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SteamID64 76561198154228044
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Country Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Signed Up October 31, 2015
Last Posted August 17, 2017 at 3:23 PM
Posts 809 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 1.26
Windows Sensitivity 6
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Keyboard es87 blue
Mousepad qck
Headphones senn hd518
Monitor hp w2007
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#64 Stabby talks class balance in TF2 General Discussion

1) it's still fresh because roamer and demo fast rollouts are cool, every class is mobile, you need a medic, you have a flank, and you need a combo. I can't think of any class that can permanently replace the composition already there without impacting the game negatively. many maps such as sunshine process etc are designed with normal 6s in mind. uif you ran different class composition you would take away the midfight meta, can you imagine one team showing up to mid super early and the other coming after mid is half capped because pyro spy and sniper are just slower classes? also you're never going to be able to expect what the other team is running, and that would bascally make scrimming pointless since fuck knows who's going to run what. and even then the meta will develop again and people will realize that the current meta works best, plus prolander was already tried and failed.

it's a stupid comparison but in really old cs people had limits on how many guns you could run like you weren't allowed to run 4xAK or whatever and then valve made MM without the restrictions and there's a new meta and it's "stale" again. it's not a perfect analogy but a new meta will evolve and people like you will say it's stale again. i'm not really sure if this makes sense as a comparison, though.

2) there's nothing stopping people from running whatever classes they want in MM, I mean it's already goofy enough that adding class limits might be ok but people are going to get mad that they can't play whatever class that they want and abandon which causes the whole lobby to end.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Stabby talks class balance in TF2 General Discussion

1) 6s has seen experimentation, have you never seen situational offclassing to break stalemates. people have tried running sniper for more time such as flippy, alfa offclassed a ton. calling something stale can't even be interpreted as positive so it's trash talk, like the word itself has a negative connotation like a piece of dirty shit bread on the street that's dried out and stuff

2) if you don't play 6s why do you comment on how 6s should be played. adding more offclasses doesn't really help, have you seen 4s where offclasses such as pyro are run fulltime? do you want matchmaking to essentially be 4s? sure it's fun but once people get out of mm into real leagues then they're going to be upset they can't main pyro or something.

3) if you don't offer reasoning why are you upset that people don't agree? you are a popular youtuber/streamer and you can influence your audience without reasoning.

4) idk, i think your influence over others should mean that you try to use reasoning to justify your opinions before half of /r/tf2 starts spouting the same thing and use "ginyu stubbystubby -ts- said it so your're wrong." the few personal attacks here isn't the majority, but yeah personal attacks shouldn't be the point

posted about 8 years ago
#34 This aim wtf in Videos
sleepless_Why the fuck is his cheat snapping so much


wtf why is ur head snapped like that is it some sort of anti aim

posted about 8 years ago
#27 This aim wtf in Videos
strazyyyyeah he cheats

his settings are garbage though looooooool why is he not using psilent

because psilent doesn't work anymore and if you watch stv it snaps even tho it looks silent on your screen/pov

edit: nvm pills and stickies are projectiles and pSilent is still working on projectiles

posted about 8 years ago
#25 This aim wtf in Videos
neon_very high sens + luck

that's not high sens the movement isn't even remotely human

posted about 8 years ago
#23 This aim wtf in Videos

it's not cheats because nobody with a sentient mind would have that big of an aim fov wtf that's like 30º or something ridiculous, literally i don't think you could even use that because you would accidentally lock onto stuff that you weren't even looking at

also most people with projaim use silent with it, particularly with demoman pills since it's harder to prove that they weren't exactly on the crosshair when coming out as opposed to any other class which has the projectile/hitscan going straight from the crosshair. but since pSilent got patched out maybe these are from STV which would lead to the jumping

also it looks like a demo bug because the models on the characters are jumpy as shit too,

edit: after watching the top10 plays yeah this dude probably cheats or all of his demos are fucked but why the fuck would you not use slow aim???? you can literally find slow aim / humanaim scripts on uc.me that are literally indistinguishable from real aim

posted about 8 years ago
#42 Deciding on New Mouse in Hardware

thoughts on the g402?

posted about 8 years ago
#5 calx lft open medic in Recruitment (looking for team)
gusfade-scrimmed him in hl one time and he wouldn't be a bad pickup for a low-mid open team

i think he's a furry though
I'm guessing hes not a retard pubber like u tho

who r u and why did u comment on my profile ??

posted about 8 years ago
#5 TF2 phone app theory crafting in TF2 General Discussion

kind of like reddit where you get a notification when someone quotes your post

idk if that's possible though

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Does Anyone Think the last hitsound is stupid in TF2 General Discussion
AoshimaI know there are languages which use the English lexicography but don't have the same capitalization rules as English, so that could be an explanation for his weird capitalization?

Still a shitposter though.



posted about 8 years ago
#2726 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
_DR34M_Hey Guys How do i change the menu color for Ahud And oh How do i change The logo in menu like "Ahud"

there should be a file called upward_widescreen or something like that, make a new vtf with whatever you want and rename it that / replace it

posted about 8 years ago
#2 calx lft open medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

scrimmed him in hl one time and he wouldn't be a bad pickup for a low-mid open team

i think he's a furry though

posted about 8 years ago
#8 A Plea to Valve: let us disable ragdolls in TF2 General Discussion
Niko_JimsI wanna say how I got my config to work, but I actually have no idea. However, there IS a way to do it.

you can't start lobbies

you have to be invited

this also goes for dx8 you can play dx8 if someone with dx9 and no config invites you to the lobby

i'd expect valve to fix this at some point but i really want to be able to play at over 30 fps

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Mac Huds? in Customization
Blitheay look at all these helpful responses :^)

there was already a very very helpful response saying that this is because of the matchmaking beta / stress test. you could add hud makers who already updated their huds to ask about how they did it. or you could wait a few days for fblue to update it, and i think there already is an updated one with a new homescreen from a few days ago - did you check for that?

unrelated but i think it's actually the font that somehow breaks the hud like you said (?) since neither m0rehud nor broesel works for m after the update

try googling how to change font in tf2 hud and change the font to something else, shouldn't take that long

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Casting HUD Design Contest in Projects

rawrsor please make that public

posted about 8 years ago
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