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SteamID64 76561198007743571
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:23738921
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted February 24, 2023 at 5:59 AM
Posts 767 (0.2 per day)
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Headphones ATH-m50
Monitor dell
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#151 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
SeagullclorgEnforcer: Everyone would be using this and run around with spy kritz because it's amazing.
are you real?

You should probably test these weapons yourself before suggesting them. I know you're invite, but I don't really think you understand how much these weapons would be used and abused. There's a reason they've been banned and I believe will stay banned.

posted about 9 years ago
#137 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
SeagullExamples: Persian Persuader, Eureka Effect, Diamondback, Enforcer, Spycicle (might have forgotten some)

2. Powerjack. If a team somehow manages to run full time pyro, they'd probably be better off with a scout or soldier. It allows for some creative mid strategies, and if a team wants to spend the time experimenting with those over more standard mids, I think they should be given the option, especially when they would be at a disadvantage afterwards.

Going to talk about these weapons.

Persian Persuader: This weapon is amazing. All demos will switch to it while holding last because there's no reason not to, you get a free health pickup+the resupply gives you your ammo back. Also rewards demos being roamer crazy and diving for picks without dying cause of the amount of health you can pick back up from dropped weapons etc.

Eureka Effect: Engineer puts himself out of position to set up a dumb sentry/teleporter spot then goes back to spawn by pressing right-click. Yeah, no thanks.

Diamondback: Already discussed, getting kills and turning them into 102 crits is stupid strong.

Enforcer: Everyone would be using this and run around with spy kritz because it's amazing.

Spycicle: Straight upgrade and silent back kill. Why?

Powerjack: Promotes annoying pyros to be even more annoying! Get to mid as medic and a pyro is air blasting you into a wall while the enemy demo stickies you and roamer jumps you. Who wouldn't run this weapon anyways, for axtinguisher or what? Terrible idea.

posted about 9 years ago
#22 What shall we do with in TF2 General Discussion
Ma3laais there any way to integrate something like onto or some kind of pug system that links with your profile which would be shown in the pug or something like that? just throwin ideas out, it's impossible to find pugs anymore.

I've already thrown this idea out there back when pugna was still on gamesurge. could put a hyperlink or integrate somewhere.

Edit: a problem I see with this is randoms adding up and ruining pugs/making pugs overpopulated with newbies.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 What shall we do with in TF2 General Discussion
MunchHaving all the tf2 channels on the same network was kind of convenient. I don't really care what network it's on but all the relevant irc channels should still be on the same network. Since mix stayed on gamesurge while moved it seemed like a lot of players just started playing in mix since it was still on the old convenient network and therefore started to become less populated.

Another thing about this is and when pugna switched ircs it was no longer shown on this simple easy web irc that cinq developed. Now that back up it might be time to look at switching back to gamesurge to get featured on it again.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 What shall we do with in TF2 General Discussion

Hold monthly regulated cups with good management. Start off small, with big names, and slowly move up growing traction in the community. Might be a huge flop, but could be the thing to set apart and get it active again.

posted about 9 years ago
#43 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Cow Mangler
-Removes the skill of managing your reserve ammo and the downside of minimal sentry damage is rarely an issue in 6s. The charge shot is also ridiculous since it sets targets on fire and deals mini crit damage.

If you're charging the charge shot, you're basically a free kill to anyone who sees you, so you deserve the charge shot.

-One-shots 125 hp classes at the cost of your secondary weapon. The Direct Hit is at the cost of the Soldier's primary weapon. The Soldier gives up splash damage but Demo still has the Sticky Launcher. So you can't compare the Loch-n-Load to the Direct Hit.

Loch n load one shots classes, but so does sniper rifle, direct hit, loose cannon, knives, kritz, any 2-hit combo with pyro, and ambassador in most cases. If stickies are so good of a weapon, than why aren't the booties banned as well? Because pipes are a pretty amazing side weapon, and taking them away to replace them with a 2 shot one-hitter that will blow you up in close combat is a pretty big disadvantage.

Brass Beast
-Mobility doesn't matter that much when you're defending the point. The extra damage counts for something.

Mobility means everything in this game. You can't jump to the point with brass beast like you can with minigun, you have to stand directly on point or close enough to get spammed hard.

Holiday Punch
-You can stun ubered players with the Holiday Punch. Even highlander banned this garbage.

Stun ubered players if you get behind them as the slowest class in the game, and it only really effects them once unless they're dumb. They deserve to get stunned if this happens to them.

Southern Hospitality
-Bleed effect is annoying even though it would rarely come up.

How is it annoying exactly? Chip damage? Tribalman's shiv and all pyro weapons are allowed.

Solemn Vow
-Let's you read the enemy medic's uber accurately if you can look at them. Removes the skill of tracking small uber advantages.

You have to put your medic out of harms way to check, and the skill of tracking uber advantages is extremely easy to grasp especially if your team is competent and calls.

Cleaner's Carbine
-Free crits if you get a clean up kill.

The downside is the smg, though. Also there's no free crits if you have to work harder to get it.

-This gives you a free crit for every kill you get. They changed it from buildings sapped to kills. Pretty dumb.

Did not know this, thought it was just buildings. Keep banned.

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

here u go

Beggar's Bazooka: nvm thought they patched it, i was wrong keep banned

Cowmangler: nerfed, no longer overpowered

loch n' load: I like this weapon, no rollers is a pretty big downside+2shots. Also direct hit is allowed.

Brass Beast: standing still heavies lmao

Dalokh's Bar: not a good item

Holiday Punch: for fun item, like rocket jumper/sticky jumper

Southern Hospitality: straight upgrade for sixes, but too hard to implement

Solemn Vow: not as good as other medic melees, but is a straight upgrade. controversial.

Cleaner's Carbine: too hard to implement, the lower ammo count is a huge downside.

Diamondback: nvm, didn't know it was buffed. keep banned.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 karova lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

let me carry him when i rang for his team

posted about 9 years ago
#22 been retired for about 6 months now, whatd i miss? in TF2 General Discussion
KhakikirbycapnfapnClassic mixup came in 2nd but was disqualified and all members were banned from esea for a season because mr slin, their medic, was caught tinkering with esea lan servers.

yz50 came back under an alias but was caught after he dodged the lan.
clorgDon't forget about their designated backup, spadez, who did really well in a few matches. Probably would have replaced dflame or m4risa if he didn't fake his suicide again midway through the season.
are there any threads about these? i would love to read them.
Nah some people made threads about it but Enigma got furious at all the drama and deleted all the threads as well as banning anyone who mentions anything about it.

edit: oops

posted about 10 years ago
#16 been retired for about 6 months now, whatd i miss? in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapnZowie E-sports (indust, m4risa, dflame, mangachu, thorn, and duwatana) won the last esea lan.

Don't forget about their designated backup, spadez, who did really well in a few matches. Probably would have replaced dflame or m4risa if he didn't fake his suicide again midway through the season.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 nonis lft IMish in Recruitment (looking for team)

woo nonis

posted about 10 years ago
#22 calling all goodp layers in TF2 General Discussion
squidWithADanceNumberur shit squid
sorry i dont think someone who cheated in lobbys counts as a good playter please do not post again

posted about 10 years ago
#16 calling all goodp layers in TF2 General Discussion
m4risaharb is drunk

posted about 10 years ago
#11 yo you ready for level 2? in Off Topic

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You got fucked

you can't post that without this


posted about 10 years ago
#95 Super Smash Brothers 4 Official Trailer! in Other Games

posted about 10 years ago
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