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Signed Up April 21, 2014
Last Posted July 2, 2014 at 2:41 PM
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#14 Looking To Buy Keyboard Generally Around Tf2, CS in Hardware
Fayngsky_so I'm gonna get a mechanical keyboard since my A and D keys are basically broken (the membrane caps are torn). What are the differences between switches? I keep hearing about them but I know next to nothing about the subject.I think it is mainly the force needed to push the keys down and the sound of the keys, don't know much else.

ok, there are 4 main different switches, made by a company called cherry, they are the reds, blues, browns, and blacks, they group together like this, the blues and browns, when you click a key, they dont have that feed back if you get what im saying, like they dont tense up to let you know that the key actually clicked, they are suppose to be prefered for typing, reds and browns have that feedback, but i believe browns take more force to press down then reds, or it might be vice versa.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Looking To Buy Keyboard Generally Around Tf2, CS in Hardware
Redibrandbrandget a kbt race, any one of theirs is awesome, they are reds i believe, and they all dont have numpads, my fav is the kbt race limited edition, which i actually just bought off of mix^ platinum because they dont make them anymore and are incredibly hard to find.
What's the price around those since they don't make them?

the one that i bought is about, well ... idk. the one i bought, when it was new last year was $180, but its limited edition so they stopped making them, i saw a pink version of the same l.e. one go for $92 plus shipping, i myself bought it from plat for $75, with shipping $90 since i wanted the 1-2 day shipping.

you can buy the race 2, and the 75% pure versions for like $120 maybe, not totally sure.

but i highly reccomend these keyboards, not just for performance but for aesthetics too.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 How to edit ammo_red_bg and ammo_blue_bg? in Customization

han i added you but your offline

posted about 9 years ago
#10 The Grime S16-O Highlights in Videos

wow, this is amazing

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Looking To Buy Keyboard Generally Around Tf2, CS in Hardware

get a kbt race, any one of theirs is awesome, they are reds i believe, and they all dont have numpads, my fav is the kbt race limited edition, which i actually just bought off of mix^ platinum because they dont make them anymore and are incredibly hard to find.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 How to edit ammo_red_bg and ammo_blue_bg? in Customization

like, i dont know if im opening it right, i have only used vtfedit once to make the main menu background for my hud, so all i did was extract the files from the misc_dir with gcfscape to my desktop, and then left clicked on the file and it opened in vtfedit, an example of the code i saw was:

$outlinecolor "[0.9 0.9 0.8]"
$outlinestart0 0.4
$outlinestart1 0.525
$outlineend0 0.525
$outlineend1 0.65

"$translucent" 1
"$baseTexture" "hud\gradient_blue"
"$detail" "hud\ammo_area_mask"
$detailscale 1
$detailblendmode 8
$distancealphafromdetail 1

// give it a slight outer soft edge
$softedges 1
$edgesoftnessstart 0.45
$edgesoftnessend 0.3
$scaleedgesoftnessbasedonscreenres 1

// give it a white outline
$outline 1
$outlinecolor "[0.7 0.7 0.5]"
$outlinestart0 0.3
$outlinestart1 0.49
$outlineend0 0.49
$outlineend1 0.73
$scaleoutlinesoftnessbasedonscreenres 1
// and a drop shadow
$glow 1
$glowcolor "[0 0 0]"
$glowalpha 0.45
$glowstart 0.03
$glowend 0.5
$glowx -0.001
$glowy -0.001

// "$vertexcolor" 1
$distancealpha 1
"$no_fullbright" 1
"$ignorez" 1
"%keywords" "tf"

posted about 9 years ago
#1 How to edit ammo_red_bg and ammo_blue_bg? in Customization

If anyone can give me some clues as how to edit it, tried vtfedit, and came up with a bunch of lines of code, if thats it, could someone tell me how to edit it into a shape

posted about 9 years ago
#126 Twitch TFTV invitational ideas in TF2 General Discussion
manabrandbrandtwitch john should give rayshud a sub buttom like he has been requesting, for a while nowTwitch has a separate method of giving out subscribership, telling Twitch John through here (which is not related) is not the way to do it.

just trying to help out a friend

posted about 9 years ago
#124 Twitch TFTV invitational ideas in TF2 General Discussion

twitch john should give rayshud a sub buttom like he has been requesting, for a while now

posted about 9 years ago
#47 Favorite Health and ammo position? in Customization
vilewhy don't you make the hud the way you want it? are you not gonna use your own hud?

yes and no, i am making multiple huds do to the fact that i cant make up my mind, smooth fonts or bold fonts, vibrant colors, dark colors, light colors, etc

so i will use one of my own huds, to which one i am not sure

posted about 9 years ago
#45 Favorite Health and ammo position? in Customization
wareyabottom corners of the pretend square filling the center of the screen

lol wut

posted about 9 years ago
#43 Favorite Health and ammo position? in Customization
omniAlright, I'm pretty sure this has gotten to the point where it's starting to look sad.

