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SteamID64 76561198323983090
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Country United States
Signed Up June 26, 2013
Last Posted December 3, 2021 at 9:15 PM
Posts 119 (0 per day)
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#6 vanbro/gaschlong lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 4 years ago
#4 vanbro/gaschlong lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump, schedule just opened up so now looking to get some games in

posted about 4 years ago
#1 vanbro/gaschlong lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

im now in complete control of my schedule and have time and want to play s5
havent played a full season since s1.
primarily looking to play flank scout in advanced, pocket scout is around main level and can maincall kinda decently but ill put in the time to get good at it with the right people.

REALLY trying improve and grind with a chill team who plan to stick around. always down to watch demos and stuff.

some seasons in esea open
pocket scout for 5 players + sbeve RGL S1 main (11-5) (0-1)

posted about 4 years ago
#46 Sunset Hud in Customization

How do I get the killstreak number to move to the top right like here?

posted about 4 years ago
#8 DH-Anaheim Volunteers in LAN Discussion

added for volunteering questions :)

posted about 5 years ago

me (far right) and my boys last night out before they go back to their navy bases cuz their holiday leave is over

posted about 5 years ago
#25 asura lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

in the case that his team is dead, this guy is one of the most dedicated players ive played with, he deserves a good team that will stick together and want to grow. chill non toxic guy who is open to criticism and always strives to improve. good dm and understanding of the game. already has playoff experience and with time could be a very great player.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Favorite iCarly Ship? in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Favourite Albums of the 2010's in Music, Movies, TV

only few that come off the top of my head

standing on the corner - standing on the corner
discovery - daft punk
nimrod - green day
good kid maad city - kendrick lamar
to pimp a butterfly - kendrick lamar
free your mind - anarbor
continuum - john mayer
abraxas - santana

theres more in there somewhere
anything with electric guitar instrumentals im also really into so let me know if there are any great artists :)

posted about 5 years ago
#6133 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

What is the UI for the ingame timer and player panels? I want to transfer the m0rehud small panel to another hud.

posted about 5 years ago
#16 TF2 community leaders partner with BTS for 2020 event in News
tscSpectators will be welcomed to join a viewing party on-site.

who down to go?

posted about 5 years ago
#6097 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I edited my scoreboard server time limit so it does not display the "Server map time limit: " and just displays the numbers. I deleted every font glyph that was not "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 and : " to do this. However the server time limit still displays the : that was in front of the text I wanted to remove.

Is there a way to delete the first " : "? Or was I just over thinking the situation and there is a way to just the delete the text straight up without editing any fonts.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 vanbro lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 5 years ago
#41 no no word list in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#1 Name change in Requests

I would like my name to be changed to vanbro. Thanks in advance.

posted about 5 years ago
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