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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted November 27, 2019 at 8:43 AM
Posts 608 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⋅⋅ 41
#162 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic
remedyi was actually considering leaving my house and going to dallas pride but fuck that shit, ignore sjw bullshit and think about stuff like this when people say that the LGBT community isn't oppressed

The real oppression involved are our lgbt brothers and sisters suffering in mandated silence in middle eastern countries with backwards laws against being who you are.

The biggest victims of Islamic intolerance are Muslims.

posted about 7 years ago
#124 Mass shooting in Orlando in Off Topic

I said it in the Paris Attack thread and I'll say it here: small attacks like this represent the greatest threat from terrorism in today's world and they scare me to no end. There is nothing special about that club in Orlando that differentiates it from any other gay club in the country, it could have happened to any one of our cities and I think that, in the next couple years, it will.

And come the fuck on people. Obviously not all Muslims are one incident of gay PDA away from going on a rampage. Obviously. There are millions (billions?) of Muslims that live their lives peacefully, believe in secular governance and equal rights.

But since when in the fuck did being a good liberal person in the first world necessitate abandoning all of the liberalism that got us to a relativistic utopic lifestyle in the first place? Of course Islam had something to do with this, or more specifically certain interpretations of Islam. Its the same thing for Christianity. Not all Christians can only eat fish on Fridays, but certain interpretations do follow that rule (Catholicism).

Is it access to guns? Sure, a little. But availability of means of mass murder doesn't enable the will to commit the crime. Instant crimes of passion, a murder/suicide of a wife or whole family? Sure that could be done in the space of time that blind pure emotion takes over and would be prevented by lack of gun access. If all this guy could get was a knife, he probably wouldn't have killed 50 people. But that doesn't mean that he wouldn't have attacked. Its all well and good to favor gun reform, but the aftermath of Boston wasn't about limiting access to pressure cookers. I know that it is easier to commit crime with a gun than a pressure cooker and, in general, I am very pro gun reform in very specific ways, but the issue at hand here is not how he chose to commit the crime.

50 people and an extended shootout? This person was in full control of his actions and emotions during this event (to the extent that anyone is). Was he mentally ill? Now we are necessarily speculating. I would argue that anyone willing and capable of killing 50 people is not mentally right, but is the cause of those thoughts literal mental illness, diagnosable and treatable if only caught in time? Honestly we will never really know now. But even if he were, the mentally ill are more likely to have violence committed against them than to commit acts of violence, and most of those that are truly dangerous lack the mental wherewithal to plan, execute, and continue executing for an extended length of time, this sort of organized mass crime.

So what does that leave us with? I argue that it is a mixture of a dangerous radicalized ideology combined with a mind that is both susceptible and groomed in the right ways (intentionally or otherwise) that cause acts of terror like this to be carried out. In this case, the dangerous radicalized ideology was a radicalized Islamist one, but that isn't necessarily always true. But it would be the height of ignorance and willful stupidity so as not to be called out for your "intolerance" that would lead someone to say Islam had nothing to do with this. Radical Islam absolutely teaches that gays must be killed and other, extremely intolerable things to a modern society like the implementation of Sharia Law and the subjugation of women. This is Intolerance, and tolerating intolerance is not, in fact, tolerance. It is merely the passive-aggressive enabling of intolerance.

When searching for an answer to these sorts of events, why do we never take these "people" at their words? He SAID that this is an act of terrorism in the service of his religion, he said that this is an act of intolerance and that gays must die. Why are we so loathe to believe him? I know why. Because it challenges the insipid whimper of the regressive left who bemoan our intolerance of dangerous radicalized ideology in all its forms. We want to be good little tolerant people in the face of the greatest existential threat ever faced by western liberalism.

idk man, why can't we just all love each other.

My thoughts are with those in Orlando who died and who lost family, friends, loved ones and colleagues. Orlando just got a little less colorful.

posted about 7 years ago
#456 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
Spadesgg to bowflexing
thank you COUCH for casting that

you and I have vastly different opinions on "good".

You guys played well and deserve the win. We embarrassed ourselves.

posted about 7 years ago
#309 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
flatlineholy shit and I thought i had it rough in like s19 when i did open rankings, i can't imagine trying to write this season

hats off to you loot

also WHY THE FUCK DO YOU PEOPLE CARE if someone doesn't think you're as good as you (think you) are, instead of bitching about it on tftv just play better and make them rethink their opinion

Trust me, the abuse is near constant and comes in the form of PMs, steam messages and in thread hate. Rating teams against each other is at best a subjective exercise and is usually a pseudo-random attempt at predicting the inherently unpredictable.

