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SteamID64 76561197981869155
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Country Benin
Signed Up July 19, 2012
Last Posted May 3, 2021 at 4:14 PM
Posts 217 (0 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 15
#11 Halo vs Cherry Switches in Hardware
bearodactylthis is a stupid question but are there any good keyboards (ideally tenkeyless) that are wired but have the option to go wireless?
i love my hhkb pro2 (the topres are rly nice) but i wanna have something with the option to unplug and use from the couch for casual stuff

if you don't mind opening up your hhkb and doing a little work
hhkb mod

posted about 3 years ago
#5 will this site ever get a mobile version? in Site Discussion

never going to happen


posted about 3 years ago
#29 keyboard thread in Hardware

dont have the spacebars kit to keep all of the caps the same color :(
board: meridian
plate: POM
switches: silent alpacas lubed with tribosys 3204 and switched filmed



posted about 3 years ago
#1 extracrispy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


i'm really washed but wanna play demo or soldier in div 2. maaaaaybe med if the team is a bunch of chillers.


posted about 3 years ago
#324 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

Rest in peace yomps, heart goes out to friends, family, and cafe monster.

posted about 4 years ago
#3 For a school project, we were assigned to create a in Off Topic

sweet, was always curious about source filmmaker.

if you're looking for constructive feedback:
put a logo in the top left 'SFM Poster Creator' or something like that.

since your header/ nav is just click anchors, this is an opportunity to make a sidebar (it makes more mental sense)

give your site a max-width. I'm a 4k monitor and it's just super long sentences that don't really break.

the info graphics are helpful just make them a more consistent size and you should keep them in the same column

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Brock's Horror Movie Thread in Music, Movies, TV

watched The Ritual on netflix the other day and it was pretty good and pretty scary, definitely worth watching.

just watched The Babadook and holy shit it was good and really scary. it did an amazing job of bring the heavy themes to a tumultuous lead character and the horrors that go with them. solid A+

posted about 4 years ago
#18 Brock's Horror Movie Thread in Music, Movies, TV
BumFreezei watched midsommar recently and was very disappointed. i felt like there was so much they could do with it and the intro was incredibly scary but they basically only did very generic cult shit in the end :(

I really like the artistic choice to make it a 'day time horror' with the bright and vibrant colors and leaving the horror to lay in the appalling practices of a cult, but agree that the plot was lacking.

spoiler ahead:

Show Content
What let me down was the ending, it was a overly dramatic murder of the boyfriend who may not have been the best dude but definitely didn't deserve to be killed like that just because he was struggling with the disconnect. I wanted some other deeper meaning and questions to ask myself at the end like Hereditary, but yeah didn't get that this time. Overall felt like 2 and half hours of build up just to be let down.

Recently watched Eyes Wide Shut for the first time and though it's not really a horror, i still thought it was pretty scary in it's weirdness.

posted about 4 years ago
#40 Worst date (your fault or not) in Off Topic

This girl and I had been chit chatting via text for a couple of days and she seemed alright. Soon enough she came over, we had a few drinks, a couple of laughs, and as is the nature of online dating, we had sex. During the sexcapade, she scratched my chest so deep I started bleeding, and then bit my lip so hard blood was running down my chin. Since I was in somewhat of a debaucherous state, I was thinking yeah this girl is just wild and definitely not insane.

After we were all done, we decided to go play putt putt. Things we were fun, we bonded over how bad we both were, we were having a swell time. Then she proceeded to ask me what exactly I was looking for with online dating. There's no answer for that given it's the first time I met this girl in person so I say "I'm just going with the flow and seeing what happens". She lost her marbles and started screaming "I'm so tired of this shit", picked up the golfball and tried to throw it at me but missed by so much it went behind her and then threw her golf club into the bushes. At this point I'm laughing hysterically cause like what the fck. After a minute or 2, her temper tantrum comes to an absolute halt and she comes running up and hugs me. She then stares me dead in the eyes and says shes really into me, wants to be exclusive, and "oh yeah, I have borderline personality disorder". I let her down as gently as possible because I was trying to avoid being murdered, but yeah got us 2 separate ubers and successfully escaped.

It's been a month and she's still texting me...

posted about 5 years ago
#7110 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
J_pegI tried my hardest not to make it cringe, hopefully I'll get the 3rd one done soon.

crosshair for raw scout vids is an absolute must

posted about 5 years ago
#25 Calm game in Other Games


you explore and build stuff. super chill music and visuals

posted about 5 years ago
#20 keyboard thread in Hardware

sounds like very subtle raindrops

posted about 5 years ago
#17 keyboard thread in Hardware

hhkb with keyclack silencing rings, lubed with 205g0, hasu bluetooth mod, and ePBT 9009 keycaps

healios in the bag, waiting to put those in a ca66 when it arrives


posted about 5 years ago
#2 Pink box behind player health in Customization

alias hudmaker "mp_timelimit 99; sv_cheats 1; vgui_drawtree 1; vgui_drawtree_draw_selected 1"

not the answer ur looking for, but you'll be able to highlight the object that's causing the problem and it'll make hud debugging a lot easier in general.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 extracrispy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

i want to backup for your team

posted about 6 years ago
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