flags, and I realised I hadn't been stretching my core enough.
Regardless, see a physiotherapist and based on their recommendations, tailor a regimen for yourself; whatever you do, ease into it.

As for cardio vs. strength training, I'm very firmly in the strength training camp, although I do agree that some level of endurance is good, and plyometrics(explosive strength training) is great.

With respect to running, be warned that it's absolutely terrible for your joints(no matter how "well padded" your shoes are), especially if you run like most people do. Running is also a pretty poor exercise in terms of a time-to-benefit ratio as you do a lot of it, for a long time, for very little in terms of practical fitness.
If you really must run, I'd recommend looking into barefoot running; more specifically, landing on your forefoot rather than on your heel, while minimising head-torso bob. But do not go straight into barefoot running a mile a day out of the gate. You have to do it very slowly, or you'll risk injuring your Achille's tendon or overloading your calves. Start out walking barefoot, landing on your forefoot, somewhere with hard surfaces for 30 minutes every other day, see how your calves and feet feel. Stop if you feel pain or soreness. When you can properly walk barefoot with no pain, try running 10 or 15 minutes every day or every other day with no shoes on. Progress as above.

If you want to make the most of your time spent exercising, low rep, high intensity exercises are your best friend. Sprinting, planks, box jumps, pushups(and variants), pullups(and variants), squats, bridges, and more. Best part is only a pullup bar is needed for the stuff I mentioned.
With simple bodyweight exercises like these, you'll see great results in probably 4-5 months. If you're not happy with that time-frame, you can always join a gym and move onto heavier free weights(avoid machines as they do little for your balance and stability) to see results faster.
Since you're a woman(I assume), I imagine you may be afraid of "getting bulky", but you needn't worry about looking like a female bodybuilder, or anything near that without massive amounts of heavy lifting, a ridiculously high protein intake, and a lot of supplementation. Oh, and sometimes hormonal "aid".

Lastly, diet is key. Cut out the carbs, sugar and grain oils as much as you can manage, but try and replace them with high quality meat(avoid low-fat meat), fats(ghee, butter, coconut oil), vegetables and fruit. Meat is good for two reasons. One, it builds muscle and/or prevents muscle wasting, which is very common in high-carb low-protein endurance athletes. Two, it is very filling on account of the fat and protein, when compared with an equal amount of carbs. What this means is if you were eating 600 grams of carbs per day or 600 grams of protein per day, you'd gain more lean mass(muscle) and put on less fat with the protein, provided there was adequate daily exercise.
Calorie counting will help you lose weight and possibly gain that skinny-fat look, but is terrible if you want even slight muscle definition. If you want a lean physique with muscle definition ranging from slight to ripped, put less emphasis on calorie counting, and more on getting high quality fruits/vegetables, fats and approximately 0.8g of protein per lb of your bodyweight per day. So if you're 110lbs, you need approx 88 grams of protein per day. Just keep in mind that 100 grams of beef, for example, does not equal 100 grams of protein. You need to check the protein content per 100g of food you're consuming

Lastly, here is a visual aid for some simple bodyweight exercises:

ChompsAlso I've heard people say if you want the "toned" look you should do loads of low intensity exercises like lifting 5 lb dumbbells like 100 times and I've also heard that the toned look is just having a low % of body fat and a good amount of muscle and that people that tell you to lift low pound weights to get that are essentially wasting your time since you will get results but it'll take a lot longer to do 3 sets of 100 reps than using a higher weight and doing 3 sets of like 5 reps. But I dont know I haven't actually done my own research on the topic, so if someone else wants to come in and confirm one of those two things that'd be cool otherwise just do some reading.

Stole the words right out of my mouth with all your other points, and yes, you are correct in thinking low intensity, high reps is a waste.
Like how Gwyneth Paltrow got "toned" with 3lb dumbbells. Personally, I hate the term "toned" because it's vague and sometimes misleading in that people use it to describe taut skin, average-ish bodyfat, low muscle mass in women while also using it to describe low bodyfat and high muscle mass in men.


Oh, those are some good links. Noticed the Ido Portal stuff in there.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Computer refuses to boot in Hardware
testifyTried a Flea power release ?

Unplug power supply cable, hold down the your power button for 10-15 secs, plug cable back in and try powering on the machine again.

Yeah, it didn't help. I've already sent it in for replacement; hope it goes well.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Computer refuses to boot in Hardware
Rickmobo is probably dead.

have you tried booting with the onboard vga? no graphics card installed, and see if that boots

Yup, tried that. Still nothing.


That's a very cool set of flowcharts.

Thanks for all the advice; I'm just going to try my luck getting the motherboard replaced as it's still under warranty.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Computer refuses to boot in Hardware

Literally nothing comes on. No fans, no LEDs, nothing. I cleaned the contacts on the GPU by simply wiping it with a dry cloth.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Computer refuses to boot in Hardware

Long story short, I've been having some issues I thought were graphics card related(card not being detected by Photoshop, random boots with no display) and I finally decided to take out the card, clean the contacts and put it back in when my display refused to work today.

Took it out, cleaned it, put it back in and my monitor was still blank. Tried switching my DVI cable for a VGA cable, and at this point the computer refused to boot. I tried booting with nothing but one RAM module, checked the front panel headers, double-checked my PSU leads and still nothing.

So I figured it was either the motherboard or the PSU. Luckily I have a second PC around the house, so I took my main PSU and tried connecting it up to the other PC, and it started up perfectly fine.
Am I right in thinking that I need to get my board replaced or should I be troubleshooting some more?

posted about 9 years ago
#9 ETF2L Premiership Week 1: coolclan vs. in Events
TurboTabslike totally need to like, work on my vocabulary like, or i'll be seen like a 14 year old girl

Valley girl, she's a valley girl!

posted about 9 years ago
#10 tf2 player look-a-likes in Off Topic

Finally, somewhere to put this one.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Reflex (Arena FPS) Kickstarter is up in Esports
botmodesome links :D


Memphis (top level cpma player) stuff
youtube playlist:

fjoggs (mapper):

Vo0 ($200k in pk)

entik (made contenders 1 + 2, Work, It's Pekka 2 etc)

#reflex on quakenet

Those are glorious.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Reflex (Arena FPS) Kickstarter is up in Esports

Just pledged for the prototype. If they don't hit their goal, I hope they make the prototype purchaseable somehow.

posted about 9 years ago
#60 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games
AoshimaWell, the video did have the disclaimer that all objects, sounds, and art were placeholders. So maybe the final version won't be as particle-heavy.

Or they could just have particle options within graphics settings.

posted about 9 years ago
#55 Quake Live Trailer in Other Games
Vortex1.) Accel is handled differently in Quake/TF2. TF2 accel is FPS based (unless they've changed something, I haven't used accel in over a year) so TF2 accel = Quake accel x CURRENT FPS / 1000.

TF2 has 3 different types of accel implementation, one of which is FPS based. Sadly, it's also really the only one worth using because it's closest in terms of customisability to QL accel.

If you're an accel lover and want consistent mouse-feel over all your games I highly recommend povohat's brilliant QL mouse driver for Windows.

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games
atmoI don't think they are going to get $360k or even close to it. Should have scaled to something more realistic.

I just hope the whole thing doesn't fall through because of their lack of foresight with the end funding goal.

posted about 9 years ago
#47 should i take steriods? in Off Topic

Yes you should, OP. I would also recommend a pinch of anthrax every day.

kevjust drink a gallon of milk every day

thats the real way to get fucking huge

Ah, the infamous GOMAD "diet". Good if you're not lactose intolerant.

posted about 9 years ago
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