Thanks for even trying loot, it gets easier the longer the season goes on.

posted about 7 years ago
#257 ESEA-O S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
lootGranted they are still underwhelming in scrims,

You're underwhelming in scrims

loot but 2 seemingly effortless 5-0 victories in week 1

Against shit teams :3

loot, including massive performances from demoman fdwdo, shows that they are rapidly improving.

Read: people learned to listen to main calls

loot Maincaller Dr Shdwpuppet allegedly yells at Dreamboat a lot, which can't hurt

and I quote "If you are too god damn high to play, touch yourself, and use your fucking microphone at the same time, get the fuck out of my server"

loot He seems determined to whip them all into shape.

They are a good group of dedicated guys that I am really proud to be leading, honestly it is less about the yelling and the main calling and more about working together inside and outside of the game to identify problems and try and understand each other.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Opinion: 6s needs payload maps. in The Dumpster
LainSideshowIf we were gonna move game-mode I'd advocate quite a few before getting to PL. PL sucks in tf2 which is a movement based game unlike OW and excels with fast-paced teamfights back and forth across a map.
I actually would like to hear what you'd have in mind. Payload is 100% a no-go, but A/D seems like it could work.

Sideshow is probably the single biggest advocate of bringing back A/D in the form of gravelpit.

posted about 7 years ago
#106 Newbie Mix Coaches in TF2 General Discussion


Kevin woke up this evening in the hospital after a 36 hour 21st birthday drinking binge that, I am told, ended with him dancing mostly naked on a fake horse inside a furry club, falling off and hitting his head on a pile of metal dildos.


I am admining tonight and we need moar coaches! There may (or may not) be a coaches raffle for a 20$ gift card at the end of the night!

Come please. There are too many newbies ;~;

posted about 7 years ago
#158 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
lootmustardoverlordjust want to point out that, when I was on a highlander team with him a couple years ago, phorofor didn't know who nelson mandela was

I feel like there's a lesson in here somewhere...

the guy from shawshank redemption?

Right actor wrong movie

posted about 8 years ago
#137 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster

god damn I would give everything to have the opportunity to play for a team like ronin.

how do you let some e-tits get in the way of something like that.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Death By Paper Plates Reform LFP Open Playoffs S22 in Recruitment (looking for players)
DreamboatJust realized at least part of playoffs falls when I'm supposedly in the UK.

Likely LF starting scout. Add Def.

perhaps a brief discussion with the team (either last night at scrims or at least with me over any of the 4 or 5 ways we have to contact each other) before putting that post up so that we might assess options that don't involve losing a starting scout less than a week before our first matches might have been a better approach.

posted about 8 years ago
#124 Any AmericanTF2 people want to meet up or host me? in Off Topic
hookyI'm in Indy but I'm still under 21 and going to bars/breweries is basically the only thing to do here so...

There are a few other people here though, I'm sure they'll see this by then.

He's gonna miss the Indy 500, which is probably actually a good thing.

You're right though... drinking is about all there is to do here :/

posted about 8 years ago
#298 TF2Stadium.com in Projects

Our thoughts and (if relevant) prayers are with Kevin right now as he is recovering from an illness. In the meantime we intend on continuing his strong work promoting and organizing tf2stadium and his other projects.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Linux users: How's tf2 running? in TF2 General Discussion

Arch linux with linux-ck kernel patch and multicore rendering turned off in tf2.

I probably get ~50-100 more fps than I do in windows

posted about 8 years ago
#57 The Underbelly in Off Topic

Oh Lord like daily anymore, drugs etc are rampant. Some funnier ones.

Suicidal/SI young woman who was perfectly fine, concerned friend called for a welfare check because she wasn't answering her phone. Cops are there and there is a bong just chilling on the table with a tin with a marijuana leaf on top right next to it. She had two terrariums, one with a cute rat, the other blatantly growing mushrooms. Cops gave no shit and one of them complemented her on the nice, bright purple, 'tobacco pipe'

Young gentleman outside of a CVS chewing on his jacket, thought he was dying because he tried huffing for the first time and thought the super bitter taste in his mouth was him being poisoned. Cops took him to jail, mostly to scare the shit out if him, after I assured him that he wasn't dying and they stopped laughing long enough to cuff him.

(Not funny) Treated a cop that had to shoot someone for heart palpitations from the adrenaline and a cut on his hand. After he calmed down, spent the rest of the time sobbing about having to shoot the, maybe 19 year old kid and about the kids family. Cop was 24, new on the force. Kid he shot made it.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Peace out in TF2 General Discussion

Every time I hold last it will be in your memory

posted about 8 years ago
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