People just seem irked that you've made a few threads about HUD preferences or anything to do with your HUD, specifically to do with researching what people like and don't like. I personally don't think that's a bad thing, but I reckon you'd get a better reaction out of people if you showed progress of your HUD.

Not saying that this thread is targeting something to do with your HUD specifically, as you were just asking a question based on preference, yet due to past posts people seem to have taken your thread the wrong way, believing you are using it for research. This may not be the case, and research is fine, but maybe keep that kind of stuff to the HUD modifications thread. Asking questions there wouldn't get you so much shit.

I think some people have posted in this thread with the wrong attitude and that they should stop where they've left it. The problem is, reacting by saying "fuck you" to people and giving them the same hostility back makes you no better than they are acting. Also, giving hostility towards people who aren't actually giving it to you isn't a clever idea either. It gives people the impression that you're a shitstain, and when it comes to you needing help with something HUD related, people may not want to help you due to past experiences.

Just take a step back, stop posting 4 times in a row to dumb shit and relax.

finally someone gets it. and it wasnt even a few threads, to be specific, it was this current one, and one about what to name it since i didnt want to take a generic root and call it brandbrandhud

posted about 9 years ago
#41 Favorite Health and ammo position? in Customization
leaked hud as of May 16 @ 7:04pm
Maybe lower the size of the font for health and ammo a bit, and some other colors?
that screeny is old, that was on like the first day i started making it, not even using the same colors, size, fonts and placements as that picture
leaked hud as of May 16 @ 7:04pm
that is old so idc
so old you had to say it twice? lol

fuck you, and it wasnt your post i was answering different post, seriously, what is your problem with me, why did you bring the negativity to me from the start, give me one good reason why you should, and i will apologize publicly to you

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Favorite Health and ammo position? in Customization
jermangur not gonna please everyone just make a hud and stop making threads about ur hud

not trying to please everyone and wow, didnt know 2 threads were alot, and i will make as many threads as i please

redrocket4brandbrandi currently have 20 people....over 40 said they liked it+40 > 20

i typed that in a confusing way, and you read it wrong bc of that

HardingoWill it be called BBHUD???


Dave_i put them on the center of my monitor
close to the crosshair
u know i dont wanna lose track of them



Ragorismbrandbrandwhy so much hostility, what have i ever done to you people, it was a simple few questions. and fayng, i have made 2 threads, if 2 threads are alot then i am wrong about alot of things
You seem awfully sensitive, considering there has been no real hostility, merely concern that you're making a lot of unnecessary threads.

The answer you're looking for will be personal preference. Just make your HUD based off of what you prefer, there's no need for all of this research and control groups and shit.

I mean unless you want your HUD to be unique for the sake of it, then put the health and ammo in the top-left, top-center, or top-right areas of the screen, or hell, remove them entirely

no shit im a tad sensitive, maybe its from all of the upsetting comments, and your stupid if you cant see the hostality, and i wasnt making alot of unnecesary threads, no shit its about preference, and there is need for research when i see it and ill do it if i want

omniRagorismThe answer you're looking for will be personal preference. Just make your HUD based off of what you prefer, there's no need for all of this research and control groups and shit.
This shit is what the first reply should have been. You're not going to please everyone with your HUD, so don't look to do that. Make it to your preference, but if you're planning on releasing it, keep other people in mind, AKA make it nice to look at.

You could just go full ToonHUD and have a bunch of different versions for people to choose from. Lowered, center lowered, center center, different fonts etc.

i stated ik its preference from the start, i said your favorite, not the best. dc if i dont please everyone.

OTLjust take broesel and change the font/recolour, it worked for most of us hudmakers. its what the people want.

also don't forget your konr wings

dont worry, there will be konr wings, wouldnt use a hud without them myself

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Favorite Health and ammo position? in Customization
cardanbrandbrandChrom3w0lfi bet you wont even make a hudi can give you the beta hud, i currently have 20 people testing it out per update,and over 40 said they liked it
40 out of 20 people liked it? There's something wrong with those numbers but I can't quite put my finger on it.

omg, 20 people beta'd it, i asked and showed (about 40 people in total) certain screenshots of my hud and they said they liked it and might try it

posted about 9 years ago
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