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Last Posted March 15, 2015 at 7:40 PM
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#19 extv chicago dm servers lag in TF2 General Discussion

Whatever happened to the multiple people who said they'd take care of running these servers? I personally created 3 sub-users with access to them for this very purpose - I'm not a server admin, I don't have the time to be a server admin - if I see something pop up, I'll take a look, but I don't have the time to babysit the DM servers.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 extv chicago dm servers lag in TF2 General Discussion

B10 is up on all 3 servers and they've been restarted.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 extv chicago dm servers lag in TF2 General Discussion

Link to it?

posted about 11 years ago
#6 extv chicago dm servers lag in TF2 General Discussion

extv srs stahp pls extv

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Interesting Salamancer post in TF2 General Discussion
G1Nobody's pinning their hopes of comp t2 around valves support. if valve ccould make money in this system they would do it.

I realistically can see this happening for highlander and i think it would huge step in the right direction

Based on what? What have they done in the past to grow the competitive aspect of TF2? I can "see" it happening, as well, I just don't see any reason for Valve to do it - there's no evidence they have any interest in taking an active role in the competitive side of the game - that's all I'm saying here, guys... I'd love it to happen, I just can't realistically imagine them changing their focus.

SalamancerThe community's doing a fantastic job of recruiting and training at the moment. This is just a pitch for an additional thing that Valve could do, and it'd make them some money too.

Really? You think the community is doing a fantastic job? I think we're serving a niche right now, and we're doing an ok job of that - that being those who are aware of and interested in competitive TF2. I bet at least 3 out of 5 pub players don't even know TF2 is played competitively. Are those people really the target for comp play? I don't know that, but if the goal here is to make competitive play accessible to all players, I'd say the community is average at best right now. The mixes are a great step, the pugs are great too, but even those are complicated for a new player to get involved in. Lobbies are the best option available now, but nobody knows if that will even be around or running tomorrow - let alone who actually runs it now. PubComp was a great idea, but it was over-planned, under-supported and apparently the whole thing hinged on 2 people, one of which ended up passing away. If the community wants to grow that aspect of the game, we can't have that happen again.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Interesting Salamancer post in TF2 General Discussion
Salamancer#30 That's why my idea is centered around increasing the ongoing cash flows from the game in the form of monthly/daily/per-match tickets.

I want it as much as you do, Sal... I'm just playing the role of the realist here and saying let's at least not get our hopes up and let's definitely not pin the future of competitive TF2 solely around Valve's support, as the chances of them changing their tune after 5 years is slim to none. The community will drive the competitive aspect of the game - we just need to do a better job of working together and put everything on a single point of failure (read: pubcomp).

posted about 11 years ago
#22 FULLY CHARGED 4 - communities! in TF2 General Discussion
AnthalTHAT'S MY NICHE, DUDER! You stay away.

I was getting drunk and yelling at people in lobbies live on streams when you were in diapers, kiddo.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Reminder: i46 Frag Vid Contest Ends Oct 15th in TF2 General Discussion

Yo, just to update everybody... we're going to cancel the contest and look into getting a single video created, instead.

Sorry for any confusion and for not making the push for the contest more aggressive... we'll get 'em next time.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Interesting Salamancer post in TF2 General Discussion
SalamancerI emailed Valve and included this thread + the reddit one for them to analyze for feedback. Here's hoping they take a look!

I said this over in the Reddit thread, but this has pretty much been put in front of Valve in various ways for the last 2 years... there has been no response, other than them saying they value competitive play of their game, but they need 'solid ideas' presented by the community to them and 'feedback' on how things can change. They've been spoon-fed both on various occasions (even eXtine pitched this IN PERSON on 2 occasions) and all we've seen are more hats, more crates, and MVM.

It's my opinion that Valve's actions are clearly speaking louder than their words here, and they've made it perfectly transparent that TF2 is their cash cow and they'll be putting their competitive efforts into DOTA2 and CS:GO. If we want these things, they'll have to be community developed based around the restrictions Valve puts on the game and the engine... that's where our efforts need to be focused - once again, in my opinion.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 FULLY CHARGED 4 - communities! in TF2 General Discussion

Between 10-20 minutes viewership shot up like 40%... clearly people want to see drunk people act a fool on TF2 streams... I'VE FOUND MY NICHE.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 FULLY CHARGED 4 - communities! in TF2 General Discussion

That was something special, wasn't it?

posted about 11 years ago
#19 TF2Lobby is down... in TF2 General Discussion

Has anyone tried to contact floor_master, mangy carface or any of the email addresses they provide on the about page? I despise lobbies (for the most part) as much as anyone, but it is a quick and easy way for most people to play an organized game of TF2.

EDIT: I'll take the credit (and blame) for it being back up. Guess my post was a true call to action. I'm the hero you don't deserve, sorry/you're welcome.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 huge stream viewers in TF2 General Discussion

I've been wanting to cover the newbie mix matches, having some issues w/ HUD and other various things... once I get the rust knocked off my shit I'll be all over those.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Webcam in Off Topic

Some people like to do vlogs in 1080p, Drake. That's the only reason I brought it up.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 eXtv ESEA Invite cast: Mix^ vs LG in TF2 General Discussion

Coincidence - it places there in order based on how they joined the server - we don't really have control over how they're positioned.

And yes, we're still working to develop a more intuitive HUD.

posted about 11 years ago
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